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Jurassic World (Various): New for 2022

Started by GojiraGuy1954, November 13, 2021, 10:58:21 PM

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I managed to find the HC T. rex last night and am feeling mighty proud of myself for having so much patience instead of giving into the hype this thing generated. I just waited until my local Target had it in stock, drove 4 miles, and bought it. No hopping from store-to-store over the last month on the off chance they might have it. I bought it exactly the way I wanted to buy it without the fuss and aggravation. Which makes me think of this Gennaro set...

I entertained the idea of getting this set because I hadn't found the HC rex yet and this almost seemed like the easier and more sensible option. But I don't really like the darker paintjob of the exclusive rex and paying $90+ just to get the lawyer from Jurassic Park and fancy cardboard seems like borderline madness to me. Would I like a Gennaro to round out the cast? Yes. Do I need him that badly? No. Add to that what I said before, that this is an exclusive that requires you to be in a particular place at a specific time only to HAVE TO WAIT IN A DIGITAL CHECKOUT LINE and I am so glad I didn't waste my time. At this point I wouldn't want the set just out of spite. The whole ordeal leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 

I hate that these companies dangle these overpriced trinkets over our heads as if we're salivating dogs, and we beg for them just like dogs would. That instead of giving the fans a readily available and affordable figure that they know fans want, they decide to make it an exclusive and package it with a repaint that increases the price exponentially. They make us go to war with each other, they make us waste our time on a chance. The consumerism and capitalism, the scalpers, the hoops companies want us to jump through just to give them our money, all of it just makes my blood boil. It reminds me of Black Friday and all the instances of consumerism at its ugliest.

Anyway, that's just my opinion, and I don't expect other collectors to agree. At times like this I'm happy that I collect readily available extant and extinct animal figures that have a long shelf life. No hurry, no fuss, no rat race. Just buy the toy at my own leisure. The type of collecting that I see people go through to get figures like this, it looks depressing and exhausting. I would sooner stop collecting altogether than put myself through it. Seeing the sadness in people, reading their horror stories, they did everything they could to get these toys and still come up empty handed. They play the game and still lose. I hate it. Now how many of them will pay a scalper $200...just to have an action figure of Martin Ferrero with a toilet.  :-\


Quote from: Sovereign59 on July 22, 2022, 06:15:12 PMWell that was miserable. I was on the Mattel Creations page to try and order the SDCC Hammon Rex set as it went up for sale a little over an hour ago. I was able to add the item to my cart, and then it put me in a "waiting in line" countdown for a little over 10 minutes. During the countdown it kept saying that the item was still in stock, and kept updating the time remaining until checkout. I reached checkout and put in all my information, then clicked Continue to Shipping. At that point, of course, Item no longer available.

That kinda stuff drives me nuts. I hate these exclusives. Just a way to create inflated prices and anxiety for collectors, while giving scalpers more money.


Elasmosaurus and Gigantspinosaurus look decent. Rest are passes. Not sure why they keep chasing after obscure fragmentary species before bothering with things like Acrocanthosaurus, Yutyrannus, Utahraptor (but well at least BotM got those covered or soon will), or the canon Oviraptor and Corythosaurus. At least Nothosaurus was leaked so we have that on the way to look forward too. At this point mainline is mostly a lost cause for me, with some exceptions (like this year's Liopleurodon and Megaraptor, aside from the film canon species mostly), but hey that's more money and space saved for other things I actually want so. At least HC and Legacy are still a thing. Aside from some mainline exceptions like the Nothosaurus, I'll stick to those next year I guess.

Also I was surprised to see how fast the Gennaro set sold out based on comments from the instagram posts. Hope everyone here who wanted it got one. Seems like some missed out on it though. No doubt scalpers were out in full force trying to ruin it for everyone.

avatar_Gwangi @Gwangi those are basically my thoughts. Really glad I got my HC T. rex pre-order through BBTS when I did. Like you said Gennaro would have been nice to roundout the cast, and as cool as it was for them to finally do this set, slapping on a repaint of a figure just released (with poor availability though atm), that isn't even all that film accurate, to increase the price of the set, all the while cheaping out with cardboard for the outhouse when this set costs $80 is scummy, especially considering the combined cost of the standard HC T. rex and the HC human figures is $62.98, so where is that $17 going towards? The electronic toilet base? The box? I mean this isn't nearly as bad as what they did the Dominion Ellie figure, but feels almost like it. Even if I wasn't needing to move and/or had the money I would have sat this one out because it doesn't sit well with me. And even though the stuff with Nedry in 2020 was pretty stressful, and I got lucky, at least the raincoat version came out the year after so it was still a way to get the one of the more important characters from the film. Honestly thinking about it more I'm just relived they didn't pull this stunt with Lex or Tim. I remember the outrage when they did it with Hammond (even if he was released in a set the year after with some JP styled raptor repaints.
Film Accurate Mattel JW and JP toys list (incl. extended canon species, etc):

Every Single Mainline Mattel Jurassic World Species A-Z; 2024 toys added!:

Most produced Paleozoic genera (visual encyclopedia):


I suspect that one of the leaked theropods is in fact Yutyrannus, but we shall have to see. And yeah, I don't get why Mattel hasn't tackled Acrocanthosaurus yet.

Might also be neat if they did more ankylosaurs. Perhaps we could get one that actually resembles the real deal more than that tired and outdated Ankylosaurus.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


New reveals will be added about a week late as i am not at home at the moment
Shrek 4 is an underrated masterpiece


Good thing when I was still collecting the Mainline,  I only Collected things that were not Exclusives.

Of Course that hasent stopped Mattel from makeing more things a pain to obtain, (Cough Scutosaurus, Cough Cough Cough)

I Quit the line because of that.


I'm really excited about the Dryptosaurus simply because it is an east coast dinosaur. Yes, it is a fragmentary species, but with the east coast you have to take what you can get. I have some home pride for our few dinosaurs. Also there's the Charles Knight painting "Leaping Laelaps" and it's one of the first theropods ever found. Fragmentary, yes, an important animal in paleontological history, also yes. Frankly I'm not even in love with the toy, it's the name that's selling it for me. The Elasmosaurus is cool and I hope it's BIG. And I like the Gigantspinosaurus too, an improvement over the last two stegosaurs.

Yes avatar_Faelrin @Faelrin, this exclusive set also reminds me of the Ellie set. I bought the kitchen set just to have Lex and was annoyed that I basically had to pay $20 for her, so paying $80 for Gennaro is out of the question. I suspect that Mattel will eventually release Gennaro and Arnold in the HC line. I really hope so at least. They're jerks if they don't.


So that spiky dark colored theropod was Dryptosaurus...skip then!

Fantastic to see Elasmosaurus join the marine reptile rooster, albeit I wish it's head wasn't as angry looking as it seems. Gigantspinosaurus is a maybe. Xuanhanosaurus is another skip.
Quote from: suspsy on July 22, 2022, 10:23:37 PMI suspect that one of the leaked theropods is in fact Yutyrannus, but we shall have to see. And yeah, I don't get why Mattel hasn't tackled Acrocanthosaurus yet.

Might also be neat if they did more ankylosaurs. Perhaps we could get one that actually resembles the real deal more than that tired and outdated Ankylosaurus.
Been asking for an Acro since the first non-movie toy line.

Unfortunately for overseas collector like me, we are still mostly dependent on whatever the mainline gives, as the Hammond collection is not distributed outside the USA and I can't afford to import every single figure they make. Sure, I have a relatively "cheap" option of importing through, but I'm still paying for extra shipping an taxes that I wish I did have to. I do have the intention to import potential future HC figures that tackle something the mainline has not done/not done justice or that I have not been able to acquire, like:

-Some human characters, for example Dominion versions of Alan, Grant and Ellie. The human/dino packs did not arrive in my country and I refuse to pay for the final battle set to get Ellie.
-A Pyroraptor with wings.
-JP3 raptors, Ankylosaurus, Corythosaurus
-Nasutoceratops (unless Mattel releases a repaint in the mainline).
-Maybe a TLW accurate Stegosaurus.

Also I am tempted to get the Para and the Trike, even if the later is basically the same size as the mainline one. But again, too much extra expenses because of importing, so I rather go for the mainline in most cases rather than wait for a HC figure, besides, we don't know how long it would last.

The funny thing is...sometimes I have to import stuff from the main line anyway...


Managed to snag one of the Gennaro sets cuz I guess I don't have any self control. I too found it a bit scummy to push out the HC rex to excited fans only to turn around and pack an unnecessary repaint of it with a long-awaited legacy character to pad out the price point. On one hand, I get it. It's Gennaro's most iconic scene for goodness sake. Of course an exclusive is going to want to play into that, and perhaps releasing just him on a toilet wouldn't have resulted in as much fanfare. That being said, perhaps if they had reversed it, released this exclusive set first then did the standard HC rex for fans who weren't able to get their hands on one while giving others a chance to decide if they want a second HC rex mold, then I'd be less upset. As is, eager collectors who went out and got the HC rex as soon as possible are now saddled with a second just to get the human character. I suppose there is a lesson to be learned in patience here, and I'm pretty certain Gennaro will reappear as a standard HC human down the line (although Ray Arnold's absence has me a bit worried) but it still feels like the situation could have been handled better.
At the end of the day for me, the presentation was too good to ignore, and the collector inside me would have been mortified if I missed out on this chance and never saw Gennaro again. There's no two ways about it though, it was a begrudging purchase.

As far as the new reveals go, Elasmosaurus is the standout for me. Although I will say, what's with that harness??


Cool to see these four new figures!

I think they all look great, and those two theropods are the definite standouts to me.

Blue is my favorite color so I will definitely have to get the Dryptosaurus in three shades of blue, and its forearm sculpting is some of the best Mattel has ever done. The Xuanhanosaurus has a more naturalistic color pattern, and some feathers. Not bad.


Hello. I wasn't sure if I should post this here or in the Comparison Thread, so admins please feel free to move it if needed.

Can I have a side to side pic of the Hammond Collection Triceratops and Nasutoceratops to see how they size up please?


Today's the last day of SDCC. Hopefully Mattel will reveal a few more toys at least.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


The Elasmosaurus' head could have been done better. I mean, how hard is it to do one properly?
Even the JP3 dinos were somewhat better, back when Hasbro was doing its best and we all failed to appreciate them due to whiny SW nerds who wanted EP2 tp be a continuation of POTF2. and when they went back to POTF2 formula and aesthetics, they all laughed like the babies they are. And most of us were too young to whine on the internet anyways.  Don't get me wrong, it's an extremely pleasant surprise to have more marine animals, or semi-aquatic ones, but dang, that head is so early 90's bad art that it is difficult to ignore. Oh well, wallet, here we go.

The others are fine and exactly what I would expect. All that blue though... maybe that is why I am referencing the turn of the century.


The Elasmosaurus head looks good to me, happy to see Mattel didn't fall into the trope of giving it teeth that stick out sideways.


Im glad we will have an elasmosaurus, but this year...I dont have the same hype I used to have for the figures like previous years. I think I will focus in Hammond, there are not many but I prefferd have a few than many with quality dropping. This year I only got: Therizino, Allosaurus, Miragai, Dsuganipterus and Yangchuanosaurus. Probably I will get Dread due its a dread!


I think they're making vaguely theropod-like toys and then spinning a roulette wheel of genus names and assigning whichever one comes up.
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avatar_Halichoeres @Halichoeres Bruh that's the same vibe I'm getting with some of those leaks. The fact most were unrecognizable is not a good thing to me imo. Then when we get names like Dryptosaurus (a fragmentary, but historically important dinosaur which David handled with grace in the BotM line), and Xuanhanosaurus, which is a fragmentary genus of metraicanthosaurid (and after checking theropod database only has some of the spine and arms), and I'm just thinking what and why? Granted the Xuanhanosaurus figure is nicely feathered, but I think that would fit better as a coelurosaur. It also just goes to show what a shame that the Moros didn't end up like that.

Again I also don't get why they seem to keep prioritizing fragmentary obscure animals over ones with more extensive remains and are also much more popular, as far as some of these new theropods go. I mean animals like Collovosaurus made sense because it came from the books, but we're still missing things like Cearadactlyus (which is now in JWE2 because of that). Also if they're going to keep doing fragmentary animals why not make a Megalosaurus then, the first dinosaur named? Granted if one of those leaks is in fact Yutyrannus, well then that's great, but I still question the many others, when again we still don't have Acrocanthosaurus, Corythosaurus, Oviraptor, and many others. On top of that there's still many well received figures awaiting repaints like Postosuchus, Scutosaurus, etc. 

That said I do applaud them doing Gigantspinosaurus (which at least is in JWE2, and was handled better then the Miragaia), Elasmosaurus, and the leaked Diabloceratops. There's also the leaked Nothosaurus which is in CCS5, and again a potential Yutyrannus, but I feel most will be skips.
Film Accurate Mattel JW and JP toys list (incl. extended canon species, etc):

Every Single Mainline Mattel Jurassic World Species A-Z; 2024 toys added!:

Most produced Paleozoic genera (visual encyclopedia):


Victoria's review of the SDCC exclusive "Outhouse Chaos" set.

Seeing the side by side comparisons with the regular HC rex, I'm not so sure I can justify spending aftermarket prices on this set anymore. While the exclusive "rain deco" isn't bad, I do prefer the regular HC paint deco over it. The fact that the toilet-stall is made out of cheap cardboard also goes directly against Hammond's philosophy of sparing no expenses ::) .

Hopefully Gennaro will be released as a normal figure in the HC line further down the road, along with the rest of the JP main cast...


First images of the new line, "Dino Trackers" are making the rounds from the usual news accounts. Looks like we got some new features, and the sculpts aren't bad but paint is hit and miss (what's there of it anyway).
Eocarcharia and Sinotyrannus are some of the mystery therapods that were leaked a while back.

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