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Jurassic World (Various): New for 2022

Started by GojiraGuy1954, November 13, 2021, 10:58:21 PM

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Just from that small glimpse we can see on that packaging, the Pyroraptor looks to have wings. I'm still keeping my expectations low, but it already looks a step up from the Oviraptor was, minus the head shape here, although that was leaked earlier and already was discussed in the Dominion thread.

I'm really hoping we get to see figures of this thing by NY Toy Fair, assuming it isn't or hasn't been cancelled due to Omnicron. Still about over a month away anyways.
Film Accurate Mattel JW and JP toys list (incl. extended canon species, etc):

Every Single Mainline Mattel Jurassic World Species A-Z; 2024 toys added!:

Most produced Paleozoic genera (visual encyclopedia):


Quote from: Faelrin on January 17, 2022, 03:44:35 PM
Just from that small glimpse we can see on that packaging, the Pyroraptor looks to have wings. I'm still keeping my expectations low, but it already looks a step up from the Oviraptor was, minus the head shape here, although that was leaked earlier and already was discussed in the Dominion thread.

I'm really hoping we get to see figures of this thing by NY Toy Fair, assuming it isn't or hasn't been cancelled due to Omnicron. Still about over a month away anyways.

Sadly TF2022 has been cancelled already,

Maybe we will get online TF's by the various companies.  It's not just Covid, but staffing issues, travel issues, so many businesses are struggling still. They just can't make the convention.

TF might never come back we've not had one in what three years now?


Quote from: CityRaptor on January 17, 2022, 08:09:01 AM
That is just Clementino's usual old junk with some JW stuff slapped on the packaging. The had a set involving these 2 and their Triceratops for the previous movie. Companies have been pulling that stuff for decades.
Only good thing about that packaging is the glimpse at Pyroraptor.

I think we need to split this thread since that and the Smithonian stuff is not Mattel.
Fixed it
Shrek 4 is an underrated masterpiece


avatar_Blade-of-the-Moon @Blade-of-the-Moon Thanks for the heads up on that. That's unfortunate. Short of listings going up, or Collect Jurassic and Jurassic Outpost dropping the scoops on these, I fear it could be a long wait, since Smyths has an estimated April ship date for the 3 Legacy Collection figures on their site, and April was also the month the Fallen Kingdom stuff dropped. Though with the shipping crisis anything goes. Guess I'll keep holding off on selling stuff until the reveals are dropped. I want to have an idea of what I want, and what I need to make space for, etc, beyond what was leaked anyways that I'm aware about already.

Also while trying to gather info and images for the DinoToyCollector site I came across these listings on ToyWiz (no images yet):

I think some of these were in the op already, but doesn't hurt to add these in any case. I highly advise anyone to avoid buying from ToyWiz though, unless you are okay with being scalped.
Film Accurate Mattel JW and JP toys list (incl. extended canon species, etc):

Every Single Mainline Mattel Jurassic World Species A-Z; 2024 toys added!:

Most produced Paleozoic genera (visual encyclopedia):


Obvious spoiler warning for the appearance of an animal from Dominion (I'm told this is based on a somewhat outdated design that doesn't perfectly represent the animal in the film, which apparently has full wings). Pyroraptor budget figure:



avatar_Nyrorosaurus @Nyrorosaurus Thanks for sharing that here. Edit: Also welcome to the forum here.

Yeah based on the render from that set on the previous page, it does look like at least this toy could be outdated in design, unfortunately, but not unexpected. Toy production usually happens before film designs are finalized. In any case glad to see it is mostly feathered here, and should be improved in the final film, if the glimpse of that render is anything to go from.
This will be a very interesting year for Mattel, as their Mononykus and Alioramus were the only figures prior to have any semblance of feathering on them. Though their Dimorphodon and Quetzalcoatlus also sported pycnofibers. I hope it opens the doors for them in the future to do animals like Yutyrannus for example, or perhaps Archaeopteryx.

That same site you shared also has a new 12 inch/30cm Basic Pteranodon repaint listed too:

Edit: Well I decided to take that new render from that product on the last page, and I cropped it, upscaled it, added some brightness contrast, and sharpened it a bit, and I can make out a bit more detail from it. It appears the hands are likely scaly. That said there are definitely some long feathers behind the hands, so it seems it will have wings to some degree. Not accurate obviously, but better then none I think, at least judging this cropped render anyways.


Film Accurate Mattel JW and JP toys list (incl. extended canon species, etc):

Every Single Mainline Mattel Jurassic World Species A-Z; 2024 toys added!:

Most produced Paleozoic genera (visual encyclopedia):



Honestly, even that much feathering on the Pyroraptor is such a huge step forward for this franchise.  And that basic one at least looks better than the rubbery looking one.
I'm excited for REBOR's Acro!  Can't ya tell?


New stuff!



Dsungaripterus (no profile shot of the head sculpt yet unfortunately)

another Blue


If Moros was one of Mattel´s non-movie dinos I wouldn't have a problem with it.
But it isn't.

Miragaia and Dsungaripterus! Two genus I can get behind!

Also yeah...Something something about the paint in these figures not being right.


Interesting how the Moros looks nothing like the one we see in the Dominion prologue. Miragaia looks a bit compressed, as with most other stegosaur figures in the line.

And yeah people have been complaining about the lower quality of paint on these recent figures. I've noticed this trend too.


Also not a fan on the non-blister packaging, specially for smaller figures like these.


In significantly better news, there seems to be a new Amber Collection-esque line that scales with the regular main line figures. Titled "The Hammond Collection"


Quote from: MLMjp on January 19, 2022, 11:00:15 AM
Also not a fan on the non-blister packaging, specially for smaller figures like these.

Same. Aesthetics aside, I'm not confident these non-blister style packaging will be effective in protecting the figure.


Those look great! And in scale with regular main figures?!

Wait, oh crap, I think I know were this is going... they are making a higher quality line for collectors in the standard scale, so they are skimping on the mainline since it´s more kid-oriented.

Why though?  Can you just concentrate all of your resources in making a quality toyline that has best of both worlds, Mattel? :-\

Besides, I fear about the distribution of these...

PD: Ok, they will be exclusives (yikes). And apparently they will replace the amber collection?

I said they were skimping on the regular toy line because of these. But after second though, maybe inflation has to do something about it? Perhaps they are skimping on paint so they can keep the usual prices...I dont know.


DTF members go out and steal as many of them as possible so that they change the packaging
Shrek 4 is an underrated masterpiece


Those attack packs look pretty rough both in terms of sculpt, paint, and stupid packaging. Hopefully not the final, FINAL design just yet.

That being said, THE HAMMOND COLLECTION! YES! Absolutely incredible looking abs 100% the kind of Jurassic "toys" I've wanted to see for a long time! Can definitely see myself replacing most of the main line stuff with these depending on how "expansive" it gets.

Rest In Peace Amber Collection, you won't be missed by me!


Official HD pics - Parasaurolophus and Baryonyx. MSRP $19.99! Great price.


To me personally, the Parasaurolophus looks more like it was based more on the JWE model than to TLW design.
The clown feet are a bit of a shame too, but understandable for stability.


Quote from: Carnoking on January 19, 2022, 02:28:37 PM
That being said, THE HAMMOND COLLECTION! YES! Absolutely incredible looking abs 100% the kind of Jurassic "toys" I've wanted to see for a long time! Can definitely see myself replacing most of the main line stuff with these depending on how "expansive" it gets.

Rest In Peace Amber Collection, you won't be missed by me!

I'm surprised it took Mattel this long to give us figures like these. They were literally sitting on a gold mine and did almost nothing for the past 4 years. (10 repaints of the same raptor mold don't count)

The Hammond Collection is what the Amber Collection should've been in the first place. And they aren't restricted to small dinosaurs too since they're no longer using the 6" scale. With these only being $20, I'm very optimistic on larger dinosaurs coming in this line; and hopefully, eventually, they'll make all of the film species.

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