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Eofauna Scientific Research - New for 2024

Started by Concavenator, December 04, 2023, 12:20:53 PM

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Quote from: suspsy on Today at 12:48:13 PMI've really never cared what he thinks.


If I'm being completely honest, I mostly mute the volume on reviews and that goes for all the guys posting reviews, sorry guys, I mostly just want to see the figures.  To me the video is what matters the most.  I prefer looking at the figure in hand in good lighting but when you're trying to make a purchase decision video is still really helpful and some of these guys have nice camera and lighting set ups.  You can really enjoy the details and the craftsmanship of the sculpts and then decide for myself on whether to part with my money.

My opinion on this figure is unchanged, I feel that it brings something different to the table, the mouth and teeth issues are overstated IMO, I think the sculpting inside there makes so much sense especially with all the images of how you can barely see the teeth on Komodo Dragons even though they are really long...Sue looks like she's in the process of replacing some and some are just coming in after having fallen off, IDK, not a scientist but it just looks like it was very well thought out, as for the bluntness of the teeth and the claws, PNSO makes razor sharp stuff that's realistic but not very child friendly.  I think Eofauna is still thinking about children with their sculpts, a child can safely handle this figure without getting hurt.


Quote from: SidB on Today at 12:09:45 PM
Quote from: CARN0TAURUS on Today at 04:26:44 AM
Quote from: Turkeysaurus on Today at 03:25:50 AMDamn..and people thought i was harsh on Haolonggood Diabloceratops.  ;D 

I don't agree with some of things in the review but i really appreciated he is honest with his opinions and not just over the moon about it. Sometimes i feel like reviewers are just trying to be too cute for companies & potential buyers.

I like different jaw articulation probably best part of the toy. I don't mind a small seam, i find it odd why it's a big deal it's not like action toy seam. I don't mind the colors , actually i kinda like it's different but i dislike paint work, it's not smooth like PNSO or some HLG stuff. It's relatively cheap for such a good sculpt.

I don't know if i'm gonna buy it but if i buy i might try to improve paint (maybe even re-paint) because i feel like sculpt has even greater potential. Andy does great paintwork so i hope he repaints this at some point.

I was a bit surprised by Andy's review too...he's usually super positive in all his reviews, I don't have to agree with this particular review, but I'm still a huge fan of his reviews...
Yeah, I am more than a bit surprised by this new tone in his review. That said, the point made about the seam atthe rear of the skull is valid. I am a fan of the paint work, the detailing. the stability, etc., but not that seam. I'm thinking of sending my figure, or perhaps a second one, to Bravo Models to get that seam removed. If I get the second one, along with the seam, I might just get the articulated jaw done way with too and have the figure with a permanently closed mouth, seamless. I'll see, once the initial order gets in from Dejankins.

I also have a second one coming in the mail.  But I planned to do that from the beginning because I wanted to have one to mess around with repaint wise.  I've done this before, but usually I wait until the second one comes before deciding which one has the better factory applied paint and then I repaint the one I thought was inferior.  This time I couldn't wait for the second one to come in the mail, LOL! 


Seeing the Eofauna rex compared to Wilson, I don't understand how everyone was over the moon for Wilson but so lukewarm on Eofauna. To me, it is a vastly superior figure. And I like it more than Kiss too, which makes it the best lipped T. rex available in my opinion.

Concerns about the seam and articulation are valid and are also my biggest concerns but I like everything else about it. Honestly, I think people are being hard on it because it deviates so far from what their mental image of T. rex is. Lets face it, the influence of Jurassic Park's T. rex design is far reaching. Even the accurate models by PNSO or Rebor are still taking cues from it. Eofauna basically reinvents the look of T. rex with this one, giving it a varanid-like quality that people aren't used to. But there's nothing inaccurate about it, it's just different.

Example. The teeth might be a bit blunt but they aren't too small. They're concealed within the gum tissue. Check out the crocodile monitor skull and compare it with the living animal. Huge teeth, can't barely see them with the mouth open.

Looking at that, and then looking at Wilson, it makes Wilson look absolutely absurd. The varanid influence is clear on the Eofauna T. rex, from the head sculpt to the coloration. And as terrestrial predatory reptiles, varanids are a good source to draw inspiration from.  Models like this get people thinking and challenges our perception of these animals.


...meanwhile I am still 100% satisfied with the Safari 2017 feathered and lipless rex! That's right! Guess I like to live dangerously  :P  [hahaha]


Quote from: Gwangi on Today at 01:58:05 PMSeeing the Eofauna rex compared to Wilson, I don't understand how everyone was over the moon for Wilson but so lukewarm on Eofauna. To me, it is a vastly superior figure. And I like it more than Kiss too, which makes it the best lipped T. rex available in my opinion.

Concerns about the seam and articulation are valid and are also my biggest concerns but I like everything else about it. Honestly, I think people are being hard on it because it deviates so far from what their mental image of T. rex is. Lets face it, the influence of Jurassic Park's T. rex design is far reaching. Even the accurate models by PNSO or Rebor are still taking cues from it. Eofauna basically reinvents the look of T. rex with this one, giving it a varanid-like quality that people aren't used to. But there's nothing inaccurate about it, it's just different.

Example. The teeth might be a bit blunt but they aren't too small. They're concealed within the gum tissue. Check out the crocodile monitor skull and compare it with the living animal. Huge teeth, can't barely see them with the mouth open.

Looking at that, and then looking at Wilson, it makes Wilson look absolutely absurd. The varanid influence is clear on the Eofauna T. rex, from the head sculpt to the coloration. And as terrestrial predatory reptiles, varanids are a good source to draw inspiration from.  Models like this get people thinking and challenges our perception of these animals.

nice post!  Yes, this one is definitely not about the popular movie monsters and yet it's probably every bit as terrifying.  For people that've already decided not to buy one of these?  Please do yourself a favor and find out where you can see one in person.                                                                                                                                                       


Quote from: thomasw100 on Today at 01:07:27 PMAlthough I watch some of his reviews, the review channel I trust the most is Dinos Dragons. Dinos Dragons seems always fair and balanced and the scientific background that he provides is so useful. I do always learn something new and even more importantly I am provided with an entry point into the vast peer-reviewed paleontological literature on a subject.

I agree DinosDragons channel is the best for information. I think Andy and others give more of a quality review than accuracy. I doubt they have depth enough to recognize minor scientific inaccuracy. Although Andy usually gets all variants of a model so it's great channel just for that. Also he reviews even some bootleg dinosaurs :D

DinosDragons also shouldn't taken as absolute truth. I always watch PNSO official channel for their products because creator explains some of things called "inaccurate" in reviews.

For example dinodragons convinced me Iguanodon isn't definitive one because it's head inaccurate, it looks elongated and not boxy enough but Official channel  explains it with photos.

Kind of like how lipless or cheekless might considered "innacurate" in reviews but sometimes creators are aware of it but just don't find it convincing.

That's the fun and pain of chasing scientifically accurate dinosaurs though. It's actually more exciting than collecting movie or awesomebro dinosaurs.

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