
Poll time! Cast your votes for the best stegosaur toys, the best ceratopsoid toys (excluding Triceratops), and the best allosauroid toys (excluding Allosaurus) of all time! Some of the polls have been reset to include some recent releases, so please vote again, even if you voted previously.

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Tyto's ever-growing collection!

Started by Tyto_Theropod, April 06, 2015, 08:53:17 PM

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EDIT 25/09/2019: I have removed the images from this post as Photobucket stinks. I'll continue to update this collection thread in the (hopefully near) future.

So. It's high time I made a post about my collection. I love looking through everyone else's, but the ones I find the most useful are where each individual model is photographed - it helps me get a sense of what the real model is like as opposed to the stock photo, and has often affected my buying decisions. With this in mind, I decided to put my whole collection in one post, which I could then edit as I got new models. I hope people will find this and handy and also enjoy looking through what I have!

Carnegie Collection by Safari


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My rating: ****

This is, IMHO, one of the best Tyrannosaur models out there, but the paint is very fragile - mine is covered in scuffs :'( Still, I really like the colours and am unwilling to repaint her, especially now the line has been discontinued. Nevertheless, I recently gave her a manicure and picked out her teeth.


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My rating: *****

Lovely figure.


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My rating:*****

In spite of her being a tripod, I'm sure many people will agree with me when I say that this could just be the best Carnegie ever...


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My rating: ****

Much underrated - I was unsure about getting this model, but I don't regret it! With a little help it can even be coaxed out of its tripod stance. It's probably the best Concavenator available currently (I don't like the zombie head on the CollectA).
I personally found the matte black eyes rather unnerving and have since re-done them in gold to match the other Carnegies.
Also of note is that the dainty little hands are very fragile and could easily break if you aren't careful handling them.


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My rating: ****

A beautiful figure. He's pretty accurate and the pose is full of life - the position of his legs means you can stand him either with one back leg or one front leg off the ground. I'm not sure if this was intentional on the part of the sculptors, but it's pretty cool to have an option and both poses look realistic and have lots of movement.
Sadly, the model was retired in 2010 and is now very hard to get hold of.


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My rating: *****

This is one of my favourite Carnegies in terms of aesthetics, but sadly there is no way to get it to stand on its feet alone (they're too small) without adding a base, which I personally dislike doing.


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My rating: *****

Definitely one of the best Sauropods out there. Nod to Forrest Rogers for nostrils positioned at the end of the snout, in line with the current thinking.


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My rating: *****

Easily one of Carnegie's finest! Mine at least is able to stand on both feet his tail off the ground! :D


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My rating: ****

Beautiful, beautiful figure. I don't know much about Icthyosaurs, but it looks pretty accurate to me, and I'd expect it to be coming from this brand. It's also full of action, with the ammonite in its mouth making it seem like a snapshot from the Jurassic, although it might reduce playability for a kid.


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My rating: ****

A lovely figure. I love the paint job on this model, but I thought its eyes were a little creepy looking and have since re-done them.


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My rating: ***

Mine is the original form as I prefer it to the newer one. This could be because I had this model (probably not the same one) as a child, and she was one of my favourites (Parasaurolophus being my then favourite dinosaur). Unfortunately, I got rid of her as a teenager, but when I started collecting again I got another on ebay. This one is from 1998, as can be seen by the writing stamped on her belly.
In spite of being in a bipedal posture, her pose is very different from the classic kangaroo one of cheapo models and looks convincing, as if she's reared up to feed. If you like vintage figures or accurate Hadrosaurs or both, this is definitely worth your while.


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My rating: ****

Purchased as an improvement on the Papo. Not long afterwards, they brought out new reconstruction!  >:( Still highly recommended if you don't mind it being a bit outdated.


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My rating: ***

Accurate, but rather dull. Its smooth texture leaves it somewhat... odd feeling. Nonetheless, it's a great little figure and worth picking up while you can get it. I bought mine with the intention of bringing out its full potential with some customisation - currently WIP.


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My rating: ****

This guy has his faults, but I think he's underrated. If you like Dromaeosaurids, I recommend you get this model while you still can!

Woolly Mammoth

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My rating: *****

A great model - time will tell how accurate it is if we get to see the real thing back...



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My rating: ***

Charming and accurate little Hadrosaur figure, but perhaps rather generic. Also WAAAAY too small in my opinion, given that we're talking an animal about 12 metres long.



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My rating: **

I have to say, this isn't my favourite Para ever. She never really looked quite... right when compared to the rest of my herd. Her crest is odd, like the sculptor couldn't make up their mind if they were going to do a P. walkeri/P. tubicen type crest or a P. cyrtocristatus type and ended up doing something in between. I started some custom work on her last year, when I began reading DTB reviews and becoming aware of the issues with various models. I cut those annoying little teeth out of her bill and started work on her hands, but they didn't really go the way I wanted them to and she remains a WIP. She might just end up getting turned into a different species altogether or just being a carcase as lunch for any Oldman or Dinosaur Park Formation carnivores I may end up getting.


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My rating: ***

In his original incarnation here. Just a few months after I altered this model to look more accurate, he ended up being inaccurate anyway. Agh!  >:( Still, I'm glad he actually looks closer to the real thing and not that 'kill everything' abomination from a certain movie any more... ;) Someday I may give him a repaint - I liked the factory colours, but the paint gets quite sticky in the heat and my red looks a bit sloppy.
It's still a really nice figure if you don;t mind the inaccuracy (or if you want a really nice JP Spinosaur!), and its articulated jaw is beaitfully sculpted in an unobtrusive way.


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My rating: ***

Bought because I liked the detail on Papos. Received and thought "hmmm...okay, I guess :P". Discovered this forum and associated reviews... Revelation! "WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY MONEY?!  :o"
I like the colours, but I'm not exactly satisfied with them when I compare them with the stock photo, and the head is way too big. Also, the arched back harkens back to the older reconstructions. Still, at least he has the right number of toes on his back feet and his plates are positioned correctly.
If you don't mind the inaccurate parts and want an aesthetically pleasing model (and indeed if you want a nice-looking Jurassic Park Stegosaurus, you might feel differently, but I think I'll probably end up selling him and getting the WS Stego instead. ;)


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My rating: **

Showing off some genuine teeth from the Hell Creek Formation. I'm thinking of giving this model a repaint. I actually rather liked the factory job when I first got him, but now it's got a few really ugly looking scuffs and I'm thinking it's a bit dull. Plus, the eyes are ugly.
On the whole, though, a nice enough model if you don't mind the 'fossil' horns and beak.

Tyrannosaurus family

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My rating: *** overall

Inaccurate, but with a certain irresistible charm. Except for the running one, which has veered too far into 'movie monster' territory for my liking - I'm thinking of selling him.



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My rating: *****

In my opinion not only one the most accurate and generally best offering from Schleich, but also one of the best Parasaurolophus toys currently available. Definitely recommended!

Wild Safari


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My rating: *****

A beautiful figure and astoundingly detailed for something so small! I grabbed mine shortly before it was discontinued.

Stegosaurus baby

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My rating: ***

As far as I can remember this was my first ever dinosaur model: I played with him in the bath as a two-year-old! For that reason, he is a very important part on my collection, in spite of not being all that detailed. I like the colours on him, though. I'm sure the Safari babies bring back memories for a lot of us. :)


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My rating: ***

A really nice model of a scaly retro raptor without any Jurassic Park influence! Pity about the bunny hands, as other than that the anatomy seems spot-on to me. His pose is wonderfully active and the paint app on my copy is very neat and crisp. It took me a while to get used to feathered dinosaurs, which is why I got this guy, and I still like the look of him enough that I plan to customise a new one and leave him as he is. If you like retrotastic Velociraptors, this one is for you.


AAA Parasaurolophus

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My rating: ***

I actually have two. The one on the right is one of the few remaining parts of my childhood collection. I got the other one on ebay when I started collecting again, but I later found the original in the attic. I'm not planning on getting rid of either of them, as I actually really like AAA's. They fill me with nostalgia and the Para is actually a really nice sculpt in spite of the very ditto pose, and has a great colour scheme to go with it. There's also quite a lot of difference between the two (hence why I'm keeping them both - they make a great male and female) as shown by the bottom picture.

UKRD dinosaurs

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The medium sized ones were my first model dinosaurs as a child, and I had most of the ones shown here as well as the Triceratops, the Tyrannosaurs, the Apatosaurus and the Allosaurus. Only three of these are actually the very same models though. I bought the rest when I first started collecting again, for the nostalgia value. :)

NHM London Megalosaurus

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My rating: **

I got it because it was pretty much the only half-decent one in the shop and I was determined to go home with at least one model. :P When I'd last been they were still selling Invictas and I was royally peeved that the line had been discontinued. But it pales in comparison with my other Theropods and Megalosaurus can hardly be considered a valid taxon any more anyway. Even if it is still valid, this is basically a generic Theropod with a 'Megalosaurus' label stuck on its tummy, and I'm thinking I might customise it into something more specific - any ideas?  ;)

K&M Velociraptor

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My rating: ***

I've noticed K&M doesn't have a good rap round here, but they did make a feathered Velociraptor when the idea was still relatively new! Even today we see scaly movie monsters shipped straight from Isla Nublar plaguing the catalogues of high-end toy companies. This guy is a breath of fresh air. Admittedly, the feathers look more primitive than they probably should and the wings do not come down to the pronated hands. Also his head - indeed his whole body - is far too thickset and chunky. Still, I love him, if only because he's a near-identical double of the Wild Republic plush, only in toy form.

A whole load of off-brand dinosaurs!
UPDATE - Where've I been, my other hobbies, and how to navigate my Flickr:
Flickr for crafts and models:
Flickr for wildlife photos: Link to be added
Twitter: @MaudScientist


Nice collection you have going on there. I like your idea, too about individual photographs. I noticed the paint on your Miragaia is much more green than mine- is it a variation or just the lighting?
Artwork Collection Searchlist
Save Dinoland USA!


Wow great collection  ^-^ very like it. Do you love marine reptile ? If you love marine reptile, carnegie tylosaurus and collecta mosasaurus is must have item  :D


You've got great taste - there's not a bad figure among them. Lovely photos too, of course.
In the end it was not guns or bombs that defeated the aliens, but that humblest of all God's creatures... the Tyrannosaurus rex.


Quote from: triceratops83 on April 07, 2015, 03:07:48 AM
You've got great taste - there's not a bad figure among them. Lovely photos too, of course.
Agreed! The Carnegie Cryolophosaurus, is so nice on the eyes. ^__^
Southern CA, USA

My Collection Topic


Thanks for the comments guys!

Quote from: Pachyrhinosaurus on April 06, 2015, 10:04:16 PM
Nice collection you have going on there. I like your idea, too about individual photographs. I noticed the paint on your Miragaia is much more green than mine- is it a variation or just the lighting?

I couldn't swear without seeing the two together in person (unlikely!) but I think they're probably the same and it's just the lighting.
UPDATE - Where've I been, my other hobbies, and how to navigate my Flickr:
Flickr for crafts and models:
Flickr for wildlife photos: Link to be added
Twitter: @MaudScientist


Pretty awesome list of figures. Good pics too!


UPDATE: Added more photos and text. Now with mini-reviews! :D
UPDATE - Where've I been, my other hobbies, and how to navigate my Flickr:
Flickr for crafts and models:
Flickr for wildlife photos: Link to be added
Twitter: @MaudScientist

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