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Ceresiosaurus' (somewhat) more realistic Jurassic Park!

Started by Ceresiosaurus, August 20, 2015, 04:13:11 PM

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Zoo Tycoon is a game I really love since my parents bought Zoo Tycoon 1 complete collection for Christmas back in the early 2000s. During that time I absolutely loved both dinosaurs and animals, and been able to combine them in a single zoo was awesome. (Although my much younger me usually let his T-rexes escape from their enclosures to enjoy some good ol' human flesh. We know we all have been there  >:D)

I had forgot about this game until a few years ago (2011 or so), when I saw Zoo Tycoon 2 ultimate edition in a shop. It costed around 20 euros and I thought it could be cool to bring back some memories. ( I already had ZT2 and the two firsts expansions packs from a birthday, but I never played them much because my interest switched from dinosaurs to history and Social Sciences). I didn't buy it, but I quickly reinstalled the original ZT2 plus its two expansions (Endangered Species and African Adventures IIRC). Most of the animals looked derpy (specially those from original ZT2) so I started investigating on mods and new animals and wow, it opened a new world for me! I installed all and every single animal I could. But something was missing. It was dinosaurs, my good ol' love. Since 2012 I looked for Zoo Tycoon 2 with all its expansions everywhere and only recently (almost a year ago) I found it for 9 euros. Since the day I bought it, I've played it a lot, but only recently I've started playing for beauty's sake instead of in the "tycoon" aspect of the game. That meant I installed even more mods (and the new animals' quality has increased a lot since I started with Arabian Nights user-made expansion) and, of course, dinosaurs!

Realistic dinosaurs are still scarce, but there are some quality ones and some WWD direct copies that do the job. And AFAIK, everyday new dinosaurs are made for us fans of ZT2 to enjoy.

Now that I have registered in the forum, I'll post some pics from the Jurassic Park I've started this very morning. I only have two species in the zoo so far, but that's because I want to take recommendations. Yeah, you can tell me what dinosaurs you would like to see in the JP and I'll add them. Keep in mind that many aren't done yet or are really poorly done (Herrerasaurus, Deltadromeus and some others from a single team are specially horrendous). For reference, you can check this link . Some dinosaurs are missing in it, but it gives a general idea.

I also take recommendations of how to make an enclosure or the refuge for the animals. In short, suggestions are encouraged and gladly appreciated

Without further introduction, let me introduce you to the awesome dinosaurs that are already in the park!

First of all, we have a group of 5 pelecanimimi (-i being the plural of -us in latin). We have two males and three females. They can be easily distinguished thanks to their dimorphism and the different colours of their feathers.

Here we can see one of the males and two of the females by one of the artifical skeletons with meat on them.

But it's not only meat what they can eat! In fact, they have several choices. They can choose to eat flies, locusts and even small mammals! They have all this choices in their little refugee (where they sleep, too, and play with their toys, like the ball the younger male has kicked towards the food)

Our pelecanimimi are really fond of the little pond they have in their enclosure. They often go there to eat the little shrimps that dwell in the water. We haven't found yet a fish who could live alongside with them and which can serve as a prey for them, but we'll keep trying to! In the pic, two females enjoy the bath.

Our other animal seems to have some problems with their new home. Our female Baryonix doesn't usually come out of her refuge, but we'll try to lure her out nonetheless. Here you can see her sleeping by the entrance

Here we can see her roaming around her food. (she looks like she is flying because of the game's graphic limitations. Sorry)


Interesting. I'm not into Zoo Tycoon myself, but I do like to build my own Jurassic Park using my imagination (featuring my model collection as the exhibits!) I've actually been thinking of building to park layout in Minecraft, but without mods or animals or such, just the enclosures so I can get a better idea of how things are laid out. ;)
UPDATE - Where've I been, my other hobbies, and how to navigate my Flickr:
Flickr for crafts and models:
Flickr for wildlife photos: Link to be added
Twitter: @MaudScientist


I can't possibly recommend this game enough. It has its fair amount of bugs, glitches and things I'd change, but the experience is quite cool.


I have the update ready. Some new reptiles have arrived. Soon I'll upload the pics


I remember this game... I much preferred the original but when it came out I played the second one a lot. I have to dig out my expansion pack disc from wherever it may be now.
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