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Einer geht noch - one more German ( ˘˘з)

Started by Nessy, March 02, 2020, 04:24:32 PM

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Heyho everyone,

my name's Vanessa, but you can call me Nessy (yup, almost like that monster from Scotland  ;) ). I'm 34 years old and from Germany, so forgive me my bad englisch ;)

I always loved dinosaurs, played with them since I was a toddler and even had all the Jurassic Park/ Lost World Kenner Figures, but sadly (and because I'm dumb I guess) I gave them away. Luckily and because of good friends, I already got some back!

To be honest, my "love" and interest for prehistoric animals never died and my best friend Sara <3 (she's on this forum, too) and I are again suffering from Dinomania. Buying cool figurines, models, drawing and remodeling. And it's super fun :D My favourite dinosaur is the T-Rex (boohoo, so boring), but it was since my early childhood, so... ^^# It never changed.  I also really like sauropods and well... many other :'D

Love to talk to you, peeps! See you!


avatar_Nessy @Nessy You are welcome to the DTF that you enjoy. I "hooked" on the dinosaurs at age four when I saw the Walt Disney sequence of the "Fantasy" movie since then I am a dinosaur fan of that forty-five years ago.


Hi Nessy,  a very warm welcome from another German,  one of the Senior German members here since 2012!  I am 42 and still very much a dinomamiac. I am looking forward to having you on the forum!



Welcome avatar_Nessy @Nessy! :) I'm also new here.


Einer geht noch! Einer geht noch rein!

Welcome to the forum!

We are slowly taking over.  ;D

Quote from: Nessy on March 02, 2020, 04:24:32 PM
even had all the Jurassic Park/ Lost World Kenner Figures,

Probably not all, since we never got all of them in Germany.
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

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Hello and Welcome to the Forum avatar_Nessy @Nessy ! Nice to see some love for dinosaurs in Germany. But how comes I've never met one of you in person  ??? Germany isn't that big  ;D


Quote from: DinoToyCollector on March 03, 2020, 05:07:06 AM
But how comes I've never met one of you in person  ??? Germany isn't that big  ;D

Maybe we need a hanky code  ;)


"Einer geht noch, einer geht noch rein..." -

for those of you non-German speaking members who might wonder what this means, here is the annoying song these words refer to.

The bumpy translation could mean:

It´s about drinking (another DRINK still fits in).
Sometimes it´s used in football/soccer (another GOAL still fits in).

Open at your own risk!


Thanks for translation and the song avatar_Libraraptor @Libraraptor, it's good to learn about German culture.  ;) ;D


Quote from: Sarapaurolophus on March 03, 2020, 10:04:30 AM
Maybe we need a hanky code  ;)

avatar_Sarapaurolophus @Sarapaurolophus  I didn't know about that and had to search it and um... I hope dinosaurs will not be part of the normal Hanky Code  :o
But I know what you mean and it would be fun to know  ^-^


Welcome to the forum!

Bigger than a camarasaurus,
and with a bite more stronger that the T-Rex bite,
Ticamasaurus is certainly the king of the Jurassic period.

With Balaur feet, dromaeosaurus bite, microraptor wings, and a terrible poison, the Deinoraptor Dromaeonychus is a lethal enemy for the most ferocious hybrid too.

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Hi, and Welcome!

I'm greeting back from germany aswell. Have good time here.

avatar_Libraraptor @Libraraptor Oh no. :D


Welcome to the forum, great to have you on board! ^-^


Quote from: Sauroswan on March 03, 2020, 01:40:04 PM
Thanks for translation and the song avatar_Libraraptor @Libraraptor, it's good to learn about German culture.  ;) ;D

This song has nothing to do with German culture at all. I am really ashamed of it. Only after ten or so beers I start to sing along ;D


Quote from: Libraraptor on March 04, 2020, 06:34:40 AM
Quote from: Sauroswan on March 03, 2020, 01:40:04 PM
Thanks for translation and the song avatar_Libraraptor @Libraraptor, it's good to learn about German culture.  ;) ;D

This song has nothing to do with German culture at all. I am really ashamed of it. Only after ten or so beers I start to sing along ;D

Yeah, I believe you. We have those songs here in Finland too.  ;D

Gothmog the Baryonyx

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