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Dinosaur story game

Started by Primeval12, March 30, 2012, 11:23:51 PM

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In this game I give you a name of a Dinosaur (Or anything else prehistoric) And you have a write a story about it. The first person who writes a story gets to choose the creature (Or creatures) the next person writes. And no repeating creatures!

Here's my example from a "book" i wrote a while ago. Your story doesn't have to include humans like mine

Creature: Spinosaurus

Title: Camp-tastrophy

We pulled up to the broken camper. Sarah took over for Ben since he was sick. We split up to look for survivors.  The kids were the only survivors in that camper.  Suddenly a loud roar came across the campsite. The creature sprung out of nowhere and scarred me half to death. We ran and ran into a port o potty and braced for impact. The creature smashed the outhouse to bits. He roared and snapped at us. Suddenly a black car pulled up. Ben stepped out of the car and shot the creature in the sail. The creature ran away roaring in pain. 
"Thank god you came Ben!" I exclaimed.
"What was that?!" Asked Sarah.

"Spinosaurus" I and Ben said together.
"That thing is bigger than any other meat eating dinosaur".   

"I thaught you were sick!" I exclaimed

"No, here was a marathon of my favorite TV show"

"Really Ben" sarah groaned.
Suddenly the Spinosaurus came back

(I know, it's terrible and really short but you get the picture)

Ok your creature is Acrocanthosaurus, Good luck  ;D


This is a book that Ive been thinking of. Its about a few Teenagers who go out on a friends boat to the Bermuda Triangle on Spring Break. Which is a portal to a lost world. So now they are abandoned in this world of dinosaurs (based off the ones created by wild Safari), I was thinking of a part were one of the teens is so overwhelmed that he decides to abandon the others, to find a creature to help him commit suicide! However, when he does find a said creature, he Chickens out and eventually escapes from it. and so he decides that he should now try to find the ones he abandoned

(creature in exerpt is based on the Safari Acrocanthsaurus)

Spring Break in the lost World Excerpt: Finding the others

I moved through the humid jungle while trying to find the others. But my last encounter with the T-rex has demolished my Glasses, so now i cant see anything but blurs in the distance. As I walked i came across another large creature just lying among some fallen trees. I coudent make out much of its appearance, but i did not want to approach it, because i fear it could attack. All i could make out from it was the color of its skin. It was mostly brown, with a white face, and a black back side. At that moment, my heart stated pounding, i didint know what to do, other then stand still, and hope it doesn't move while i think about what i should do. I stood for only a minute before i came across a fowl stench which (to my suprise), was coming from the creature, The whole creature, which tells me that this creature is dead. Without haste, i move past its dead body to continue my search for the others, because staying there any longer, would likely draw some UN wanted-attention.

Next Creture
Basic T-Rex


Based of primeval T-Rex and Planet dinosaur Gigantoraptor (PaleoLab are the bad guys in my story)
you write better than me

It turned around from the panicked Sarah, looked at Ben and I and roared spraying blood all over us. We needed a defence but all our weapons were in the car and that was where Sarah was trapped. She had locked the door and knowing her she wasn't about to open it while the predator was still there. We just ran. We ran down the city street only to meet the other predator PaleoLab had let loose, The Gigantoraptor. It was sand colored with a red beak and dull feathers. This was the female. It squawked and chased us up the street towards the tyrannosaurus. T.Rex Fixed its eyes on the Gigantoraptor and Gigantoraptor did the same. A fight was imminent. We ran to the car where Sarah was still hiding avoiding what remained of PaleoLab's former leader, Killed by his own creation. Sarah let us into the car and we locked it. The fight began. Gigantoraptor ran farward and drove the menacing beak into the T-Rex's side and blood dripped onto the street. The Rex Wailed in pain and lunged farward biting the left arm. Than Gigantoraotor drove her beak into the throat and mortally wounded her attacker. T-Rex stumbled back and fell. Blood dripped from the mouth and the Rex stopped breathing. Gigantoraptor roared in triumph and started eating the carsass.

"That Rex is such a loser, killed by a girl!" I joked.

Sarah kicked me.

"Sorry" I said quietly.

Ok your creature is Siornithisaurus


Hello, it seems this is dorment


We sat in the cool of the evening eyes facing forward and down. I couldn't look at her but I could feel her shoulder against mine the only warmth I had felt since the sun had left us.  In my hand was a small rock, a plate really, smooth along its surface and course along it's sides. My thumbs and fore fingers felt along it's surface examining textures and eccentricities that had been completely explored and exploited long ago.  It had become bereft of new knowledge, empty, yet still holding meaning.  My hands stopped,  thumbs focused on the gem in the stone, a piece of bone that had long abandoned the structure of it's organic self but not the shape.  It had lost what made it what it was, now only a reflection, just like her.
"you never told me you know-" she whispered in regret. "what that stone is"
"Sinornithosaurus" no it meant more to me. "I love you" no, she had meant more to me
"I know" she said, resolute this time. "and im sorry"
A tear struck the stone.

yay! eohippus




Quote from: primeval12 on March 31, 2012, 05:14:19 PM
Based of primeval T-Rex and Planet dinosaur Gigantoraptor (PaleoLab are the bad guys in my story)
you write better than me

It turned around from the panicked Sarah, looked at Ben and I and roared spraying blood all over us. We needed a defence but all our weapons were in the car and that was where Sarah was trapped. She had locked the door and knowing her she wasn't about to open it while the predator was still there. We just ran. We ran down the city street only to meet the other predator PaleoLab had let loose, The Gigantoraptor. It was sand colored with a red beak and dull feathers. This was the female. It squawked and chased us up the street towards the tyrannosaurus. T.Rex Fixed its eyes on the Gigantoraptor and Gigantoraptor did the same. A fight was imminent. We ran to the car where Sarah was still hiding avoiding what remained of PaleoLab's former leader, Killed by his own creation. Sarah let us into the car and we locked it. The fight began. Gigantoraptor ran farward and drove the menacing beak into the T-Rex's side and blood dripped onto the street. The Rex Wailed in pain and lunged farward biting the left arm. Than Gigantoraotor drove her beak into the throat and mortally wounded her attacker. T-Rex stumbled back and fell. Blood dripped from the mouth and the Rex stopped breathing. Gigantoraptor roared in triumph and started eating the carsass.

"That Rex is such a loser, killed by a girl!" I joked.

Sarah kicked me.

"Sorry" I said quietly.

Ok your creature is Siornithisaurus

We were walking through a forest that used to be part of a city. Time had passed since PaleoLab's Gigantoraptor had killed their Tyrannosaurus. We were forced to flee, and now we were here.
We went into a clearing, and it seemed to be a miniature world. But it wasn't. Only the horses were. They were feeding on vegetation, in a large group. There was a lake near them, and some were drinking.
The lake seemed to be moving.
Suddenly, a crocodile-like creature erupted out of the shallows. It grabbed hold of one of the horses, and it was pulled under.  They ran. We followed them, as they seemed to know what way they were heading.
We came across a place with a lot of trees. There was a nest made out of sticks, and one very large egg ws inside.
We saw some ants scurry around. They were unusually large, and the egg started hatching.
The ants started to bite the baby bird inside, and it was screaming in pain. We ran back into the bushes, because we did not want to witness this. We heard footsteps coming closer to us. They were coming from behind us. We turned around to see a giant bird grasping one of the horses in its beak. It had no interest in us, and just pushed past.
It saw that's its baby was stripped to a skeleton. It let out a mournful cry. It tried to kill the ants, but they climbed up onto its legs, and started to bite. It tried to focus on getting rid of the ants and wandered off.
We saw a colony of Mammals feeding on the remaining ants.

When one creature dies, another will thrive.

Now make a story about Sea Scorpions.
Shrek 4 is an underrated masterpiece

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