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australovenator's collection and acquisitions (updated for 2020)

Started by australovenator, September 22, 2019, 09:56:39 AM

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Pretty cool collection, the best of the best models. ;)


I remain with both figures as genius, the PNSO yangchuanosaurus because I think that such a brilliant figure has not been made to date even improves that of Safari (but you have to take into account that this Safari dinosaur has more than twenty-two years) the PNSO changchuanosaurus is just as great, it's not as big as the vinyl version or as small as the Chinese dinosaur version of PNSO that I bought with stamps included in a beautiful box and whose dinosaurs have been recycled in a presentation more economical


Came across the Mattel Albertosaurus while shopping the other day and decided it was a good use of christmas money  ;)


Jurassic World stuff keeps coming. The local Target is having a sale atm and I can't resist  :))


Thought I might do an update to show off the collection as it stands starting the new year.
I apologize for any rough photos, I'm not that great of a photographer.

enjoy. ^-^


Nice collection! I especially like the little group of pseudosuchians :)
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avatar_australovenator @australovenator Nice photos and beautiful collection. Mattel's nasutoceratops is a beauty figure, I congratulate you for your additions this year.

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