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Naturkundemuseum Karlsruhe, some prehistoric animal models.

Started by Psittacoraptor, August 01, 2021, 05:09:57 PM

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This museum is mostly about present-day fauna and flora, ecology, and climate. The geology and fossil section is small, but there are some nice models. The museum also houses a large exhibit about ... coffee. Not what you'd expect from a natural science museum but for me as a coffee lover it was very interesting. ^-^

I won't post photos of fossils or exhibit halls, just some pics of extinct animal models I liked. Sadly, several models weren't on display because they are being updated behind the scenes.

Part of a Burgess sea diorama, no scale, Middle Cambrian, Canada. I couldn't get a good shot of the rest because of the reflection in the glass.

Peytoia nathorsti/Laggania cambria, 1:1, anomalocarid from the Burgess Shale, Canada.

Coelacanth, 1:1, lobe-finned fish, Late Silurian/Early Devonian - present (not extinct, I know, but I thought it fits).

Acanthostega, 1:1, Late Devonian, Greenland.

Diictodon, 1:1, mammal-like synapsid, Late Permian, Central Europe/South Africa

Dinogorgon, 1:1, gorgonopsid, Late Permian, South Africa.


Nothosaurus mirabilis, no scale, marine reptile, Middle Triassic, Germany.

Undisclosed pterosaur.

Archaeopteryx lithographica, 1:1, bird or dinosaur?, Late Jurassic, Germany.

Compsognathus longipes, compsognathid dinosaur, Late Jurassic, Germany.

Caudipteryx zoui, 1:1, very bird-like theropod dinosaur, Early Cretaceous, China. This model looked like an adorable dino chicken! I'd love a high quality figure of this species in my collection.

Sinosauropteryx prima, 1:1, compsognathid dinosaur, Early Cretaceous, China.

Confuciusornis, 1:1, primitive bird, Early Cretacious, China.

And finally the very scientifically accurate "Spendensaurier" (= donationsaurus), which guards the donation box of the museum.

There was also a huge Quetzalcoatlus model but too many people were posing for a photo with it, so I didn't bother taking a picture. All in all a very nice museum but its focus is definitely in the present, not the geologic past.

Edit: I just saw that there's already an older thread about this museum. Oh well, sorry for the déjà vu if you've seen these models before.


"you know you have a lot of prehistoric figures if you have at least twenty items per page of the prehistoric/dinosaur section on ebay." - anon.


Yes, they were a nice visual treat for my quiet time this morning.


That rhamphorhynchoid has some beef with the Archaeopteryx... photo arrangement makes it seem like they're having a screaming match. ;D

Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for posting this.... really need to go there once, I am just a bare 100km away from it. Feathers or not, that Compsognathus is top notch!


What wonderful displays! More museums need life reconstructions like this, far too many are switching to just displaying mounted skeletons.



Quote from: Sim on August 06, 2021, 01:33:19 PM
The pterosaur is identified as Dorygnathus in the following places:
Thank you very much for your detective work! Seems like the artist is also behind the large Hatzegopteryx model there:

It was not on display because it's being reworked and updated, I wonder what changes they will make.


Some of those models are really nice. I'm especially impressed by the Peytoia, Diictodon, and Acanthostega. Thanks for posting these!
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Wow those are some top-notch models! I remember seeing that Nothosaurus online before but the others are just as stunning. And some REALLY great feathers!


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