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Made in Italy Vinyl or Rubber Dinos from the early 80's ...

Started by tw22, August 06, 2013, 02:34:17 AM

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Thanks to everyone's help with those Alva Studio dinos ... I appreciate it :)

These in this thread are not sellable ... I'm just curious about their origins is all. I had them since I was a child, and kept them in a storage box in a garage for about 28 years unfortunately. The brutal Texas heat over the years has softened them, mis-shaped them, caused them to crack and tear in places. I think they are vinyl or rubber, and they say "Made in Italy" is all on the bottom. I have the brontosaurus and the T-Rex, and I'm pretty sure my parents got them for me in the early 80's when I was about 5-8 years old.

Does anyone know who made them, or recognize them, etc ?


My living room smells like old plastic dinosaur toys... Better than air freshener!


Quote from: Seijun on August 06, 2013, 03:06:07 AM
They are very rare Orsenigo figures :)
Hahahahaha of course they are lol :-)

Mine are toast lol. They aren't fragile and brittle, but they do tear easily at the neck and you can see cracking all over them :( That's too bad ... I can't honestly remember why I saved them though. I didn't save hardly any of my childhood toys ... M.A.S.K, Buck Rogers, Star Wars, Battlestar Gallactica, Gobots, HeMan, rare Japanese Garbage Pail Kids cards and other strange toys a friend of mine from Japan would bring, tons of early electronic games ... all originals easily worth tens of thousands of dollars these days. I always sold them at childhood garage sales, or gave them away for fun as I got older and needed to travel light, etc. But for some reason I kept these two dinosaurs lol.

*** And thanks again for the identification help ! Awesome !


You shouldn't have told me they were rare lol !!!! :) My ebay-bone is now tickled lol ... or maybe I shouldn't have asked in the first place lol. In the condition they are in, do you think they are actually worth something still ? I would probably have saved them for my own children if they were in mint or excellent condition ... but since they aren't, is there still a market for them as they currently are ? The T-Rex is actually only mildly mishapen, with no ripped body parts ... it's more like he's crossing his legs a bit. It's the bronto that looks like it was mummified lol. It's neck, which is bending backwards instead of naturally forwards, has a tear in it, and one of it's legs has a large tear in it, not to mention it's slightly compressed. Are they rare enough that someone would want them like this ? :(


Not sure what they are worth. I've never seen one on ebay, except a while back there was a dimetrodon. The seller started the bidding at $300 but no one bid.
My living room smells like old plastic dinosaur toys... Better than air freshener!


Interesting. Although I'm sure that 300$ attempt was for a dino in better condition than my two. Hmm ... I just don't know if mine are in a condition that someone would still want them I suppose is what I'm asking. I'm not a fan of putting things on ebay that have issues unless they are rare enough and still desirable enough that people don't care about the issues associated with them, for whatever their reasons. I don't want to foolishly decide to sell them if I'm basically going to auction off what collectors would now view as "junk" ... so maybe I'm asking your opinion to find out if they are still junk or not to keep from doing that lol. You know what I mean ? Selling a broken Rolex is still something of high value that a collector would want regardless ... selling a 1st edition Incredible Hulk comic book that was flushed down a toilet, not so much lol.


If I had them I would not consider them junk, but I don't know what I would pay for them or if other collectors would place any value on them.
My living room smells like old plastic dinosaur toys... Better than air freshener!


Quote from: Seijun on August 06, 2013, 06:24:54 AM
If I had them I would not consider them junk, but I don't know what I would pay for them or if other collectors would place any value on them.
I gotcha ... hmm ...

Well I may just post them here on the forums then in the classified section or something. I'll have to think about it. I doubt I would do ebay though, where they could end up selling for a dollar or something lol. I don't think they are worth saving for my own children, and I don't have any real sentimental attachment to them personally. I had originally asked about them, assuming they were common or not very collectible, to be honest. I didn't expect them to be more rare. The Alva Studios dinos I *did* expect to have collectible value, these I didn't really. Hey thanks for your input on all my dino's thus far ! :)

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