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REBOR 1:35 Utahraptor ostrommaysorum Museum Class Replica “Wind Hunter” [updated]

Started by REBOR_STUDIO, January 13, 2015, 08:05:05 AM

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Yes, wolves, sharks, and snakes would probably sympathize with dinosaurs.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


Regarding that, I found something on the Internet:
QuoteI've read somewhwer about a sensationalistic design as it was a kind of negative thing. Laughing
I also don't like sensationalism, it promotes often wrong knowledge and is negative to the efforts of conservation of animals with bad reputation due to this sensationalism. :)
OK, I understand that if there is a tv program giving a bad reputation to a wolf or a toy featuring it as the bad guy, it can give a bad idea bout the animal to common sense and work in a negative way to its preservation. But what's the sense of it with extinct animals? Will people start killing utahraptors fearing that they will start eating their chickens? geek
I also don't believe that most dino collectors gained their enthusiasm about dinosaurs when they discovered how pacific creatures they are. I enjoy the serenity we can see in Mojo extant animal predators but I also enjoy the fearsome looking of some prehistoric hunters. Always, as long as it doesn't turn the figure pathetic what is not the case

So according to some people it all depends on if the animal is dead or alive...
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


Yes Eagles and Hawks are plenty fierce and beautiful.

So My friends I give you Jurassic Phawk

My customized CollectA feathered T-Rex


Don't forget "Shark week" last summer actually went so far as to demonize sea turtles, blaming them for rising rates of shark attacks. "Educational" networks are easily one of the worst offenders for misinformation in this day and age (right up there next to the likes of Fox News if you ask me :P ), and dinosaurs are in no way an exception to that. With so much deliberate inaccuracy in the media today its a miracle anyone knows anything. It also makes it that much more enjoyable to see so many brands that really do try hard to put forth educational and entertaining products, and I for one would love to see REBOR joining the ranks of the few "high caliber" educational resources we have available. With the skill REBOR has already shown us and a but more attention to accuracy they could easily go great places.


Seriously? Out of curiosity: How do sea turtles cause an increase of shark attacks?
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


Quote from: CityRaptor on January 27, 2015, 12:05:52 AM
Seriously? Out of curiosity: How do sea turtles cause an increase of shark attacks?
They don't, not in the slightest, which is exactly the problem with Discovery Channel saying that. Here's an in-depth article on the shameful program in question:


Just as a general observation, would those feathered trexs from a page ago be considered accurate? I feel if they were made into models there would still be calls for inaccuracies. Its unfortunate that the general public isnt as accepting of feathers as we are, however rebor is assisting in the transition to dinosaurs with feathers just by having dinosaurs with feathers In my opinion.

If enough years go by with more and more companies adding feathers to dinosaurs it will become the mainstream. I cant blame them for doing a middle ground. I'm in no way affiliated with rebor, i dont even own a model of theirs but just my 2 cents. I work with kids,  and if i show them a picture of an old style dinosaur aka tail dragger they ask me why it looks so funny, and how come it doesn't have feathers,  It's a slow transition but it's happening.


Quote from: yankeetrex on January 27, 2015, 04:42:50 AM
Just as a general observation, would those feathered trexs from a page ago be considered accurate? I feel if they were made into models there would still be calls for inaccuracies. Its unfortunate that the general public isnt as accepting of feathers as we are, however rebor is assisting in the transition to dinosaurs with feathers just by having dinosaurs with feathers In my opinion.

If enough years go by with more and more companies adding feathers to dinosaurs it will become the mainstream. I cant blame them for doing a middle ground. I'm in no way affiliated with rebor, i dont even own a model of theirs but just my 2 cents. I work with kids,  and if i show them a picture of an old style dinosaur aka tail dragger they ask me why it looks so funny, and how come it doesn't have feathers,  It's a slow transition but it's happening.

The first one, sure. The second one, with the ridiculous and impossible ninja pose, King Kong rex skull/face/teeth, JP skin, and Dragonball Z haircut.... Not so much.
The Carnegie Collection Dinosaur Archive -


The feather placement from the second one is more accurate (the underside should be bare). However the detail work (scales, type of feathers, skull shape, pose, etc.) of the First one is more accurate. So while they are both very nice in the looks department neither one is particularly accurate, they each took their "metal" style just a little to far.


All you need is the time of chasmosaurs


Quote from: Horridus on January 27, 2015, 09:38:34 PM
Quote from: stargatedalek on January 27, 2015, 08:42:16 PM
The feather placement from the second one is more accurate (the underside should be bare).
Why's that?
We have impressions from the underside of a young tyrannosaur showing that it was bare and exposed.


Quote from: stargatedalek on January 27, 2015, 10:01:41 PM
Quote from: Horridus on January 27, 2015, 09:38:34 PM
Quote from: stargatedalek on January 27, 2015, 08:42:16 PM
The feather placement from the second one is more accurate (the underside should be bare).
Why's that?
We have impressions from the underside of a young tyrannosaur showing that it was bare and exposed.

Well, maybe. We have impressions of scales. That doesn't mean feathers were not also present. It's not usually possibly to find filaments in mould impressions rather than 2D stain traces. And the impressions in question are not from T. rex, we know from compsognathids that integument can be variable in the same spot between similar species. Keep in mind Psittacosaurus, Kulindadromeus, Juravenator, and some birds have scales and filaments directly adjacent to if not intermingled with each other.

There was a rumor of scales from Wyrex but as Tom  Holtz and others pointed out recently on FB, the supposed photos of this actually show a known hadrosaurids skin specimen, so who knows what's going on there.

Either way, you're right that the scales would be tiny, fine pavement scales, not croc style scutes. Unless you were viewing it right up close the skin would appear totally smooth.
The Carnegie Collection Dinosaur Archive -


Hello Rebor.I hope you're listening  :) This Utahraptor packs lots of details from what I've seen.The sculptural detail inmense,but I'm afraid to say that it's not really accurate.I wish you based it on the new look of this creature as well as it had primaries.You guys have lots and lots of fans and you guys know it.People have no idea of dinosaurs,honestly.But I guess those are your early days,right?No one is perfect at those,but I hope you'll improve the accuracy.Accuracy aside,it looks pretty good,but I'm excited to see your Ceratosaurus a lot.
If you're taking suggestions,what about...Deinocheirus?  ;)


Quote from: Concavenator on January 31, 2015, 12:16:11 PM
Hello Rebor.I hope you're listening  :) This Utahraptor packs lots of details from what I've seen.The sculptural detail inmense,but I'm afraid to say that it's not really accurate.I wish you based it on the new look of this creature as well as it had primaries.You guys have lots and lots of fans and you guys know it.People have no idea of dinosaurs,honestly.But I guess those are your early days,right?No one is perfect at those,but I hope you'll improve the accuracy.Accuracy aside,it looks pretty good,but I'm excited to see your Ceratosaurus a lot.
If you're taking suggestions,what about...Deinocheirus?  ;)

Yes we are listening and we are always listening, we see every single comment, and we have explained this before:

"We know exactly how Yutyrannus should look like and how Utahraptor should be feathered, we're absolutely agree with the diagram provided by tyrantqueen, however as a company we also need to consider the public acceptance of these dinosaur replicas, therefore please consider the inaccuracy was the result of artistic embellishments."

Also there is no such thing as "early days", and we consider none should ever use this term as an excuse to pardon those works that lack of efforts. It's always about the attitudes and respects towards to the career. We saw the "early" works some companies out there, to be honest if we were them, we would be shamed to put the company's logo on those products >:D Fortunately we have set an extremely high standard for ourselves to ensure perfection from the very beginning :)

For those who asked us why we made Yutyrannus and Utahraptor since "feather" is such an sensitive subject, well we have planned our future projects into several phases, and believe or not we are the one who will actually try to "bend" the public's impression towards to the Coelurosauria by slowly introducing them the real science behind these models. Just give us some time and you will see.


Quote from: Concavenator on January 31, 2015, 12:16:11 PM
If you're taking suggestions,what about...Deinocheirus?  ;)

Oh come on, we have already had enough Therizinosaurus models out there, do we really need another wolverine? ;)


an adult large magnificent Ceratopsian, Hadrosaur, Iguanodontid or Sauropod please, Rebor.
"you know you have a lot of prehistoric figures if you have at least twenty items per page of the prehistoric/dinosaur section on ebay." - anon.


@Rebor:Good to hear,hoping to see more from you.It's 100% true that your efforts with your sculpts is fascinating.Keep up this please.Also,Deinocheirus,while related to Therizinosaurus,is not from the same family.It's weird as can be,a giant,fluffy,humped ornithomimosaur.Everything about it is bizarre,it's a theropod,yet it's herbivore,it looks intimidating yet it may have been pacific.No onehas ever attempted to create one with the new look,ypu could be the first.Concluding,it's a weird dinosaur.You can take or leave it  :P
You could label is as the weirdest dinosaur.It would sell pretty well I think.Just saying...


Quote from: sauroid on January 31, 2015, 01:10:30 PM
an adult large magnificent Ceratopsian, Hadrosaur, Iguanodontid or Sauropod please, Rebor.

Of course, how can we miss these? ;)


Hey Rebor! First of all, great job with those models, seriously,the quality is just amazing considering the price. Accurate or not, I dont see a reason to not praise your efforts if you compare your sculptures with others like Collecta, for example (it is weird how some people here praise Collecta theropods and then complains against Rebor...). I have to say that I haven´t bought any of your models so far, but simply because I am not into theropods. But if you release a nice ceratopsian (Nasutoceratops or Diabloceratops,please!) I will buy it first day.
Thank you,guys, great job! I hope to see more and more models from you.
By the way,when are we going to see the ceratosaurus?

Edited for language.


I also think a Concavenator would be a great suggestion.Unique theropod,the most interesting Spanish dinosaur.Its base could simulate a river or a lake.

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