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Florida Museum of Natural History

Started by MaastrichtianGuy, November 03, 2016, 12:48:30 AM

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a Wild Horse


Eosphargis or Anglocetus

a Display Sign

Phalacrocorax filyawi


What a great museum, with some fascinating and educational displays. Thanks for the virtual visit!
UPDATE - Where've I been, my other hobbies, and how to navigate my Flickr:
Flickr for crafts and models:
Flickr for wildlife photos: Link to be added
Twitter: @MaudScientist


Eocene Cave Fossils

Stone Crab

Coin Fossils


Sand Dollars

an Extinct Whelk

a Vertebrae of a Pontogeneus

Pleistocene Cave Fossils

Ancient Bison Leg

Hesperotestudo Shell Bone

Imperial Mammoth Teeth

Megalonyx Claw

American Mastodon and a Horse jaw


the Florida Sea Painting by David Miller

Geographic Time Scale

American Alligator

West Indian Manatee


a Display Glass which the upper part shows Megalodon Teeth and Broad Toothed White Shark Teeh

the Middle Shows a mammoth or mastodon toe bone,Columbian Mammoth Teeth and a whale invertebrae and the bottom are Recrystallized Hard Clams a Sand Dollar a Rhyncholampas evergladensis a Green Sea Urchin and more fossil Sand dollars

the first drawer shows a Titanboa Vertebrae, a Green Anaconda Vertebrae on the left, a Prehistoric Podocnemidid Skull and a Arrau River turtle Skull on the middle and a Prehistoric Lepidosirenid Jaw,and a South American Lungfish Jaw on the right

a second drawer shows a Florida Spectacled Bear Mandible, a Smilodon tooth and a Dire Wolf Maxilla on the first row,a Mylohyus Mandible,a Palaeolama maxilla and a Vero Tapir mandible on the second row,a Castoroides Tooth,a Wild Horse Mandible and a Holmesina tooh on the third row,an Eremotherium tooth,a Pinckney's Capybara tooth and a Columbian Mammoth Tooth on the fourth row

a third drawer shows Seed Fern Leaves on the Top and a Lepidodendron tree Bark and Calamite Leaves on the Bottom

the theater in the Fossil Hall Showing a 5 minute film,the Aucilla River Project

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