Dinosaur Diorama Contest 2009 – Winners!

3.7 (3 votes)

I’m pleased to announce the winners of the recent Dinosaur Toy Forum Diorama Contest – 2009, sponsored by Faunacasts. Thanks to everyone who entered and voted! 17 unique dioramas were entered this year and  43 members took part in the voting process. All of the entries and the results of the voting poll can still be seen here on the Dinosaur Toy Forum. But without further ado, the winners are as follows.

First place was a three way tie – but each wins first prize –  a Tyrannosaurus rex by sculpted by Malcolm Mlodoch (Dinonikes) of Faunacasts. There are also banners for all the winners to parade around on the forum if they wish! The three first place winners are:

Radman with his entry titled “Diorama in early Cretaceous Africa – Jobaria versus Afrovenators”
Dinosaur Diorama
Diorama in early Cretaceous Africa - Jobaria versus Afrovenators

Pilkington with his diorama titled “Hunting Party”
Dinosaur Diorama
Hunting party

and Tomhet with his diorama titled “Cretaceous Hunt”
Dinosaur Diorama
Cretaceous Hunt

In second place, winning a Dilophosaurus by Faunacasts, is Pangolinmoth with his diorama titled “Lonely Stego”
Dinosaur Diorama
Lonely Stego

In third place, winning an Ophthalmosaurus by Faunacasts, is Bokisaurus with his diorama titled “Just another day at the beach”
Dinosaur Diorama
Just another day at the beach

Congratulation to all prize winners!

There are also three close runners up, who receive an honorable mention here:

“Cornered!” by Tetonbabydoll

“The Permo-Triassic” by Hyneria
The Permo-Triassic

“On the lookout” by Bjeast
Just another day at the beach

Thanks to everyone who took part in the contest this year, and to everyone who voted. Hopefully the contest next year will be just as popular! A final ‘thank you’ goes to our kind sponsor Faunacasts for providing such amazing prizes.

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