Images of new LEGO Jurassic World toys have also dropped. Keep in mind that the figures will be included with sets, of which we do not have images just yet.
Quetzalcoatlus. A straight repaint of the Dominion version.
Papo’s had their ups and downs in recent years, with some toys still being pretty darned good and others being pretty darned bad, if we’re being brutally honest. But it appears that we’re in luck for next year!
Anhanguera. This appears to be a digital model as opposed to a physical toy, but it looks very promising.
Here is the painted prototype of the 1/18 scale Smilodon for Creative Beast Studio’s Beasts of the Cenozoic line.
The colour scheme is clearly inspired by the African lion.
While considerably smaller than the 1/12 scale version intended for the Cyberzoic line, it is just as detailed and still comes with an alternative head.
Two 2025 LEGO Jurassic World sets were revealed this past weekend. Dinosaur Fossils: Triceratops Skull follows up on this year’s T. rex Skull.
Rather than another fossil footprint, there is a bonebed featuring the skull and ribcage of a Triceratops, along with an aspiring young paleontologist.