
Poll time! Cast your votes for the best stegosaur toys, the best ceratopsoid toys (excluding Triceratops), and the best allosauroid toys (excluding Allosaurus) of all time! Some of the polls have been reset to include some recent releases, so please vote again, even if you voted previously.

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Dame Aelis

Started by Dame Aelis, November 12, 2020, 06:25:12 PM

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Dame Aelis

Hello to everyone.

You can call me Dame Aelis. I wander on this forum since few years, readings topics and admiring art and customs. Now I join :D

I used to love Dinosaurs and prehistoric animals back in my youth. I used to bring few chinasaurs I had everywhere with me. Then I switch to other thnigs, and other hobby. A few years ago, I jumped back in the dino wagon when i rediscovered my old toys and decide to put them on shelves, and to look for information about them.
in those days,  I collect, I paint, and happily wander with my little plastic friends in the Big Outside :D

i also look collect dragons (when i stumble on them) and i own a few little pony bought only in the purpose to be customised :p

More of the little things I adopt are second hands, as I found a lot of fun in exploring website and second hand markets.

On the personnal plan, I'm 26 years old woman, born somewhere in July. I'm French, and live in the south of the country.
Even if I understand and write english correctly (most of the time) I sincerely apologize by advance for all errors I could do in the future. Thanks.


Bienvenue, Dame Aelis, dans cette forum dinosaure superbe! Je te souhaite beaucoup de plaisir ici avec d´autres amis dinosaures.
Je pense, nous avons 5 membres francais dans le forum.

Votre Avatar, c´est un brachiosaure? Un beau photo!

Cordialement, PlesiosaurusNessy d´Allemagne

(Welcome, Dame Aelis, to this wonderful dinosaur forum! I wish you a lot of joy here with other dinosaur friends .
I think, we have 5 french members in the forum.
Your avatar, does it show a brachiosaur? A nice photo!

Kind regards, PlesiosaurusNessy from Germany)
Paleontology: Science for the love to dinosaurs!

Dame Aelis

Thank you for your kind words, and what a lovely way to welcome people :)

Yes, it's the "old" safari brachiosaurus. One morning, there was a curious sky, pink/purple and blue, so I did few pics from my windows :p
Here is it the full one:


Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy yourself here.
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

My attempt to find the best toy of every species

My trade/sale/wishlist thread

Sometimes I draw pictures

Gothmog the Baryonyx

Welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy your time here
Megalosaurus, Iguanodon, Archaeopteryx, Cetiosaurus, Compsognathus, Hadrosaurus, Brontosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Albertosaurus, Herrerasaurus, Stenonychosaurus, Deinonychus, Maiasaura, Carnotaurus, Baryonyx, Argentinosaurus, Sinosauropteryx, Microraptor, Citipati, Mei, Tianyulong, Kulindadromeus, Zhenyuanlong, Yutyrannus, Borealopelta, Caihong


That is an atmospheric photo. I hope you enjoy your time on the Forum even more now that you have decided to join in!


Welcome to the DTF and enjoy collecting dinosaurs and other prehistoric and extinct animals. Make yourself at home.

Amazon ad:

Jose S.M.

Hello and welcome to the forum!


Bonjour et bienvenue, Dame Aelis. Hope you like it here, mademoiselle.


Hi and welcome to the Forum :)

Greeting from one of your Neighbours in northern Germany.

Dame Aelis


Belated welcome from me, too :) Always a joy to see another woman who likes dinosaurs and collects them as well.


I think that there are more of us around than there used to be!

Quote from: Sarapaurolophus on November 15, 2020, 10:13:51 AM
Belated welcome from me, too :) Always a joy to see another woman who likes dinosaurs and collects them as well.


Welcome to the forum, glad to have you join us :)

long as my heart's beatin' in my chest
this old dawg ain't about to forget :')


Hello and welcome to this Forum ! Enjoy your stay, nice to have you here!


Quote from: Kapitaenosavrvs on November 12, 2020, 11:57:04 PM
Hi and welcome to the Forum :)

Greetings from one of your Neighbours in northern Germany.

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