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Hello everybody!

Started by TheCambrianCrusader, September 28, 2021, 09:43:48 PM

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I just realized I've never formally introduced myself.

Hello! I've been a lurker since the days of the old forum but I've never actually got around to posting.
Just graduated college with a BS in Zoology and figured that since I have a lot more free time now I might as well be more involved.
I've managed to build a decently sized collection over the years and I might show it off in the collection thread sometime soon.


My welcome to the DTF. I hope to see your collection in the forum soon. Enjoy this great website.


Nice to meet you, avatar_TheCambrianCrusader @TheCambrianCrusader! Given your user name, I think I'll enjoy your collection thread if you start one...
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

My attempt to find the best toy of every species

My trade/sale/wishlist thread

Sometimes I draw pictures


Welcome to the forum. Judging from the username you dig Cambrian and/or Paleozoic stuff? Same here. I'll be interested to see what you got.
Film Accurate Mattel JW and JP toys list (incl. extended canon species, etc):

Every Single Mainline Mattel Jurassic World Species A-Z; 2025 toys added!:

Most produced Paleozoic genera (visual encyclopedia):

Gothmog the Baryonyx

Hi, welcome to the forum, be nice to see some Cambrian
Megalosaurus, Iguanodon, Archaeopteryx, Cetiosaurus, Compsognathus, Hadrosaurus, Brontosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Albertosaurus, Herrerasaurus, Stenonychosaurus, Deinonychus, Maiasaura, Carnotaurus, Baryonyx, Argentinosaurus, Sinosauropteryx, Microraptor, Citipati, Mei, Tianyulong, Kulindadromeus, Zhenyuanlong, Yutyrannus, Borealopelta, Caihong


Welcome aboard! Kinda started that way myself, when I graduated from my palaeontology degree.

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