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Ceratopsian's custom paints and everything else: new 10 May 2024

Started by ceratopsian, March 19, 2016, 12:58:26 PM

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avatar_Concavenator @Concavenator
Quote from: Concavenator on April 13, 2020, 07:21:12 PM
What scale the new Baryonyx truly is? I assume the one from last year is too big to be 1:40, as usually happens with them.

Actually I like this one more than the Deluxe, wish last year's would've been exactly like this and without the movable jaw.

I have done a rough and ready calculation.  Taking the length of the dinosaur to be around 10 metres (based on nothing more academic than Everything Dinosaur's fact sheet), and the measured length of the CollectA model to be 20 cm (string along its back from nose to tail tip, following bends), then I make the scale to be around 1:50.


avatar_ceratopsian @ceratopsian I see, thanks.

What amuses me from CollectA is that their Deluxe Carnotaurus towers their Deluxe Baryonyx despite being advertised as being the same size, when in real life a  Carnotaurus was similar in size to Baryonyx, if not a bit smaller.


Quote from: Concavenator on April 14, 2020, 03:00:28 PM
avatar_ceratopsian @ceratopsian I see, thanks.

What amuses me from CollectA is that their Deluxe Carnotaurus towers their Deluxe Baryonyx despite being advertised as being the same size, when in real life a  Carnotaurus was similar in size to Baryonyx, if not a bit smaller.

avatar_Concavenator @Concavenator - I missed out the actual length of the model, duh!  Edited post to include it: 20 cm.


A change today from the recent CollectA haul. 

Back in October - it seems like a lifetime ago now - I attended the Tetzoo Con in London.  It had a particularly strong dinosaur content over the two days, so was interesting.  There was a sales room of course.  Plenty of time to chat to artists like Bob Nicholls between talks. 

Normally I don't buy soft toys.  But this time I was tempted into picking up one of Rebecca Groom's Palaeoplushies.  I fell for her Olorotitan - ravishing colours.  Her website says that the design was inspired by the work of the artist Natee Himmapaan, a name I'm sure quite a few of you will recognise.  I'm not a needlewoman, though did a lot of excellent embroidery as a child.  However, I was intrigued by how she found fabric so perfectly designed for her purpose.  Of course she didn't find it: she has it specially printed to her own specification.  I found the mint-rock stripe of its crest irresistible.  I admired the care with which the eye was chosen to pick up the exact same shade of green.  Also the way skin folds are suggested by the thin purple lines.  It's quite a large piece at around 43 cm long.  And quite a work of art.

Each one comes with its own label:

Here's the link to my Flickr album for hi-resolution images:


Quote from: ceratopsian on April 13, 2020, 07:16:57 PM
Thank you avatar_Shonisaurus @Shonisaurus and avatar_Gothmog the Baryonyx @Gothmog the Baryonyx.

B @Bokisaurus - thank you.  Practice makes perfect!  I have a question.  I'm so ignorant about anything to do with painting - what type of paint would be best to use?  Something from a modelling shop?

I do hope you get the computer issue sorted.
avatar_ceratopsian @ceratopsian - I use acrylic paints, they are easy to use and easy found in art or craft stores.
They are not expensive at all. You will also need some small paint brush- I like to use a short square bristled brush, easier to do dry-brushing, and a small point one.
I suggest  not using a pure green, but mix it up with a little yellow or brown to warm it up a bit, that way it's not too artificial looking.
Lastly, use a cardboard piece to test out colors so you see what they look before painting a figure base.
You can do this! Just remember to apply the paint as thinly as you can and do them it layers, this way you don't overwhelm the details.
Good luck, more than happy to help if you have questions.

I really need to get my repainted bases posted😂


QuoteI really need to get my repainted bases posted

Sorry, for linking in, but i would love to see them!

Also, avatar_ceratopsian @ceratopsian what an interesting, fluffy Olorotitan. I had to google the Artist, because i was curious. What a Price, but absolutely nice Plushanimals. I really like it.


B @Bokisaurus - thank you for the advice.  When we are out of lockdown, I promise to get hold of some paints and brushes and have a go. 

avatar_Kapitaenosavrvs @Kapitaenosavrvs - ah yes, the price!  If I had been ordering on-line, I would probably have been prudent and not have pressed "buy".  But it's a bit different at a convention when you can see the plushie/painting/book, whatever, right in front of you and you went with cash in your pocket!


Today it's back to CollectA's new for 2020 models.  I think that the recent releases are so strong that it's very hard to say, "This is my favourite of the bunch."   But the Deluxe Protoceratops is a fierce contender for this accolade.  It has a great deal going for it.  The pose is nicely dynamic without being forced.  There is plenty of detail - look at the snaggly teeth behind the horny beak.  The eye is beady and exceedingly life-like.  The body has a solid, hefty feel and gives a good impression of how head-heavy this animal was.  The colour scheme is fine too.  Plenty of texture on the scales.  Good skin folds where the arms and legs are shown in movement.  I feel that CollectA has really upped their game with this release and it's well on the way to the sort of quality we were getting from PNSO's mid-range releases (like the Spinops or the Ankylosaurus).

The only possible failing for me is the very visible articulation of the jaw.  But to balance against this, being able to open it up gives one a good view down into its mouth and throat.  Quills - of course not actually attested for this taxon, but I'm happy to accept this speculation.  And my set of quills at least are reasonably well painted, with hints of darker brown washed over the base yellow.

Here's the link to my Flickr album for hi-res images:


avatar_ceratopsian @ceratopsian , these pictures really illustrate the plus and minus of the articulated jaw concept. Is it worth it? I think that many will agree that here it is, but there sure is a price. For example, I saw an image of a Papo Iguanodon knock-off on Aliexpress. IMO, it definitely looks better than the original (at a fraction of the cost), BECAUSE it lacks the articulation. Of course, it's a much smaller figure, so there was less to gain. In the CollectA's case, the large scale allows the details within the jaws to be highlighted, which certainly is a plus.


It really is a beautiful model that really needs to be seen in person to be fully appreciated.
It is definitely my favorite version of this species.
It's fun looking inside it's mouth and seeing all those amazing details 😂


S @SidB - in general I prefer my jaws not to be articulated because the inevitable seams break the illusion of a "real" animal. But that said, articulation (obviously) doesn't prevent me from buying an animal that is so endowed if I like it for other reasons.


avatar_ceratopsian @ceratopsian Nice figure of protoceratops by Collecta and nice pictures but I have your own opinion I am not a follower and fan of articulated jaws or articulated parts in dinosaurs and prehistoric animals and much more in herbivorous dinosaurs I see that I am not the only one who thinks in this way. The articulated jaws from my personal opinion greatly spoil the figure of a prehistoric animal.


avatar_Shonisaurus @Shonisaurus - It is nice that we feel the same way.  :)

Quote from: Shonisaurus on April 16, 2020, 08:16:01 PM
avatar_ceratopsian @ceratopsian Nice figure of protoceratops by Collecta and nice pictures but I have your own opinion I am not a follower and fan of articulated jaws or articulated parts in dinosaurs and prehistoric animals and much more in herbivorous dinosaurs I see that I am not the only one who thinks in this way. The articulated jaws from my personal opinion greatly spoil the figure of a prehistoric animal.


The final instalment from my box of CollectA models is the Fukuisaurus.  This really impressed me - good detail, decent paint job.  The white round the eye perhaps reminds me of some of the old CollectA penchant for "war paint", but it's not out of place here.  And a nice pose with some life in it but not overdone.  In my mind's eye, I can see him at a watering hole, just lifting his head to check on a minor noise off in the bushes.  Not frightened, just cautious at this stage!

Now I need to get on and take some more photos.  They won't be new arrivals, but there are plenty of things that came in the second half of last year I never got round to snapping.

And my Flickr album:


This figure, at least for the first wave releases, is one of the true gem and I think underrated figure.
It truly is an amazing little figure that is so packed with delicate details.
The white on the eyes is subdued and very pleasing to the eye.
What a strong first group!😃


avatar_ceratopsian @ceratopsian and B @Bokisaurus Totally in agreement with both of them, the Colkuta fukuisaurus is a beautiful work of art, it is an elegant figure, beautifully detailed and very well painted and with an alert or roaring pose.


I hadn't originally planned to buy the Fukuisaurus, but it's different enough in size from Favorite's 2015 version that I think I might just! Thanks for the photos
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I had thought I would take a lot more pictures of models while we were in lockdown here - but in the event I spent a lot of time repotting cacti in my two greenhouses.  This essential procedure had been sadly neglected over the last few years and for some of the plants it's now or never.

Last week a rather battered box arrived from Thailand.  I quailed on seeing that one corner was squashed really badly.  To my enormous surprise and relief the contents were fine.  The chief occupant was another model sculpted by SenSen, this time a 1:20 Kentrosaurus.  So it's quite small.  It's listed as 19 cm on the little "credit card" certificate of authenticity, though I haven't checked whether that is a straight measure or along the animal.  Given that it was both a herbivore and quite small, it was something I couldn't resist!

I had pre-ordered this sometime last year but it took a long time to arrive.  First there was an understandable production delay in China due to Covid-19.  Then when it finally reached Dinosaur Darkroom, through whom I had ordered it, he discovered that airmail to the UK (and various other countries) had been suspended.  So he hung onto it for me for several weeks until it was reinstated in June.  Usually I order unpainted kits for Martin to make up for me, but on this occasion I really liked the painted version that was offered - I think it was the flashes of blue on its sides that appealed so strongly.  I liked it so much that I thought I would always remember the original version if I asked Martin to do something else - so I bought the made-up version.

The base is a little "basic" - but actually I rather like the effect of a slate-looking bare rock.  It makes a change from aquarium plants etc!

Under the base, there is SenSen's signature - black ink, but it shines tawny in sunlight:

And the link to my Flickr album if you want hi-res photos:


It is wonderful! You must have been so relieved to finally have it show up on your doorstep after all those months.
I agree that the simple base works very well. Because of the empty stage you don't get distracted and have no other option than to admire the beautiful colours.


Really nice  8)
I'm still waiting for SenSen Hypsilophodon from Darkroom (it's in transit..).

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