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Jurassic Park call-backs in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (trailers + movie)

Started by DinoToyForum, February 06, 2018, 10:55:28 PM

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Back in 2015 we made a list of all the Jurassic Park call backs, nods, and similarities in Jurassic World:

We'll certainly be able to do the same for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Indeed, to demonstrate this, months before the movie is even out, I've taken some screen shots from the Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom trailers and TV spots and placed them alongside equivalent shots from the Jurassic Park trilogy. The list is now up to 37. This isn't necessarily exhaustive.

In rough order of appearance in trailer 2 (JW:FK on the left :P):

1.A child, in bed but not asleep, because there's something out there...

2. Shadow of a raptor head moving across a wall. The wall has naturalistic design.

3. Rat-a-tat-tat, who is that?

4. Long shot of a tandem rotor helicopter transporting something on a rope. "Why would Hammond send two teeaiiiims?"

5. Low angle hand-held shot of two people looking up at a brachiosaurus neck.

6. Flat shot of two people, side by side, arms outstretched, mouths agape, scared in a vehicle.

7. A plummeting vehicle, shot looking straight down a cliff face towards crashing ocean waves.

8. A perilous situation with hands spread on a sheet of glass.

9. A dozy dino, prostrate and in a muzzle.

10. T.rex glory shot, full body, side on, roarrrrrrrr!

11. Quick cut to a gear change. "Get off the stick, bloody move!"

12. Caged T. rex, tranquilised, on its front, in the dark.

13. Conference pitch time.

14. Taking aim with a hefty gun from a high vantage point in the dark.

15. A pteranodon grabs someone from behind as they are running towards the camera.

16. Hanging on a rope in the rain and dark.

Edit - same for trailer 1:

17. Pool shot

18. Over-shoulder shot at a diner table in a bar, beer in the foreground, lovely red upholstery, about going back to the island.

19. Sweeping shots of plane flying over the ocean to island, visible in background.

20. Oblique shot of long vehicle driving over grassy field with misty mountains in background.

21. Caged Stegosaurus, only plates visible, in the dark.

22. A raptor jumps on a car and roars, with human in foreground.

23. People running from a dinosaur stampede seek shelter behind a fallen tree. Stampede passes them.

24. Long shot of T.rex in side view with its foot pinning down prey and it head lowered, while human watches in awe in foreground.

Edit - same for trailer 3 teaser

25."Eye see you"

26. Scaredy face framed by T. rex maw.

27. A raptor hunting people on a roof in the dark.

28. Close up of a toothy dinosaur slowly approaching someone scared witless in a bed (It isn't obvious from the stills, so for context, the JW:FK scene shows the 'Indoraptor' creeping slowly along the bedcovers where a scared child is cowering under the covers, while the original scene shows the T. rex creeping into the tent where a scared child is cowering under the covers).

29. Welcome to..Jurassic Franchise!

Edit - from the TV spots:

30. Pushing a heavy metal door closed on a predator's snapping jaws.

31. Pushed up against a barrier, head turned over shoulder, terror face.

32. "Just can't not touch". Shot of hand reaching out - slowly, tentatively - to touch a dinosaur's snout.

33. That scene in the second film when our protagonist discusses going back to the island to save the dinosaurs. The frame is composed of a head and shoulders shot on one half, with a tall curtained window occupying the other half, staged in a room in a mansion, well lit by sunlight. But she's wearing white, not black! see! It's different, it's the opposite, profound! :P

34. Raptor jumps through a window. A bit of a JP meme by now, this one. I could've picked one of several such shots.

35. "Not unless they've figured out how to open doors". Shot of a door handle, waggles, and then opened by clawed hand.

36. Running towards the camera, away from a chasing T.rex, in the dark and rain.

37. Hunting dino comes inside through a screen of pale draped material. Pokes head through first, takes stock, and proceeds.

38. "Get off my back!"


That's a big list. Some of them do seem blatantly obvious (sickle claw tapping), but I wonder if some of the others are just mere coincidence? Wonder how this will total out with the full film though. I know JW was full of things like this (for better or worse).
Film Accurate Mattel JW and JP toys list (incl. extended canon species, etc):

Every Single Mainline Mattel Jurassic World Species A-Z; 2024 toys added!:

Most produced Paleozoic genera (visual encyclopedia):


Doug Watson

Quote from: SuperiorSpider on February 07, 2018, 11:32:53 AM
"A female character clinging to a rope or shooting a rifle? They´re obviously ripping off the older movies!"

Most of these comparisons are just ridiculous. Even shots that look similar like the child in bed or the captured Rex still have an entirely different feel to them and can hardly be called "regurgitated" scenes. You´re grasping at straws.

The blind hatred towards these movies really is tainting the forum for me recently. I don´t even visit the JW:FK thread anymore, because of all the negativity in there. I get that these movies aren´t for everybody, but why can´t that be the end of it? Why all this effort to basically ruin the movies for other people, too?

Agreed, the caged T rex one is the weakest. I get my revenge with my money, I will be in line to see it when it comes out, then I will buy the BlueRay DVD set when it comes out hopefully guaranteeing more JP movies and pissing the haters off even more.  >:D


The Pteranodon grabbing someone is pretty weak, too. It's pretty common for them to do that in fiction.
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


That one with the chinook looks strangely like stop-motion, or some kind of stiff model.

Is that Toby Young? Oh Toby, you should have stuck with Mackenzie Crook.

Quote from: SuperiorSpider on February 07, 2018, 11:32:53 AMI get that these movies aren´t for everybody, but why can´t that be the end of it? Why all this effort to basically ruin the movies for other people, too?

I'm going to sound like a right prick with this response (I yam what I yam) so fair warning, but...

Because while blockbuster films are no strangers to 'big and dumb', these days studios seem to be doubling down on 'big and dumb' to an offensively stupid degree, often while trying to look clever by cramming in an agenda in a hamfisted way.* But there always seems to be enough people swarming to see a bad film to make the investment worthwhile. (This may be starting to change, or at least it has it's exceptions)
So studios may only listen to the box office take, but that's not going to stop people from expressing what they find so ridiculous about a film. Me, personally, I have to vent frustration that when they make 'films that aren't for everybody', it usually means they keep making lazy, bad, or defiantly ignorant films - especially sequels or remakes of once well-received stories - for people who like bad films, when people who like bad films and people who like good films, will both like a good film. (It's a very simple concept, I feel)

So someone says they like bad films, that they can turn their brain off, that at least the effects and some action sequences were good? I'm not going to say 'good for you, YMMV' because they all but admit they're distracted by shiny things. They make me wonder how often that off switch is used. They make me wonder if the off switch ever made much of a difference anyway.
It ruins the film for people? It was already ruined. Setting aside Doug's reaction of going to support a bad film out of spite**: it might make someone go and watch the film one less time out of umpteen dozen. It might be a thimbleful taken out of the rushing flood of punters going to justify the millions spent on bad storytelling, and I feel that's worth it. It might make a moviegoer more aware of the blatant flaws, watch the film with a more critical eye, and - God forbid - maybe even watch it with their brain turned on.

If more people can be persuaded that a bad film is bad, (and 'ooh dinosaurs' =/= good) maybe, just maybe, it might eventually affect filmmakers where it counts (what they count), and they might consider making better films.

Some of DTF's connections here might be tenuous, but I wonder if it's the first time some members have ever thought to critically evaluate the films. Or bits of them. At the very least it's a commentary on how the Jurassic World series is trading on a name from a quarter of a century ago***. It's got that, and 'dinosaurs' and 'safari park' linking it. Even the comparisons of the indoraptor to the xenomorph in the other thread show how much the franchise has lost it's identity, and slid into generic monster B-movie status. (With Treverrow's pontifications about the deep message of JWFK adding insult to injury) I hear 'indoraptor' I think 'CHUD'.

As if the last one wasn't enough of an indication...

* The agenda, or the seed of it, is usually not bad - race, civil liberties, women's agency, in this case animal rights - just the way they're handled and expressed.

** Well you showed us. I have a DVD of Norbit you might like. Gimme a hundred bucks and you'll really stick it to the haters.

*** And Jurassic World is just one symptom. Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Alien, Transformers, Batman and Superman, so on and so forth. As I said at the top, it's just about at breaking point. We need a consistent period of good movies, to shake it up; not just something flashy and distracting.

Doug Watson

Quote from: WarrenJB on February 07, 2018, 04:46:51 PM
Setting aside Doug's reaction of going to support a bad film out of spite**:

I did not say I was doing it out of spite I said I was getting my revenge at the haters. There is a difference. I was a agreeing with SuperiorSpider that "enough is enough". If you had read some of my other comments on JP threads on the DTF about the franchise you would know I ENJOY the films. Surprised you didn't know that since you are so much smarter than us.
You were right about one thing, the way you sounded.


Jose S.M.

This threads give me a lot to think sometimes. One thing I know it's that I don't judge people for liking big budgeted "dumb" movies. I know several people that I admire and look up to that enjoy some franchises of that style.


I think your fighting a losing battle.  "Hollywood" isn't going to change how they make films any time soon,  just like we're never going to have an honest politician who does what's right.  It's all about money.  If you don't want to see their new scifi film with dinosaurs then that's ok by them, they go with something else and the dinosaur film will go the way of pirate movies.  They just don't care.  Remember all the good dino documentaries we used to watch?  Where have they gone?    To pile on to this, it's incredibly hard to get people out of their houses and away from a cellphone or computer screen anyway. Movie theaters will eventually go away and you will just pay to watch films in your own home.  More and more people are becoming shut ins.  That's the real problem.   I applaud anything that gets people up and out.  When the last Jurassic World movie hit our Dinosaur Park experienced a nice little upsurge in business. I'm certain museums and the like did too.  Ok so it's not a great film look at the positive aspects.

QuoteSome of DTF's connections here might be tenuous, but I wonder if it's the first time some members have ever thought to critically evaluate the films. Or bits of them. At the very least it's a commentary on how the Jurassic World series is trading on a name from a quarter of a century ago***. It's got that, and 'dinosaurs' and 'safari park' linking it. Even the comparisons of the indoraptor to the xenomorph in the other thread show how much the franchise has lost it's identity, and slid into generic monster B-movie status. (With Treverrow's pontifications about the deep message of JWFK adding insult to injury) I hear 'indoraptor' I think 'CHUD'.

Bit of a B movie fan ( still hoping for a Killer Klowns from Outer Space sequel here! ) but I don't get some of this. It's a sequel so it's name reflects that?  I made the Alien comparison myself being a fan of those films too,  but it's new for a Jurassic movie.   I'm not sure what you mean by " lost it's identity" What did you consider the franchise's original identity to be?   I also don't get the Indoraptor/CHUD comparison, but to each their own, I wouldn't be surprised if the name is poked fun at in the film like in JW too. 


Quote from: SuperiorSpider on February 07, 2018, 11:32:53 AM
"A female character clinging to a rope or shooting a rifle? They´re obviously ripping off the older movies!"

Yep. I genuinely think so.

Most of these comparisons are just ridiculous. Even shots that look similar like the child in bed or the captured Rex still have an entirely different feel to them and can hardly be called "regurgitated" scenes. You´re grasping at straws.

I see obvious similarities. Your opinion is different to mine. That's fine. :)

The blind hatred towards these movies really is tainting the forum for me recently. I don´t even visit the JW:FK thread anymore, because of all the negativity in there. I get that these movies aren´t for everybody, but why can´t that be the end of it? Why all this effort to basically ruin the movies for other people, too?

It isn't blind hatred. My eyes are quite open - I'm literally responding to what I'm seeing. Blind hatred implies I would hate it whatever. That's not the case. Bitter disappointment would be a better description than blind hatred. As I said in my opening post, I find it depressing. I'm not trying to ruin the movies for other people, I'm just illustrating my personal perspective. You might view these call-backs and similarities as a positive thing. You're entitled to, it's art, there is no objectivity here. All opinions are welcome on the forum and always will be. Imagine what a boring place the DTF would be if everyone agreed all the time. ;)


Quote from: Doug Watson on February 07, 2018, 02:43:32 PM
Quote from: SuperiorSpider on February 07, 2018, 11:32:53 AM
"A female character clinging to a rope or shooting a rifle? They´re obviously ripping off the older movies!"

Most of these comparisons are just ridiculous. Even shots that look similar like the child in bed or the captured Rex still have an entirely different feel to them and can hardly be called "regurgitated" scenes. You´re grasping at straws.

The blind hatred towards these movies really is tainting the forum for me recently. I don´t even visit the JW:FK thread anymore, because of all the negativity in there. I get that these movies aren´t for everybody, but why can´t that be the end of it? Why all this effort to basically ruin the movies for other people, too?

Agreed, the caged T rex one is the weakest. I get my revenge with my money, I will be in line to see it when it comes out, then I will buy the BlueRay DVD set when it comes out hopefully guaranteeing more JP movies and pissing the haters off even more.  >:D

The caged T. rex. Tranquillised/asleep. Resting with its jaw on the floor. In the dark. Sure, the cage is different, but for me this is an obvious call-back to The Lost World. Others are weaker, but I'm confident this particular one is no coincidence.


Quote from: CityRaptor on February 07, 2018, 03:52:23 PM
The Pteranodon grabbing someone is pretty weak, too. It's pretty common for them to do that in fiction.

It sure is common, that's my point.


I have nothing against bad-ish / watchable / decent / B / movies, I genuinely enjoyed most of the Transformers movies and every Star Wars movie to date (actually, I'd say Rogue One was probably my favorite of them all). My issues with Jurassic World and even moreso Fallen Kingdom are more personal issues with the motives behind and expressed in the films.

Jurassic World is (intended to be) a movie about a successful business woman who is kicked off her throne and forced to reconnect with "love and nature". Though it was also accidentally a movie about a successful business woman overdoing herself by trying to do what her male predecessors did and collapsing her entire life, forcing her to rely on a man to save her, and forcing her to develop maternal connections to her nephews.

I acknowledge what Trevorrow intended to be saying with JW, but it's still hard to shake the impression the film gives you when you first think critically about it. And frankly the intention wasn't all that great either, it's just more "technology is bad it's gonna kill us all" shtick, but this time applied to a zoo/animal theme park which gives it hints of anti-cap propaganda already.

Fallen Kingdom is about people trying to save animals from a natural disaster by bringing them to captivity only for them to be "abused". This is a pretty disgusting and underhanded attack on zoos and animal shelters, saying; "oh it doesn't matter why animals enter captivity they will be abused no matter what". And no I am absolutely not reaching here, read this quote from Trevorrow:
"The dinosaurs will be a parable of the treatment animals receive today: the abuse, medical experimentation, pets, having wild animals in zoos like prisons, the use the military has made of them, animals as weapons. The second part will be a very different movie that will explore new paths. For that reason, it was clear that it needed to be Bayona who would direct it, in order to have it grow and evolve with his very personal vision."

Here is clearly one of those people who thinks having any pet besides a cat or dog constitutes animal abuse. Frankly I'm uncomfortable supporting movies with themes like this. It's not just a case where I disagree, it's a case where these claims are not founded in science or reasoning, and are already doing very serious damage to animals, wild and captive, and to our society.

I'm not someone who demands movies all be amazing spectacles of human character, heck, I haaate "Oscar movies", even ones promoting things I very much agree with, because I find them boring and would rather watch something that I don't find boring. For me the perfect amount of "moralizing" is Star Trek (namely TNG, DS9, Voyager era), anything more and you risk alienating people who are just there to have a good time, and anything less and you run the risk of ending up like Jurassic World, with people misunderstanding your intentions and even being justified in doing so.

I enjoyed Jurassic World when I watched it, it wasn't amazing, but it was still a fun movie, and it wasn't until I re-watched it after hearing things other people caught that I missed that it really bothered me. So I do genuinely hope that everyone who goes to see Fallen Kingdom enjoys themselves, but I'm very content not being one of them.


Quote from: WarrenJB on February 07, 2018, 04:46:51 PM

...Some of DTF's connections here might be tenuous, but I wonder if it's the first time some members have ever thought to critically evaluate the films. Or bits of them....

Every single shot is a creative choice. Given that the makers have demonstrably gone through the JP films with a fine-tooth comb with the intent of looking for nods, references and call backs, it would be naive to put any similarities down to coincidence. I think I'm probably just deconstructing the process that led to the similarities in the first place. At the very least, it is interesting. I didn't mean to upset anyone with this thread.


Quote from: stargatedalek on February 07, 2018, 06:32:41 PM

I acknowledge what Trevorrow intended to be saying with JW, but it's still hard to shake the impression the film gives you when you first think critically about it. And frankly the intention wasn't all that great either, it's just more "technology is bad it's gonna kill us all" shtick, but this time applied to a zoo/animal theme park which gives it hints of anti-cap propaganda already.

But that is  hallmark of the entire franchise?  Messing around with Nature leads to trouble.  That message hasn't changed in the films from what I can tell since the first one or even the book.

QuoteFallen Kingdom is about people trying to save animals from a natural disaster by bringing them to captivity only for them to be "abused". This is a pretty disgusting and underhanded attack on zoos and animal shelters, saying; "oh it doesn't matter why animals enter captivity they will be abused no matter what". And no I am absolutely not reaching here, read this quote from Trevorrow:
"The dinosaurs will be a parable of the treatment animals receive today: the abuse, medical experimentation, pets, having wild animals in zoos like prisons, the use the military has made of them, animals as weapons. The second part will be a very different movie that will explore new paths. For that reason, it was clear that it needed to be Bayona who would direct it, in order to have it grow and evolve with his very personal vision."

Here is clearly one of those people who thinks having any pet besides a cat or dog constitutes animal abuse. Frankly I'm uncomfortable supporting movies with themes like this. It's not just a case where I disagree, it's a case where these claims are not founded in science or reasoning, and are already doing very serious damage to animals, wild and captive, and to our society.

I don't see an attack in comparing a zoo to a prison.  Past zoos did used to look a lot like a circus wagon for their animal enclosures.  Many have changed now are more like sanctuaries.  They do still keep exotic animals in places against their will,  with artificial environments . Some can only survive in these environments.  Zoos are beneficial to us in that they teach us about places we've never been and the world around us.  That said they are still places of containment.  Perhaps that is more what Colin meant?  The fictional DPG does have some aggressive messages  on the old JW site, I mentioned that in the other thread.  Maybe he's illustrating these real life examples of extremism?

Doug Watson

Quote from: WarrenJB on February 07, 2018, 04:46:51 PM
** Well you showed us. I have a DVD of Norbit you might like. Gimme a hundred bucks and you'll really stick it to the haters.

I just noticed this little insult, sorry I got bored half way through your diatribe. If I personally was going to use a movie as an example of a bad movie I would only use one that I had actually seen so the fact that you have actually seen "Norbet" (and I haven't) automatically discredits your opinion. I am continually amazed how nasty the self anointed elite gets when the great unwashed has the audacity not to take their advice on what to watch, what to read, what to think, who to vote for. By contrast did you ever notice that the people on here that just simply enjoy going to a movie about dinosaurs (accurate or not) never create a thread telling everyone it is the best movie ever and you should all see and if you don't you are lacking intellectually? We actually believe in free choice. I have seen almost every dinosaur film made going all the way back to silent films and I will continue to do that as long as it isn't porn or has a guy in a rubber suit.  I also enjoy serious dramas when I am in the mood, good comedy, movies based on true events, horror films, fantasy films, science fiction, movies that make you think and yes heaven forbid dinosaur movies and I don't give a rat's you know what if everyone else doesn't like the movies I like but just like SuperiorSpider I am getting tired of hearing about it.


Quote from: Doug Watson on February 07, 2018, 08:15:37 PM
Quote from: WarrenJB on February 07, 2018, 04:46:51 PM
** Well you showed us. I have a DVD of Norbit you might like. Gimme a hundred bucks and you'll really stick it to the haters.

I just noticed this little insult, sorry I got bored half way through your diatribe. If I personally was going to use a movie as an example of a bad movie I would only use one that I had actually seen so the fact that you have actually seen "Norbet" (and I haven't) automatically discredits your opinion. I am continually amazed how nasty the self anointed elite gets when the great unwashed has the audacity not to take their advice on what to watch, what to read, what to think, who to vote for. By contrast did you ever notice that the people on here that just simply enjoy going to a movie about dinosaurs (accurate or not) never create a thread telling everyone it is the best movie ever and you should all see and if you don't you are lacking intellectually? We actually believe in free choice. I have seen almost every dinosaur film made going all the way back to silent films and I will continue to do that as long as it isn't porn or has a guy in a rubber suit.  I also enjoy serious dramas when I am in the mood, good comedy, movies based on true events, horror films, fantasy films, science fiction, movies that make you think and yes heaven forbid dinosaur movies and I don't give a rat's you know what if everyone else doesn't like the movies I like but just like SuperiorSpider I am getting tired of hearing about it.

Careful with the personal insults, both of you. Thanks. C:-)


I've updated the first post with additional shots of the first trailer. It brings the total to 24. :)


I think a lot of these are a stretch but I can see the reasoning behind why you chose them, except for one. How does Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard separated between a pane of glass even remotely remind you of Julianne Moore about to fall to her death?

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