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Started by dragon53, March 21, 2019, 05:04:52 PM

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Quote from: CityRaptor on November 11, 2021, 09:05:36 AM
Quote from: Bread on November 11, 2021, 02:40:47 AM
-Not a fan of this whole idea the second island exists again! Ugh... wasn't it confirmed that JW would only acknowledge the first island and first movie? I thought this new franchise was ignoring site B movies and plot entirely? This really confuses me, plus there is no mentioning of this island entirely in JW or JWFK. Certainly Claire must have known about this island, followed by Dr. Wu himself, too.

Actually not. The Masrani and DPG ( and Extinction Now! ) websites confirm that Sorna and the events of TLW and JPIII happened.
If you scroll down to the section titled news, it mentions that Hoskins was involved in "the infamous flying reptile "cleanup" operation over Canada in 2001" and was hired by Masrani due to how professionally he handled that.  So unless there were other flying reptiles in Canada in 2001, those were the Pteranodons.

Also according to the Evolution of Claire ( which I haven't read ) at least some Dinosaurs were imported from Sorna.
Thank you for that! Helped clarify a lot for the show and franchise in general. I am still skeptical but of course I'll watch this season regardless on how I feel about what we have seen in the trailer.


Quote from: MLMjp on November 10, 2021, 09:46:58 PM
Those panels capable of generating fake environments and camouflage objects? WHAT?!.
I mean we have a dinosaur that can do the same thing so
Shrek 4 is an underrated masterpiece


Quote from: stargatedalek on October 16, 2021, 10:32:06 PM
Quote from: GojiraGuy1954 on October 16, 2021, 09:19:53 PM
Quote from: CityRaptor on October 16, 2021, 02:55:02 PM
Actually not. Originally it was planned to transport them to a sancutary island. They only arrived on the main land due to sabotage since Mills planned to sell them in order to finance his projects. It's unknown what happened to Sorna, but we may find out.
Sanctuary was a fake island
Fake as an artificial or never existed? It did exist, they just planned to steal the dinosaurs instead of deliver them there.
never existed
pretty sure lockwood was just led on by mills and everyone else and the plan was always to bring the dinosaurs to the mainland
if this is sanctuary though i'll be eating my words lol
Shrek 4 is an underrated masterpiece


Potential spoiler:

My thoughts:
As unlikely as it is, it'd be kind of amazing if CC's Sarcosuchus scenes had a musical reference to the Tic-Tock scenes in Disney's Peter Pan:
I'm also known as JD-man at deviantART:


I didn't feel like sitting through the video atm (though I did skim through it and see a quick image of the repainted figure released in late 2020/early 2021), but if Sarcosuchus is in this, I wonder if either of the Mattel ones are or will be similar enough or if they'll do another repaint next year or the like? I absolutely love my brown one though and it is actually still one of my favorite figures in the line. It's also not too terribly off from the fossil material either, despite some anatomical quirks as one could expect in this line, such as the too-short tail, etc. I wonder if this would in turn make this the second time this happened with the line, other then Monolophosaurus?
Film Accurate Mattel JW and JP toys list (incl. extended canon species, etc):

Every Single Mainline Mattel Jurassic World Species A-Z; 2024 toys added!:

Most produced Paleozoic genera (visual encyclopedia):


Potential spoiler:

My thoughts:
I'm waiting to see how S4 turns out before fully judging the choice of T. rex colors. In the mean time, I do have 2 things to say: 1) Maybe it's just me, but based on what we've seen so far, I don't think the S4 T. rex look as obviously green as the JP2 Buck; If anything, they look like some combination of turquoise/blue/gray; 2) W/all due respect to Klayton, it seems silly to say that the S4 T. rex colors are "a bridge too far", especially given [1] how many color variations we've seen of other species in both CC & the movies, & [2] how much more "far-fetched" Fallen Kingdom is (E.g. The 4th-wall-breaking Indoraptor & human cloning) than anything we've seen in CC so far, including "that robot dog", which is only slightly more advanced than what Boston Dynamics is doing in real life.
I'm also known as JD-man at deviantART:


Fortunately, I was able to finish S4 within 24 hours (w/breaks in btwn to sleep & work).
S3 is still my favorite, but I like it. Reminds me of She-ra's S2 finale: It doesn't feel like a finale for most of the episode, & then it ends on a big-@ss cliff hanger! Not saying that's a bad thing, just that I wish there was more. Now we have to wait ~5 months to see how they unravel this mess. Ooh wee. Also, no Sarco. Maybe in S5, presumably in the Swamp Biome.
I'm also known as JD-man at deviantART:


Finished it all in one sitting, different but not as much as I've seen a lot of other fans complaining about..I swear people anymore just like to bash anything.   Sort of a Jurassic World meets West World which is not at all unheard of.  Lots of character development too.


Keep in mind that it's the same kind of people who make a big drama out of a missing stripe on a toy jeep.
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


I haven't finished it yet, I think I'm on episode 6. It's definitely weird and different and some concepts take some getting used to. This is a show aimed at kids however, and in moving it (and the franchise) forward you need to keep it fresh and implement some new ideas. Just having kids running from dinosaurs gets old after awhile. I've been intrigued so far, and the campers have maintained their well developed personalities and character development which is the most important aspect of the show. So far, so good.

Gothmog the Baryonyx

Think I will have to avoid this,I don't binge watch shows and haven't even watched the first episode yet. Just commenting to remind me to come here later.
Megalosaurus, Iguanodon, Archaeopteryx, Cetiosaurus, Compsognathus, Hadrosaurus, Brontosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Albertosaurus, Herrerasaurus, Stenonychosaurus, Deinonychus, Maiasaura, Carnotaurus, Baryonyx, Argentinosaurus, Sinosauropteryx, Microraptor, Citipati, Mei, Tianyulong, Kulindadromeus, Zhenyuanlong, Yutyrannus, Borealopelta, Caihong

Cretaceous Crab


Kash is an average user of the Carnivora animal fight forums
Shrek 4 is an underrated masterpiece

Cretaceous Crab

Here are my thoughts. ***WARNING. Major spoilers***

1. I love the idea of introducing a new island owned by a different company. Because as others have already said, kids simply evading dinosaurs all the time gets old.

2. "Dino battles" is something I predicted a while back before JWFK was released. I even joked about it with my animal control officer colleagues, likening it to dog-fighting.

3. The technology depicted, especially the use of BRADs and drones to monitor, medicate and even move the dinosaurs, was pretty much spot on IMHO. I mean, we're not far off from "dog bots" in terms of real technological advances, and all of it makes perfect sense in its use for dinosaur welfare. A safe, albeit expensive way to handle dinos.

4. As usual, while the design and detail of the dinosaurs is great, that of the humans was lacking. Especially Kash, whose animation left a lot to be desired. Just the limited range of expression in his face when he talks and yells.

5. Aside from his animation, I really just did not like Kash, period. His voice was just too young sounding, and his short temper kinda was over the top.

6. In contrast, I absolutely LOVE the Spinoceratops hybrid babies! Not a huge fan of JW hybrids in general, and this one seems the most outlandish mix to date (theropod x ornithiscian cross), but they just look so darn cute. Probably my 2nd fav hybrid after the Indoraptor. I'll probably end up getting a figure of one.

7. Cliffhanger ending was a little lackluster, but I'm interested in where it goes. I mean, surely Kenji's dad will get them home without much fuss, and maybe his involvement in Mantah Corp will tie into JWD.


Quote from: Cretaceous Crab on December 05, 2021, 12:58:34 PM

5. Aside from his animation, I really just did not like Kash, period. His voice was just too young sounding, and his short temper kinda was over the top.

The guy ( Haley Joel Osmont, I think he was that "I see dead people " kid ) who voices him is actually in his 30s. I'm also pretty sure that we are not supposed to like him. Guy is a Hate Sink and it will probably be pretty satisfying when he gets killed. Also keep in mind that over the top people like that exist in real life.

Saw the 4th season, yesterday. Liked it, even if it took some getting used to the changed setting.

First of all, about the BRADs people seem to make such a fuss about: Those things are really just a more advanced and better armed version of something that is already running around:
Keep in mind that in this franchise Dinosaurs were already cloned in the 80s and the first Jurassic Park already had a robotic arm sophesticated enough to handle eggs in 1993. So one can assume that these aspects of science are ahead of ours. It also fits Mantah Corp's tech theme, as we saw them making use of drones before. And let's face it:
Also, if there ever is a figure of a BRAD, the very same people who whine about their existence will buy it. 

The whole control thing also has a base in real life:

I think the introduction of a new island owned by Mantah Corp was a good idea. It allows the writers more freedom than using Isla Sorna would. Of course Mantah still takes specimen from Sorna.

On account of the humans: We got some suspense, character development, some changes in relationships ( which makes me wonder if the Dinosaur choice in the Mattel Camper-Dinosaur 2-packs is based on shipping ), some realistic outcomes etc. Also a new human alley, a new hate sink antagonist and a cliffhanger ending with a twist.

As for the Dinosaur side, we got some nice parent-child moments with the Tyrannosaurs ( which turn sour thanks to Mantah Corp ), some returns after a long time, new ( and adorable ) hybrids ( also love how Kenji lampshades that everyone seems to be into making hybrids ), a cute baby Brachiosaurus and Kentrosaurus ( poor Pierce ) and Smilodon ( people behind Jurassic World Alive, take notice. This is how a fight between Smilodon and a large Theropod would turn out. )
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


Can i just say that we now have a villian who is the total Embodiment of an AWSOMBRO now?


Quote from: Takama on December 06, 2021, 12:35:42 AM
Can i just say that we now have a villian who is the total Embodiment of an AWSOMBRO now?
kash= average JW fan and fallen Kingdom defender

long as my heart's beatin' in my chest
this old dawg ain't about to forget :')


I wasn't planning on posting more thoughts just yet, but Swrve's S4 review is so full of nonsense/inaccuracy that I had to comment.

Swrve's review:

My comment:
I appreciate you (Swrve) for trying to make your intentions more clear. & I get that not everyone likes seeing certain things in certain shows (E.g. "Robot dogs" in a GMO dino show), personal preference & all that. That said, I have to agree w/many of the other commenters & point out that many of your S4 criticisms don't make objective sense. Put another way, I get different ppl (dis)liking different things & wanting to talk about why they (dis)like those things, but to make matter-of-fact statements about what does(n't) fit/make sense for the overarching story based on nothing but personal (dis)likes is another thing:
-As others have pointed out, you say you're trying to "avoid turning Jurassic Lore into something that's not meant to be" despite the fact that S4 is, at its core, pretty on-brand for a Michael Crichton-based story (I.e. All his stories are basically about humans trying & failing to use science to control what they don't understand; In fact, Westworld is basically JP w/robot cowboys instead of GMO dinos). I get not everyone likes seeing their favorite show progress in that way, but to claim it doesn't fit/make sense for the overarching story despite all the progressions that preceded it (E.g. JWFK's human-cloning & laser-controlled, 4th-wall-breaking Indoraptor) is just plain nonsensical/inaccurate.
-I won't argue about how insufferable Kash can be. However, to add to what others have said, he does remind me of similarly & irredeemably-douchey ppl in real-life (E.g. He's basically a less camara -friendly version of Mark Zuckerberg). Point is, not every character needs much progression, especially lower-tier villains like Kash (I.e. His phone calls throughout S4 made it pretty clear that he's not THE big bad/mastermind/etc behind Mantah Corp). Put another way, it's like saying that Flotsam & Jetsam from Disney's "The Little Mermaid" needed more character progression.
-Maybe this is like "The dress" in 2015 where different ppl see different colors, but the mother & daughter T. rex look blue-ish & gray-ish (as opposed to green) to many ppl, myself included.
-While I get not liking relationship sub-plots, you say that Kenji/Brooklynn "felt incredibly forced" as if you don't remember how much closer they got in S3Ep6-10, relating to/helping each other work through their personal issues. Furthermore, you claim that "none of the campers suit each other" despite the great dynamic Yaz/Sammy have had since S1Ep3 (I.e. 1 is more bubbly/extroverted, the other is more bitter/introverted, & together, they bring out the best in each other; It reminds me of Harley/Ivy's dynamic in the "Harley Quinn" show).
-To claim that "none of [the campers] seem to have any sort of character progression" is non-sensical/inaccurate for many reasons: For 1, it ignores Ben's struggles w/second-guessing/"finding" himself; For another, to claim that Kenji "didn't really care about the rest besides[...]Brooklynn" ignores the fact that, in 2 back-to-back episodes, he literally throws himself into danger for them (I.e. Darius in Ep1, Ben in Ep2); For yet another, you didn't even try to justify the claim that Sammy "got even more annoying".
I'm also known as JD-man at deviantART:


Quote from: HD-man on December 06, 2021, 12:21:47 PM
I wasn't planning on posting more thoughts just yet, but Swrve's S4 review is so full of nonsense/inaccuracy that I had to comment.

Swrve's review:

My comment:
I appreciate you (Swrve) for trying to make your intentions more clear. & I get that not everyone likes seeing certain things in certain shows (E.g. "Robot dogs" in a GMO dino show), personal preference & all that. That said, I have to agree w/many of the other commenters & point out that many of your S4 criticisms don't make objective sense. Put another way, I get different ppl (dis)liking different things & wanting to talk about why they (dis)like those things, but to make matter-of-fact statements about what does(n't) fit/make sense for the overarching story based on nothing but personal (dis)likes is another thing:
-As others have pointed out, you say you're trying to "avoid turning Jurassic Lore into something that's not meant to be" despite the fact that S4 is, at its core, pretty on-brand for a Michael Crichton-based story (I.e. All his stories are basically about humans trying & failing to use science to control what they don't understand; In fact, Westworld is basically JP w/robot cowboys instead of GMO dinos). I get not everyone likes seeing their favorite show progress in that way, but to claim it doesn't fit/make sense for the overarching story despite all the progressions that preceded it (E.g. JWFK's human-cloning & laser-controlled, 4th-wall-breaking Indoraptor) is just plain nonsensical/inaccurate.
-I won't argue about how insufferable Kash can be. However, to add to what others have said, he does remind me of similarly & irredeemably-douchey ppl in real-life (E.g. He's basically a less camara -friendly version of Mark Zuckerberg). Point is, not every character needs much progression, especially lower-tier villains like Kash (I.e. His phone calls throughout S4 made it pretty clear that he's not THE big bad/mastermind/etc behind Mantah Corp). Put another way, it's like saying that Flotsam & Jetsam from Disney's "The Little Mermaid" needed more character progression.
-Maybe this is like "The dress" in 2015 where different ppl see different colors, but the mother & daughter T. rex look blue-ish & gray-ish (as opposed to green) to many ppl, myself included.
-While I get not liking relationship sub-plots, you say that Kenji/Brooklynn "felt incredibly forced" as if you don't remember how much closer they got in S3Ep6-10, relating to/helping each other work through their personal issues. Furthermore, you claim that "none of the campers suit each other" despite the great dynamic Yaz/Sammy have had since S1Ep3 (I.e. 1 is more bubbly/extroverted, the other is more bitter/introverted, & together, they bring out the best in each other; It reminds me of Harley/Ivy's dynamic in the "Harley Quinn" show).
-To claim that "none of [the campers] seem to have any sort of character progression" is non-sensical/inaccurate for many reasons: For 1, it ignores Ben's struggles w/second-guessing/"finding" himself; For another, to claim that Kenji "didn't really care about the rest besides[...]Brooklynn" ignores the fact that, in 2 back-to-back episodes, he literally throws himself into danger for them (I.e. Darius in Ep1, Ben in Ep2); For yet another, you didn't even try to justify the claim that Sammy "got even more annoying".

I stopped listening to Swrve's videos awhile back.  He makes up things just to make a video and get views. His information is more personal theory than anything. 

Sort of CC related, Target has the new Kentrosaurus, Carcharadontosaurus and Pentaceratops up for order too.


I actually really like this season so far, and I am not even finished with it yet! My previous thoughts on this season were very skeptical and negative, but dang I really like what I have seen so far.

Quote from: Blade-of-the-Moon on December 06, 2021, 02:43:54 PM

I stopped listening to Swrve's videos awhile back.  He makes up things just to make a video and get views. His information is more personal theory than anything. 
Perfectly explains it. Honestly I try to avoid videos explaining any sort of theories, unless of course there is a large amount of evidence or spoilers.

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