Upcoming releases from Haolonggood (New for 2024)

3.8 (72 votes)

Next month, Haolonggood will be releasing their biggest figure yet: a towering Alamosaurus. Just look at the size of it!

Like all of Haolonggood’s recent products, it will come in multiple colour schemes: blue, gray, or a limited edition brown version.

I like the blue version best myself.

And if you reserve any version with our good friends in the UK at Everything Dinosaur by December 28, you’ll be able to get a detailed base which includes a tree and a stream, and also a random unpainted pterosaur (looks to be a Nyctosaurus). Simply email them at [email protected].

Naturally, such colossal constructions will not come cheap, and that’s not even taking into consideration the shipping cost. Hats off if you’re able to afford this one. They are slated for sale mid-January; be sure to check Haolonggood’s Amazon site as well as ED.

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