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The Hatchling- New Original Dinosaur Short Film coming October 17th

Started by Prehistory Resurrection, October 13, 2023, 03:02:35 PM

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Entertaining enough. I think the dino designs were great, but the animation and compositing was really rough, can't really expect to much from an indie film made for fun though.

Although fun, it was really stupid. That whole thing with the girl not being able to open a door my 4 year old opens with easy was some weak writing. Oh well, we got dinosaurs, I'll have another.


I had high hopes getting into this.

Boy, was I wrong.
First I will talk about what I liked.

Obviously the best parts were the models. Sure, they were well sculpted and accurate, but they do have flaws. The models just did not blend in the film naturally, they stuck out with their lighting. I cannot blame them for that however, it is pretty difficult to get Mongol Doom Ducks to blend in American Suburbs. The behaviours were fine as well, but not a fan of the sound work, rhino calls (?) used for the Deinocheirus.

The actors were okay at best, mostly lackluster, but the writing was extremely awful. Repetitive, robotic, clichés. It was reminiscent of generic '90s TV shoes. Except combined with the overtly expletive nature of modern day. Dear writers, adding expletives to your writing does not make it "cooler" or more "mature". It ends up sounding unnaturally "edgy" as the youths call it. The ending, my goodness, I get you were going for a JP2 refference, but in reality it only seems to be a shock value device, because that is what modern films are all about, shocking, offending the senses, just because they can ,and not to write something of value. How are you going to show a something that looks like a kid's serial from the '90s or 2000s with goofy music, and end it off like that. I think a big portion of folks would rather see one of those bratty kids get eaten rather than that fluffy little animal. Mixed with the corny music, childish jokes, and unnaturally self aware statements, I am sorry but the writing in this is equivalent to South Park and Family Guy- shock value humour over good writing. Watching this be accompanied by the Deinocheirus, it was akin to expecting a delicious steak only to be greeted with a puddle of ranch dressing with sprinkles of steak bits(not the best analogy).
JP3 is miles better than this
Even JW3 is miles better than this.
The models were such a small part of the film, I don't think they can balance the awful acting and writing.


South Park and Family Guy has poor writing? Can't agree with you there.


Quote from: shahinos on October 24, 2023, 06:58:13 AMSouth Park and Family Guy has poor writing? Can't agree with you there.

Definitely can't agree that South Park has poor writing. South Park is brilliant. Case in point...


Shrek 4 is an underrated masterpiece


South park and Family guy are so awful, so appalling, it made me fall in love with totalitarian speech control...
I have no idea how critics and /or audiences think they are remotely good.

This and Life on Our Planet are both major misses and have left sour tastes in my mouth.


Quote from: Stegotyranno420 on October 24, 2023, 07:12:47 PMSouth park and Family guy are so awful, so appalling, it made me fall in love with totalitarian speech control...
I have no idea how critics and /or audiences think they are remotely good.

This and Life on Our Planet are both major misses and have left sour tastes in my mouth.

Yeah because  Everything must follow a famliy freindly standard in film and telivision ::).

I admit I only saw the Hatchling once so far,  on a tiny phone screen in the dark. And i apreciated what it was,   a low budget made for youtube film with great dinosaur designs.   However I admit their are things I missed, or miss indentifyed (I thoght the Coelophysis were Compys until i saw the official page confirm their true idenity on Social Media)

I will say I enjoyed it a lot more then JWFK (worst film in that franchise, and no one can change my mind until I can judge a new movie)


Quote from: Takama on October 25, 2023, 01:37:17 AM
Quote from: Stegotyranno420 on October 24, 2023, 07:12:47 PMSouth park and Family guy are so awful, so appalling, it made me fall in love with totalitarian speech control...
I have no idea how critics and /or audiences think they are remotely good.

This and Life on Our Planet are both major misses and have left sour tastes in my mouth.

Yeah because  Everything must follow a famliy freindly standard in film and telivision ::).

I admit I only saw the Hatchling once so far,  on a tiny phone screen in the dark. And i apreciated what it was,  a low budget made for youtube film with great dinosaur designs.  However I admit their are things I missed, or miss indentifyed (I thoght the Coelophysis were Compys until i saw the official page confirm their true idenity on Social Media)

I will say I enjoyed it a lot more then JWFK (worst film in that franchise, and no one can change my mind until I can judge a new movie)
Theres a difference between crude shock humour and good writing.

Societies should respect taboo customs, and not sacrifice them just "to be unique".



There wasn't much bad language in the short, certainly not compared to a lot of other programming out there. I'm not one to endorse swearing in media, but the fact is people do it so much in real life that throwing in a couple "s***"s to a script isn't unrealistic.
I do agree that the acting was exaggerated at points; but for a 10-minute indie short I'm not going to complain. It was serviceable for the most part.
I completely disagree about this being worse than JW3; in fact, I think this short did a much better job at its worldbuilding, relatively speaking. We get references to official ranger services and FAKE ranger services, tour programs, and the harmful effects of dinosaurs as essentially invasive species - all within a tiny slice of this world without trying to grapple any big blockbuster action events. It's smarter and more efficient in it's goals than the JW films were, if only because it HAS to be by merit of being 10 minutes.
I like the short. It's no game-changer, but it's another decent piece of paleo-media with good-looking dinos added to the landscape. And hey, maybe more people seeing this short will be directed to the Forgotten Bloodlines: Agate documentary; it's the same artist channel, after all!


I found it surprisingly well done. Didn't give a lot of exposition, just started en media res. I liked that. An interesting glimpse into the world started by the events of JW: Fallen Kingdom.
We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a conquered monster, but there - there you could look at a thing monstrous and free." - King Kong, 2005


Quote from: shahinos on October 25, 2023, 04:57:54 AMWhat did I just read. Respect taboo customs? But why?

I guess some taboos are good, but mostly I'm pro-desecration. Even the useful taboos only give you rules that you can arrive at independently via, you know, evidence. Things like avoiding inbreeding and cooking meat long enough to kill parasites spring to mind.
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

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More enjoyable than any of the Jurassic World movies. It's a bit cliche, but considering the scope, budget, and it being just a bit of fun by the creators, I can't complain too much. And I'm all for more accurate dinosaurs in media. 7.5/10


The acting was on the amateur dramatics side of the spectrum, but overall I enjoyed the film. A decent shot for a low budget fun project.

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