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Something's wrong, and I'm not sure what tp do.

Started by Pachyrhinosaurus, March 31, 2012, 10:35:20 PM

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I've been having problems recently with some people who do not seem to believe in dinosaurs. I know about creationism, but this is worse. Dinosaurs are not something to believe in, they have undeniable evidence. Some think they are like the easter bunny, and only for little kids to believe in. I'm not quite sure what to say to these people, and "Let's agree to disagree" is what I normally say. This seems like I should say something more than that. Does anyone have experience with these people?
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I feel your pain... You can forget about trying to make them see sense, that's for sure - people that brainwashed are totally impervious to even the most well-founded argument. If you have the option, just keep away from them.
"It is only a matter of time before the ents of justice arrive, and demonstrate the true, amphisbaenian origin of Mammalia. Then we will be free!"
- Dr Darren Naish


Quote from: Sumo on March 31, 2012, 10:39:28 PM
I feel your pain... You can forget about trying to make them see sense, that's for sure - people that brainwashed are totally impervious to even the most well-founded argument. If you have the option, just keep away from them.
My problem is different... a lot of extreme creationists instigate problems.
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To be honest, My whole family is religious  and to a certain extent, I am too.   But i believe highly in Evolution, and that over milions of years, creatures evolve. My Grandpa was the same way as me. However, the rest of my family just have a hard time comprehending it. But it dosent cause a proplem when i bring it up with them. And they just call me a genius.
(I await a pie to be thrown :-[)

Ive heard some horror storey from a classmate at school who highly believes in Evolution, but his parents keep denying it,

"if there is no God, then how did the Earth  came to be?" His mother yells at him

He then explanes how the Earth was made to them, and they just flatout Deny it.

Ignorance!!!! I never heard it to that extent.


I'm a Christian, and I believe in evolution (although I do not like to reveal it it public or online, because I have been attacked and flamed for saying I believe in God). Not all of us are like that, so don't tar us all with the same brush. :(
QuoteYes that are selfish beings that can make anyone small with their so called Flying Spaghetti Monsters
I know you probably didn't mean it that way, but that was really hurtful, y'know? I'm just like anyone else, who just happens to believe in God and the Bible, and I'm trying to get on with my life. I don't shove my religion down anyone's throat, in fact I keep my religion very private.

I'm just tired of all the hating :( I hate religious debates, people usually just end up attacking others and resorting to personal insults. The atheists will still be atheists, and the theists will still be theists.


Unfourtunately, I have encountered  people like this. Hey, I do accept that evoultion is proven by fact, so its real, but I don't go to people and tell them to accept it. What they believe is their own opinion. You don't have to go and change other peoples. And from what I've found, from personal experience, is that these people are close to extreme, and incredibly stuuborn.
"Life will find a way."


Best advice is try to ignore them if at all possible and distance yourself...if they keep bothering you go to the authorities..whether that is a parent, teacher, principal, or your local law enforcement officers.  Find some like-minded people as you to hang with..or at least some non-judgmental types.

Me I believe in what I believe and figure others have the same right..if what they do doesn't effect me we're good.


@ tyrantqueen

Well I removed that post because I could of offended a good friend and something inside tells me that I did offend you as a good friend and I wish I would of known a lot more of your situation  :'(
So hereby I am deeply ashamed of what I typed there. 

If a thread like this would be made, it might be better to post this in the members section?

Everyone is for themselves in my humble opinion and hereby everyone believes to what they want to believe and that should be highly accepted in all such cases.

@ Blade-of-the-Moon
thanks for your post, it really clears it all up :) Great words mate! Each for themselves indeed!  8)

Anyhoo we all should accept who we are and on what we believe in.
That should not matter, because if it didn't, there would be a lot less to worry about in the world  C:-)


I'm also a christian who believes in evolution. I think my parents would disown me if they saw my prehistoric hominid collection.  :)) 
My living room smells like old plastic dinosaur toys... Better than air freshener!


 ::) Oh my. Here we go again.
We had that kind of discussion before. We better stop it this time before it escalates.
Last time moderators decided that this is a topic that should be discussed elsewhere. Religion and politics are NOT a matter of the DTF!


Yeaps after re-looking it, I PM'ed the Admin and one of the Mods to close this, before it will escalate and I agree such things should not matter, this is a neutral place after all 8)


I´m gonna lock this thread without any further discussion.

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