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Eofauna Scientific Research - New for 2024

Started by Concavenator, December 04, 2023, 12:20:53 PM

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avatar_CARN0TAURUS @CARN0TAURUS PNSO's Zhuchengtyrannus isn't meant to be a T. Rex, so naturally it will look very slim compared to an actual Tyrannosaurus figure in the same scale.

It's speculated that Zhuchengtyrannus has longer legs compared to its body size when compared to Tyrannosaurus, so PNSO reflects that in their model. When compared to PNSO's Albertosaurus however, Lu-Xiong is a much bulkier animal and that's the way it should be. 
But today, I'm just being father


Quote from: Turkeysaurus on June 27, 2024, 10:42:28 PMI wonder if they are here reading this.  :D  Yeah, it's great to see what you'll get in detail before making the purchase.

I hope they read this and why wouldn't they be on here?  I appreciate all those guys for taking their time to make that content for us, thanks guys and please continue doing what you are doing.  On the off chance that they are reading this just know that these are just my opinions on your work and that I am just happy to have the reviews, PERIOD!  But here we go:

Andy shorten your videos, too much way too much repetitive talking (it's so awesome and amazing etc.) on and on but keep the parts where you showcase the entire figure SLOWLY from all angles, that's the highlight right there and nobody does that better, whether it's your steady hand or the equipment or a combination of both there is rarely any fuzziness or blurring an the lighting compliments that technique that you use for your close up shots.

Dino Screams, sweet and short and to the point, love that you get right to it without going on and on!  I think it's time to replace the background branch or whatever that is, just a nice like bright back ground like a prehistoric beach or something like that and of course the highlight of your videos is the turntable my only suggestion would be to slow the turning speed.

Dinos Dragons, for the love of Pete, please turn down the music or do away with it altogether, for me it's a huge distraction, that's my only beef as I realize that your reviews include more background scientific information to educate those of us that don't follow the science as much as others.  I love all that but a lot of the time I fast forward all that stuff to just look at the figures.  Your well thought out selections of which figures to compare new figures to is second to none and definitely one of the highlights of your videos for me personally.  So change nothing except maybe the music, it's literally the only thing that I don't like but that's just me, others on here might love the music in your videos.


Quote from: SRF on June 28, 2024, 04:03:22 PMavatar_CARN0TAURUS @CARN0TAURUS PNSO's Zhuchengtyrannus isn't meant to be a T. Rex, so naturally it will look very slim compared to an actual Tyrannosaurus figure in the same scale.

It's speculated that Zhuchengtyrannus has longer legs compared to its body size when compared to Tyrannosaurus, so PNSO reflects that in their model. When compared to PNSO's Albertosaurus however, Lu-Xiong is a much bulkier animal and that's the way it should be. 
I know it wasn't supposed to be a T-rex, but he became my favorite Tyrannosaur figure for a good long while, so I kind of made him my default T-rex.  He looked so much better than some of my traditional T-rex figures in my collection ;) 

But yeah, I get it, I understand that they only have a jaw bone and some partial leg bones so I find it hard to put too much into conclusions based on such a small amount of information.  Perhaps I've been spoiled by the almost complete tyrannosaur fossils found here in the US.


Remember it only "look" accurate if you are on the side of lipped argument.

Both Lipless & Lipped theropods are still accurate until one of them proven for good.


There are small diferences between Tyrannotitan & Giganotosaurus just like Zhuchengtyrannus & Tyrannosaurus but they can be body double until definitive one comes out.

Most of us can't even differentiate them if it's not written on the box since paleontologists are having hard time.




Quote from: CARN0TAURUS on June 28, 2024, 04:02:02 PMI trust Eofauna's reconstruction techniques, the only figure I've read about that people questioned the dimensions on was the head on the Giganotosaurus but that was based on fragmentary remains that are still being debated by the experts.
There isn't really any debate going on as far as I know, there was no reason to reconstruct the head of Giganotosaurus disgustingly elongated other than to make it more impressive.  The elongation isn't based on anything real.  Additionally, more complete carcharodontosaurid skulls, including that of the very closely related Meraxes, show the skull wasn't elongated.  Eofauna not only used the elongated skull for their Giganotosaurus, they also shrank it down so it was the length of the non-elongated version.  So the skull of Eofauna's Giganotosaurus is objectively too small and also too elongated.  Eofauna themselves said they shrank the skull down.


Quote from: CARN0TAURUS on June 28, 2024, 04:44:14 PMAndy shorten your videos, too much way too much repetitive talking (it's so awesome and amazing etc.) on and on but keep the parts where you showcase the entire figure SLOWLY from all angles, that's the highlight right there and nobody does that better, whether it's your steady hand or the equipment or a combination of both there is rarely any fuzziness or blurring an the lighting compliments that technique that you use for your close up shots.
With respect to Andy, I too find he is a bit too repetitive, but I don't mind most of the time as I enjoy the way he slowly shows the entire figure, that's thoughtful of him and valuable.  I don't really think his videos can be shortened and still show the figure as well as it's currently done.

Quote from: CARN0TAURUS on June 28, 2024, 04:44:14 PMDinos Dragons, for the love of Pete, please turn down the music or do away with it altogether, for me it's a huge distraction, that's my only beef as I realize that your reviews include more background scientific information to educate those of us that don't follow the science as much as others.  I love all that but a lot of the time I fast forward all that stuff to just look at the figures.  Your well thought out selections of which figures to compare new figures to is second to none and definitely one of the highlights of your videos for me personally.  So change nothing except maybe the music, it's literally the only thing that I don't like but that's just me, others on here might love the music in your videos.
With respect to Dinosdragons, I too dislike most of the music he uses in his videos.  The music tends to not be pleasant, so why would I want to hear it?  I liked the music in his PNSO Andrea video, as well as another which I can't remember where he used it.  My suggestion to Dinosdragons is to use pleasant music, not the weird ones.


I found a video by Dinosdragons with the other music I like, it's his video on the PNSO Nanotyrannus.  You can't hear much of it in that video though, I'm sure it could be heard better in another of his videos I've watched.


Quote from: CARN0TAURUS on June 28, 2024, 04:44:14 PMDino Screams, sweet and short and to the point, love that you get right to it without going on and on!  I think it's time to replace the background branch or whatever that is, just a nice like bright back ground like a prehistoric beach or something like that and of course the highlight of your videos is the turntable my only suggestion would be to slow the turning speed.
I hate when he goes over a figure's packaging.  It's pointless and uninteresting.


Is this really the place to be talking about YouTubers?


Quote from: Gwangi on June 29, 2024, 04:09:05 AMIs this really the place to be talking about YouTubers?

 It isn't. But as with any other "New for" thread, people like to get off topic.
 It's annoying but I gave up criticizing it, because even the mods don't seem to care.


Quote from: postsaurischian on June 29, 2024, 07:56:00 AM
Quote from: Gwangi on June 29, 2024, 04:09:05 AMIs this really the place to be talking about YouTubers?

 It isn't. But as with any other "New for" thread, people like to get off topic.
 It's annoying but I gave up criticizing it, because even the mods don't seem to care.

I would say this is nothing different compared to a normal in person human conversation. You start with a topic, sometimes take a sidetrack and then return to the original topic. Quite natural human behavior actually.


I asked Ruben and he said there is another surprise in the works, but that most likely means for 2025. I also suggested Shantungosaurus as a good candidate, as it's big and it's something relatively few companies have already done.
IMG_0123 by Suspsy Three, on Flickr


Quote from: suspsy on June 29, 2024, 12:33:44 PMI asked Ruben and he said there is another surprise in the works, but that most likely means for 2025. I also suggested Shantungosaurus as a good candidate, as it's big and it's something relatively few companies have already done.

Yes me 'surprise' sounds like another dinosaur as opposed to the next figure being the next prehistoric elephant?  OR does surprise mean that they developed another figure concurrently during the long development of Sue?  In that case 'surprise' might mean 2024.  Another Eofauna figure in 2024 would be a big surprise for sure.


Quote from: CARN0TAURUS on June 29, 2024, 03:33:50 PM
Quote from: suspsy on June 29, 2024, 12:33:44 PMI asked Ruben and he said there is another surprise in the works, but that most likely means for 2025. I also suggested Shantungosaurus as a good candidate, as it's big and it's something relatively few companies have already done.

Yes me 'surprise' sounds like another dinosaur as opposed to the next figure being the next prehistoric elephant?  OR does surprise mean that they developed another figure concurrently during the long development of Sue?  In that case 'surprise' might mean 2024.  Another Eofauna figure in 2024 would be a big surprise for sure.

Of course there was a time when they released both a dino and pachyderm in the same year. That would sure be A-okay too.


Quote from: suspsy on June 29, 2024, 12:33:44 PMI asked Ruben and he said there is another surprise in the works, but that most likely means for 2025. I also suggested Shantungosaurus as a good candidate, as it's big and it's something relatively few companies have already done.
As long as they reveal it soon
Shrek 4 is an underrated masterpiece


So I was speaking further with Ruben and he said that they're considering Magnapaulia as a future toy. Not confirmed. Considering[/i]. As in they're thinking about Magnapaulia, but nothing is decided. Just so we're all 100% clear.

That said, an Eofauna Magnapaulia would absolutely rock.
IMG_0123 by Suspsy Three, on Flickr


That would be really cool, Eofauna's first venture into Hadrosaurs, and such a unique one too.


another couple hours playing with my dinosaur like a little kid :D

Haven't decided if I'll stick with this or go to primer yet, only worked on the right side and the mouth so far...

and just for fun ^-^

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