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Silvanusaurus' Great British Collection

Started by Silvanusaurus, February 02, 2016, 10:35:44 PM

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My Dinosaur collecting was starting to become a bit chaotic and I've recently decided to go about it with more of a focus; which has so far been primarily on British Dinosaurs; or those whose resting place has survived within the british earth I suppose. I like the idea of recording my collection through photographs, and maybe you folk here will be interested to see them.
I am not limiting myself to british species completely, so foreigners will probably pop up here and there.
To start off, I have been placing my attention on good old Baryonyx, who I recently saw in person at the Natural History Museum in london, though he wasn't looking very healthy at the time, he was still a mighty beast. Unfortunately not a beast who can boast many accurate figures (if any at all?), but I'm not particularly concerned with accuracy, rather with gathering a large variety of representations, whether they look ridiculous or not. I am very much looking forward to adding the new Papo one too!

Anyway, I'll start with a group shot (this is the current full flock of Baryonyx I have, excluding one that is being customised at the minute):

Quite a variety, in appearance and in quality!

Here are some individual figures:

The two from CollectA, the 'large' one was dissapointingly not much bigger than the standard. I really hope CollectA make a new, more accurate Baryonyx soon.

The Toyway from the Natural History Museum, London. The face on this fellow is rather unsettling.

I can't remember who makes this one... very cheap but I do like the colour!

A Sega miniature Baryonyx, which I was very happy to stumble upon recently, for such a small figure it's great, if a bit flamboyant. (But that's Sega I suppose) Unfortunately it's very droopy though, it was pretty much on all fours when I got it.

I don't even know what this is. Wasn't sure if it was even Baryonyx but the notch in the top jaw seems to vaguely suggest that it is. This is one of those puzzle figures that comes in parts. Honestly, I find this to be a truly awful figure. I struggle to justify or defend the fact that I paid actual money for it, but my completionist compulsion compelled me. This is the one figure out of all of these that I don't like in any way.

A surprisingly reasonable little Baryonx from Lontic, though it does kind of remind me of a duck somehow...

The Schleich replica-saurus Baryonyx. I know this is a ridiculous figure, but I'm not going to lie... I love it. I love everything about it... the face, the texture, the colour, the design. Purely as an aesthetic object, I just find this guy to be wonderful. This is Art.  Don't judge me too harshly.

Anyway, more photographs will come along soon!

Thanks for looking!


Nice Baryonyx collection bro! I never realized there that many figures of it, even if they don't all possess end-all-be-all accuracy.
Its also cool that you're focusing on British dinosaurs. We really do need more figures of ya'll's dinosaurs from across the pond.


Who made the little grey Baryonyx? I like it, and I want to know where I can find it. And the brown one with the cream stripes is from Wild Republic.
I am the Dinosaur King!


Quote from: AcroSauroTaurus on February 03, 2016, 02:55:04 AM
Who made the little grey Baryonyx? I like it, and I want to know where I can find it. And the brown one with the cream stripes is from Wild Republic.

I assume you are referring to one of these Shapeways 1/72 Baryonyx from Manuel Bejarano, which can be found here:
There are a couple of larger scales available too, I'd like to get the 1/35 at some point. The dark grey one is at an early stage of being painted, I'll get it finished soon.
They are really elegant little figures!


Quote from: Silvanusaurus on February 03, 2016, 08:11:55 AM
Quote from: AcroSauroTaurus on February 03, 2016, 02:55:04 AM
Who made the little grey Baryonyx? I like it, and I want to know where I can find it. And the brown one with the cream stripes is from Wild Republic.

I assume you are referring to one of these Shapeways 1/72 Baryonyx from Manuel Bejarano, which can be found here:
There are a couple of larger scales available too, I'd like to get the 1/35 at some point. The dark grey one is at an early stage of being painted, I'll get it finished soon.
They are really elegant little figures!

I thought it was a shapeways at first! But I didn't recognize it because of the paint. ::) They are really nice little figures though!
I am the Dinosaur King!


A new branch of my collection; Thunder Beasts! I got these two giants together, now I want more!
And by 'giants', i really do mean giants...

These are easily the biggest dinosaur toys I've ever owned, the only other one I have that approaches their size is this big old AAA T rex!

The Pachycephalosaurus looks truly Godzilla sized compared to most figures... I had no idea these were so big. I'm very glad I didn't have to pay for over-seas postage to get these...


Now you can see why I love the thunder beasts so much! The large figures are way awesome, and these two  ar pretty cherry examples of two of the hard to find large size dinos. Theres a t rex and a raptor in that size as well. I have some duplicates of saurolophus, corythosaurus and euoplocephalus if you are looking to get your hands on more.
I'm seeking Orsenigo and other interesting vintage dinosaurs. Contact me if you can help with my search!


Quote from: Archinto on February 08, 2016, 04:42:13 PM
Now you can see why I love the thunder beasts so much! The large figures are way awesome, and these two  ar pretty cherry examples of two of the hard to find large size dinos. Theres a t rex and a raptor in that size as well. I have some duplicates of saurolophus, corythosaurus and euoplocephalus if you are looking to get your hands on more.

Yes, they are marvellous figures, and much more impressive in hand than in photographs! They have a very unique quality to them; kind of awkward yet beautiful at the same time; exactly the sort of thing I'm drawn to. I definitely want to collect more... though finding space for them may prove difficult! I'd be interested to hear the kind of price you'd ask for your duplicates, if you were willing to part with them, though I imagine shipping over-seas might be costly!


What a nice gathering of one of my favourite dinosaur species!
I recommend you to get a grab on the second Geoworld Baryonyx version, which I really like.
Plus, what´s the one on the very right in the background?


Quote from: Libraraptor on February 09, 2016, 07:25:45 AM
What a nice gathering of one of my favourite dinosaur species!
I recommend you to get a grab on the second Geoworld Baryonyx version, which I really like.

Thanks, do you mean the Jurassic Action Baryonyx with moving legs and arms etc? I did buy that one actually, it was really good, but I've been sculpting onto it to make a custom Baryonyx that will look quite different. I'd like to re-purchase the original normal one again though.

QuotePlus, what´s the one on the very right in the background?

If you mean this one...

It is a custom Baryonyx I created using the Bullyland spinosaurus.



A few more Baryonyx shots to round out the group from above:

Classic Invicta (who's unfortunately a bit gnarled and battered, I need to get one in better condition):

An unknown mini dinosaur that I'm interpreting as Baryonyx (not sure what else it would be!):


And an interesting 'Baryonyx' model of unknown origins; I bought it many, many years ago:


(Image heavy post!)

Papo Barry has joined the flock:

Despite having very different styles, these two scale really well together...

And for all those who thought he'd make a good kaiju, well... you were right  ;) :

The military is useless against this terror!

Like all great kaiju, he's got offensive projectile capabilities:

And likes a good snack:

What power can stand against the heavy claws of this monstrosity?!

Let them fight.

How is this possible? The King of the Monsters defeated?


That was just Godzilla Jr. And now his father's pretty darn mad.

And if you're familiar with Godzilla, I'm sure you can guess what happens next.  ;)


 :)) Ha, ha! Wonderful!
You've put the Baryonyx in the right surroundings.
That fire beam thing is a nice addition :)!


Ah darn, I hate cliffhangers :D

.... more and more I come to like that Papo Baryonyx; hope it'll survive that confrontation!


like a bantha!


Quote from: postsaurischian on February 27, 2016, 09:37:05 PM
:)) Ha, ha! Wonderful!
You've put the Baryonyx in the right surroundings.
That fire beam thing is a nice addition :)!
I second this! Totally awesome!  More please!
Check out my new Spinosaurus figure:


Quote from: Silvanusaurus on February 27, 2016, 09:28:55 PM
(Image heavy post!)

Papo Barry has joined the flock:

Despite having very different styles, these two scale really well together...

Actually the Papo looks like a good male to go with your female!
I am the Dinosaur King!


Yeah, I'm thinking about re-painting the Papo with a similar style to 'Jenny Greenteeth'... I'm also thinking I might do some customising to change his pose too, in which case I'll probably get a second one to replace him, as I would still like a version of the figure as he is.


[Off Nick and Eddie's reactions to the dinosaurs] Oh yeah "Ooh, aah", that's how it always starts. But then there's running and screaming.

{about the T-Rex) When he sees us with his kid isn't he gonna be like "you"!?

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