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Completing the Schleich Page

Started by suspsy, May 17, 2019, 03:44:57 AM

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Someone else created a list like this awhile back, but as guest review editor, I thought I would start a new one that I can update accordingly. I must extend my appreciation to the DinoToyCollector site; it's a superb resource for this sort of thing!

Allosaurus (2008)
Apatosaurus (2003)
Apatosaurus Baby (1994)
Apatosaurus (1996)
Cave Bear
Dilophosaurus (2004)
Dimetrodon (Green)(2019)
Dimorphodon (2019)
Dimorphodon (2016)
Elasmosaurus (2004)
Giganotosaurus (2010)
Ichthyosaurus (Mini)
Mosasaurus (Mini)
Parasaurolophus (1994)
Pentaceratops (Mini)
Pteranodon (2018)
Pteranodon (2001)
Quetzalcoatlus (2001)
Quetzalcoatlus (2003)
Quetzalcoatlus (Mini)
Quetzalcoatlus (2009)
Saichania (2003)
Saichania (2009)
Saichania (Mini)
Spinosaurus (2003)
Spinosaurus (2012)
Spinosaurus (Small)(2017)
Spinosaurus (Mini)
Stegosaurus (1994)
Stegosaurus (2003)
Stegosaurus (Mini)
Therizinosaurus (Small)
Therizinosaurus Juvenile
Triceratops (Mini)
Triceratops (Small)(2015)
Triceratops (1994)
Triceratops (2006)
Tyrannosaurus (Small)(2015)
Tyrannosaurus (Mini)(2015)
Tyrannosaurus (Mini)(2017)
Tyrannosaurus (1994)
Tyrannosaurus (2005)
Velociraptor (2004)
Velociraptor (2014)
Velociraptor (Small)(2016)
Velociraptor (Mini)(2015)
Velociraptor (Mini)(2017)

Good gods, that's a long list!
IMG_0123 by Suspsy Three, on Flickr


I could review the mini ichtyosaurus, if you want!

Bigger than a camarasaurus,
and with a bite more stronger that the T-Rex bite,
Ticamasaurus is certainly the king of the Jurassic period.

With Balaur feet, dromaeosaurus bite, microraptor wings, and a terrible poison, the Deinoraptor Dromaeonychus is a lethal enemy for the most ferocious hybrid too.

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Do whatever ones you want.

And in case anyone is wondering, the 2019 Diabloceratops and Plesiosaurus have been omitted from the list because they have been called by regular reviewers.
IMG_0123 by Suspsy Three, on Flickr


Hmm, really quite a long list.....I'd like to reveiw the Anhanguera (2006) and Brachiosaurus (2012).

PS: Which one is the Brachiosaurus 2012 actually, it seems all are reviewed already....?


Quote from: Lanthanotus on May 17, 2019, 09:50:47 PM
Hmm, really quite a long list.....I'd like to reveiw the Anhanguera (2006) and Brachiosaurus (2012).

PS: Which one is the Brachiosaurus 2012 actually, it seems all are reviewed already....?

Yes, that was a clerical error on my part. It's been removed from the list.
IMG_0123 by Suspsy Three, on Flickr


I have the Dilophosaurus (2004), Dracorex (2019), Giganotosaurus (2010), Saichania (2003), Spinosaurus (2012) and Triceratops (2006).
Shrek 4 is an underrated masterpiece


IMG_0123 by Suspsy Three, on Flickr


avatar_suspsy @suspsy , I noticed that the 2007 Schleich T-rex finally got a review, courtesy of avatar_PhilSauria @PhilSauria , so now qualifies for removal from your comprehensive list of Schleichs to be reviewed. Just thought that I'd mention this ... .


The juvenile Giganotosaurus can be removed from the list.

As an aside, I can't help chuckling at how long this list still is. Nobody around here wants to touch Schleich (myself typically included)!  :))


Might buy a bunch of Schleich figures purely to dwindle this poor list
I am surprised how little reviews the brand has, some of the newer releases aren't tooooo bad
An oversized house cat.


They really have put out a prodigious volume of dreck.
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

My attempt to find the best toy of every species

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I did a few Schleich reviews of some of their more decent figures, but honestly I do not want to waste my time doing or reading Schleich reviews anymore.

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