Announcing… the Animal Toy Blog!

4.2 (6 votes)

It has taken more than a decade but last week we launched the Animal Toy Blog, a sister site to the Dinosaur Toy Blog. The focus there, of course, is on extant creatures: those living today.

There are currently six regular reviewers headed by bmathison1972, and the site already has a dozen reviews published, plus many more in the pipeline. The format is identical to the Dinotoyblog so it should be easy to navigate, and as happens here, we are accepting guest review contributions to the Animal Toy Blog, such as this one by Dinotoyblog regular Suspsy.

The associated Animal Toy Forum is still active, too. So, if you’re into models of modern biodiversity as well as prehistoric toys, then crawl over and check out the new Animal Toy Blog.

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Comments 3

  • I was always thinking of an Animal Toy Blog and here it is! My dream came to reality!
    However, I thought it would be quite unnecessary because here on the Dinosaur Toy Blog, we review dinosaur and extinct animal figures, and we analyze their scientific accuracy, because some restorations are speculative and we do not know how some may have looked like.
    But for modern-day animals, we know how they look like, and there may be less to write about them. I wonder what will be written about them.I have many animal figures that I look forward to review for the Animal Toy Blog. A great idea indeed, instead of having only an Animal Toy Blog. I must visit the site. Once again, great idea, I had this idea too.

    • * I meant to say “instead of having only an Animal Toy Forum” in the lines 8-9. I apologise for the mistake.

    • I was also wondering if we would have anything to say, given that we know what modern day animals really look like, but it turns out that there is a lot to discuss!

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