Upcoming release from Eofauna (New for 2025)

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Eofauna is teasing something new for early next year. It’s clearly a fifth proboscidean, but which one could it be? An American mastodon? A gomphothere of some sort? Or perhaps even a dwarf mammoth? What do you think?

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Comments 6

  • early 2025? EARLY 2025?!?!?!?!? No offense but are they cloning a prehistoric animal or making a figure of it? Why is it taking so long? If eofauna released as much figures a year as collecta, safari ltd etc, they would DOMINATE the prehistoric figure industry

    • They probably would dominate if they put out as many toys as some of the other companies, but as I understand it, they’re a pretty small one and they simply don’t have the resources to make more than one or two products per year.

  • Hmm, I’m not sure I like featuring marketing gimmicks like this on the blog. It’s fine for discussion on the forum, but feels like pandering on the blog. I’d rather wait until the figure is actually revealed before announcing it as an upcoming release. What do you think?

    • I think it’s fine to tease it here. It is definitely newsworthy and as dubious as it may seem, not everybody browses social media or even tunes into the forum. If we’re getting the word out to even just one or two people and providing them with some excitement and anticipation, it’s worth it.

      • It still feels grubby to me. Appropriate content for social media but I don’t think content like this meets the standards of the DinoToyBlog, and it changes the nature of the site. The Dinosaur Toy Blog was always a reviews site first, with a little bit of news to summarise yearly releases. I welcome the addition of real-time news articles, I think it is of real value and interest to readers.

        The problem is that the trickling marketing strategies the companies have adopted in recent years have started to be reflected here, making us feel more like any other social media site, with announcements being artificially stretched out into many parts. Meanwhile, reviews on the blog feel increasingly like asides these days. I suspect this change is affecting how visitors think of the site, consequently reducing the number of guest reviews submitted.

        In this context, adding posts that *tease* future news is a step too far.

        This is as much a question of identity as it is quality.

  • In my books, any Eofauna proboscidian is a good proboscidian!

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