4.6 (96 votes)
W-Dragon has revealed their take on Otodus megalodon. Set for release in the second quarter of this year, it will retail for around $98 US, measures 45 cm long and 25 cm wide at the tips of its pectoral fins, and is composed of PVC with a resin base sculpted to look like jagged underwater rocks.

While the true appearance of Megalodon remains largely a mystery, it can certainly be said that a lot of care and skill went into the creation of this figure. Just look at those teeth and all the different texturing on its hide!

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Nagyon jól fest és könnyen lehet,hogy az eddigi legjobb.Sok részlet és valósághű.Számomra nehezen megfizethető kategória,de majd megoldom.Jó képek!
The best figure of a prehistoric fish ever made in my opinion
I got goosebumps when I saw this post. I can’t wait to get my hands on this magnificent model. It is by far the best presentation of Otodus megalodon imo!!! Incredible!