4.7 (24 votes)
For their first hadrosaur, Haolonggood has opted for Tlatolophus. Not only is it the first time this species has received a toy, but it’s also one of the few times that a Mexican dinosaur has received any love!

Both versions look nice.

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Leaning towards the brownish variant at the moment. So far my green/brown Haolonggood ratio is running about 50/50 in figures I have bought.
This is another welcome Hadrosaur, several years after PNSO dropped their first two colorful models – a welcome addition!
Nothing Haolonggood does surprises me any more – they keep hitting home runs!
normally I don’t have a color favorite for Haolonggood, but I think for this one, I definitely favor the reddish body with darker maculae. Not as crazy about white maculae on a greenish body. But I’d be happy with either.
@dinotoyblog Haolonggood are becoming prolific!
Testing threaded comment.
@dinotoyblog Testing threaded comment.
@dinotoyblog @pfefferle It works! But it's one-way only, right? If I reply to a federated reply on the WordPress site itself (using the WordPress account), that reply is not federated?
@AdamStuartSmith @dinotoyblog this was the first phase of the full federated comments project 🙂
@pfefferle @dinotoyblog Fantastic! This is such an exciting project, thanks for all the hard work!