Want to contribute to The Dinosaur Toy Blog? We always appreciate guest reviews from readers.
Before you submit your review, please check through the Dinosaur Toy Blog Contents to make sure your figure hasn’t been reviewed already, and check the review schedule thread on the Dinosaur Toy Forum to make sure your figure isn’t already in the pipeline.
To submit a dinosaur toy review, please send the text in the body of an email, together with at least three clear photographs of the figure (ideally resized to 1000px wide) to dinotoyblog@gmail.com. Please use the following format in the email subject: “Guest review – [dinosaur name here], [company name here]”
Please see existing reviews as a guideline for general article format, quality, and length. Please include the following data for the fact box on your figure’s review page, if known.
- Company
- Line
- Year released
- Year retired
- Length
- Height
- Width
- Scale
We do not automatically accept all reviews but we consider every one. All accepted authors will be credited so please include the following sentence at the top of the review: Review and photographs by [your name here].
Authors of multiple guest articles will be invited to appear on the Guest Authors page and may eventually be invited to become an author proper, with an account to post blog entries themselves.
Please direct any questions or queries to dinotoyblog@gmail.com