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Started by GojiraGuy1954, July 11, 2023, 07:59:39 AM

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Quote from: Over9K on December 26, 2023, 08:03:47 PM2 years ago it was "we're doing a series of films in a connected universe called The World Of Godzilla."

Now it's "we don't know what the fk we're doing next! *giggles*"

Typical Toho. They're gonna squander this opportunity, as usual.
I think people inflated the whole "world of Godzilla" thing into more than it was. A true cinematic universe was never concretely confirmed; Toho was just trying to illustrate how they were invested in properly expanding the franchise/brand.

The Reiwa era has been a lot of experiments so far. I bet the animated projects didn't hit off as well as Toho might have hoped. Shin Godzilla was a big success domestically, but had smaller presence elsewhere. Minus One is the first truly global success Toho has made in a while (not counting the Monsterverse films, which are licensed out), so it makes sense that Minus One is likely shaping whatever comes next from Toho, shared universe or not.


Quote from: Over9K on December 26, 2023, 08:03:47 PM
Quote from: dragon53 on December 26, 2023, 03:46:36 PMGODZILLA MINUS ONE---producer Minami Ichikawa commented on the future of the franchise after MINUS ONE has earned $75 million worldwide with a budget under $15 million, "We're collectively considering the future of the Godzilla character. We've had things like animated Godzilla films in the past, so we're brainstorming new avenues to expand the Godzilla universe."


2 years ago it was "we're doing a series of films in a connected universe called The World Of Godzilla."

Now it's "we don't know what the fk we're doing next! *giggles*"

Typical Toho. They're gonna squander this opportunity, as usual.

GMK deserved a sequel, didn't get one.
Shin Godzilla deserved a sequel, didn't get one.

Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla III got one tho... **facepalm**
hop off Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla, that movie and Tokyo SOS are fire
Shrek 4 is an underrated masterpiece


Quote from: GojiraGuy1954 on December 27, 2023, 09:46:02 AM
Quote from: Over9K on December 26, 2023, 08:03:47 PM
Quote from: dragon53 on December 26, 2023, 03:46:36 PMGODZILLA MINUS ONE---producer Minami Ichikawa commented on the future of the franchise after MINUS ONE has earned $75 million worldwide with a budget under $15 million, "We're collectively considering the future of the Godzilla character. We've had things like animated Godzilla films in the past, so we're brainstorming new avenues to expand the Godzilla universe."


2 years ago it was "we're doing a series of films in a connected universe called The World Of Godzilla."

Now it's "we don't know what the fk we're doing next! *giggles*"

Typical Toho. They're gonna squander this opportunity, as usual.

GMK deserved a sequel, didn't get one.
Shin Godzilla deserved a sequel, didn't get one.

Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla III got one tho... **facepalm**
hop off Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla, that movie and Tokyo SOS are fire

They are... but GXMG did not deserve, over any other film, a sequel, and yet...


Spoiler alert.

10 monsters that could be in a possible MINUS ONE sequel.



A more accurate name for this article would be "10 random Godzilla monsters we dredged up from a google search and attached to the name of a popular recent film for clicks."
Shrek 4 is an underrated masterpiece


Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


Quote from: Blade-of-the-Moon on December 26, 2023, 04:44:24 PM
Quote from: dragon53 on December 26, 2023, 03:46:36 PMGODZILLA MINUS ONE---producer Minami Ichikawa commented on the future of the franchise after MINUS ONE has earned $75 million worldwide with a budget under $15 million, "We're collectively considering the future of the Godzilla character. We've had things like animated Godzilla films in the past, so we're brainstorming new avenues to expand the Godzilla universe."

I just want Anguirus back in..something.

That would be cool. I always liked Anguirus, not only his souped-up ankylosaur design, but also his kaiju-Jack Russell energy.


Quote from: Newt on December 30, 2023, 11:36:18 AM
Quote from: Blade-of-the-Moon on December 26, 2023, 04:44:24 PM
Quote from: dragon53 on December 26, 2023, 03:46:36 PMGODZILLA MINUS ONE---producer Minami Ichikawa commented on the future of the franchise after MINUS ONE has earned $75 million worldwide with a budget under $15 million, "We're collectively considering the future of the Godzilla character. We've had things like animated Godzilla films in the past, so we're brainstorming new avenues to expand the Godzilla universe."

I just want Anguirus back in..something.

That would be cool. I always liked Anguirus, not only his souped-up ankylosaur design, but also his kaiju-Jack Russell energy.

Exactly. He's an underdog that just keeps fighting no matter what. Only time he quit was after Mechagodzilla broke his jaw Kong style. In the comics he even held his own against Destroyah. His roar is as iconic as Rodan, Godzilla, and Ghidorah. He's very popular with the U.S. audiences but from what I understand not so much in Japan. :/


Quote from: GojiraGuy1954 on December 29, 2023, 04:26:11 PMA more accurate name for this article would be "10 random Godzilla monsters we dredged up from a google search and attached to the name of a popular recent film for clicks."
That or "we checked a wiki for five minutes, give us add revenue!"


I haven't been following sequel speculation much, since there's so little to on in the first place; but I did see at least one suggestion on another forum that the cliffhanger ending might make a good segway to an Infant Island or Solgell Island story where the protagonists are seeking radiation cures - which of course also leads to the discovery of Mothra/Kamacuras & Kumonga.
And then there's the Biollante angle I've seen thrown around...


Quote from: Fembrogon on December 31, 2023, 05:32:54 PMI haven't been following sequel speculation much, since there's so little to on in the first place; but I did see at least one suggestion on another forum that the cliffhanger ending might make a good segway to an Infant Island or Solgell Island story where the protagonists are seeking radiation cures - which of course also leads to the discovery of Mothra/Kamacuras & Kumonga.
And then there's the Biollante angle I've seen thrown around...

I spun this up the other night, after being asked how I'd continue Minus One..

From the moment Godzilla was defeated, Kenji Noda had been in meeting after meeting after meeting. Every level of authority, from the Japanese interim government, to the American Navy, to the burgeoning Japanese media machine, wanted to hear the story from The Man Who Killed Godzilla. He desperately wished to be free to research, and confirm the ultimate fate of Godzilla, and he hoped that eventually, he would be asked to tell his tale to someone with the power to grant him permission to collect the remains of Godzilla.

Today, he has his wish. The American Navy, and Washington, had approved his requests.
Kenji Noda was now the head of a ragtag group of scientists, biologists and former Japanese military tasked with confirming the ultimate fate, and collecting the remains of,  Godzilla.

Arriving back at his workshop, Kenji finds Yoji Akitsu, former captain of the mine mitigation skiff Shinsei Maru waiting. The men greet each other and enter the workshop finding it dark.

"Yoji! We got it! We got the ship, the men and the bathysphere! The search begins tomorrow morning!", Kenji beamed, as he snapped on a light, and removed his glasses to clean them with the lining of his coat.

"I knew they would listen to you. It only makes sense to make sure it's dead, and collect what's left." The sea-weathered sailor ran his hand under his cap, thoughtfully. "I suppose any remains will be very dangerous to handle, with the radiation."

Kenji replaced his glasses on his face, and fixed his friend with a grim gaze. "That's what troubles me, Yoji. The area we made battle should be very hot still, and yet the American Navy keeps telling me there is nothing, not even the background radiation that is always there. It's like something is consuming the radi..."

Kenji's words were cut off by a tiny voice, ringing out like a bell; "Kenji Noda."

The startled little scientist, spun around, and around again, looking for the source of voice, and found nothing. The voice, continued.

"Kenji Noda, you defeated Godzilla, and now you search for his remains."

"Ye...yes, I did those things, am doing those things. Who are you, where... are you." He asked, almost timidly.
Yoji jumped back at the sight of two, tiny women emerging from the blackness between two of the workshop cabinets, to stand before Kenji.

"We are Her Voice. She sends warning. Godzilla is not dead. He heals himself now, growing ever larger, far larger than before. His anger deepens. He will destroy Japan, unless you stop him" the tiny women explain.

Kenji's stomach dropped. That was it. There was no radiation because Godzilla was absorbing it all, regenerating himself as he had before. The horrified scientist looked at Yoji, who seemed as baffled as Kenji felt. "Wait, whose voice. Who is 'she', and how can she help us against an even larger Godzilla?"

Suddenly, the two men, the tiny women and the workshop were veiled in a momentary black mist. As it cleared, it was obvious that Kenji and Yoji weren't in the workshop anymore. They weren't even in Tokyo anymore. They were standing in a dense, wet, green jungle rainforest, and directly before them was an enormous egg, so large Kenji could not see it's entire mass. Striped blue and tan, the egg blotted out what little sunlight broke through the tangled jungle canopy.

The two little women raised their hands in praise, and lowered their heads in reverence.

"She is our goddess, our protector, our mother. She is Mothra."


It would be interesting to bring Mothra in, the humans need something to help level the playing mothra it? maybe.

I think other monsters like Rodan and Anguirus being some of the first other Toho monsters would be good calls too, but again, they would probably be more hindrance than help and Minus One already seems to be so overly powerful nothing could really challenge him?


The only Godzilla film I've ever seen. A friend invited me to go to an afternoon showing today on a free ticket. I found it emotionally draining in a way I didn't expect. I was expecting pure monster movie but it had much more depth than that. I thought its study of despair and survivor guilt was moving. The colour palette was superb: so successful at suggesting the 1940s. And so good at evoking 40s tech. The sets for Tokyo shattered by air raids were also superb. We're mature women and we both cried a bit during the final sea scenes.


I can't say anything nobody else has said before. It's amazing seeing Godzilla get so much universal praise, from every aisle and every side of the world. I saw the film over a month ago and realized I hadn't talked about it on the forum. Time to get to it!

Godzilla Minus One is, at it's heart, a movie about a broken man searching for peace defending his family, and a group of citizens defending the country they love. It is endowed with this very sincere love and admiration for humanity that is really missing in our world today. And of course Godzilla is always awesome. It's been a month since I saw the film and I still remember all the characters. I'm a history buff and I loved everything dealing with WWII, the politics and culture of Japan at the time, and the Cold War. And it's worked into the narrative and theme of the film wonderfully. Their plan for killing Godzilla was very creative and realistic, and it made for an amazing climax. I found it's themes about duty and responsibility to be very personally touching.

Any criticisms I have just feel like nitpicks. I would have liked if Godzilla had a little more development. The scene where he destroys Tokyo, while very impactful, felt a little short and I would have liked to see more of it. But on the other hand this may be the only film where I wanted the destruction to stop and I was rooting against Godzilla the entire time. And I know leaving the fate of Godzilla at the end ambiguous is a trope in this franchise, but I would've been perfectly fine if these characters got a definitively happy ending. They deserved it.

It is a near perfect movie in every regard, and I'm sure it'll go down in film history as one of the best. 10/10.
"Boy do I hate being right all the time."


Yesh gonna see it one last time tomorrow the only real nitpick I do have is that I think Godzilla's actual movement on land could've been smoother but other than that yeah great film.

Jose S.M.

My local movie theater chain posted of their Facebook about some "new year movies" with an image of 3 yet unreleased movies here and one was this one. I hope it means they will show it but don't want to get my hopes too high.


I'm crossing my fingers it comes out in B&W here now.

I can agree some of the land movements were a little jerky much like the original 54' film, it might have been on purpose?

The only other small complaint I had was the inclusion of Kong's song from the original GvK film.

Took me right out of that scene unfortunately. There were much better songs they could have used I think. For example :


Quote from: Blade-of-the-Moon on January 11, 2024, 12:47:53 AMI'm crossing my fingers it comes out in B&W here now.

I can agree some of the land movements were a little jerky much like the original 54' film, it might have been on purpose?

The only other small complaint I had was the inclusion of Kong's song from the original GvK film.
Took me right out of that scene unfortunately. There were much better songs they could have used I think.

It's a funny situation, because the King Kong piece was actually integrated into the Godzilla theme suite a while ago: Ifukube included it in the arrangement that played over the credits in Godzilla vs. Destroyah (1995):

Ifukube continued to use this orchestration for his Symphonic Fantasia performances. Minus One, however, is the first time this arrangement has been used in the main runtime of a film, so I can understand why it would throw some people off. I've been listening to Ifukube's orchestra arrangements so long I was just amused to hear it over an actual movie scene.

I also greatly appreciated hearing the iconic march theme utilized in its original context again - as a motif for combating Godzilla instead of heralding him - since it hasn't been used in that manner in at least 30 years!


Quote from: Fembrogon on January 11, 2024, 05:52:57 PM
Quote from: Blade-of-the-Moon on January 11, 2024, 12:47:53 AMI'm crossing my fingers it comes out in B&W here now.

I can agree some of the land movements were a little jerky much like the original 54' film, it might have been on purpose?

The only other small complaint I had was the inclusion of Kong's song from the original GvK film.
Took me right out of that scene unfortunately. There were much better songs they could have used I think.

It's a funny situation, because the King Kong piece was actually integrated into the Godzilla theme suite a while ago: Ifukube included it in the arrangement that played over the credits in Godzilla vs. Destroyah (1995):

Ifukube continued to use this orchestration for his Symphonic Fantasia performances. Minus One, however, is the first time this arrangement has been used in the main runtime of a film, so I can understand why it would throw some people off. I've been listening to Ifukube's orchestra arrangements so long I was just amused to hear it over an actual movie scene.

I also greatly appreciated hearing the iconic march theme utilized in its original context again - as a motif for combating Godzilla instead of heralding him - since it hasn't been used in that manner in at least 30 years!

Ah I had either forgotten that or it wasn't used in the U.S. release.

I have most of the CD releases for the various releases but the older films I watched so much as a kid are the ones  I can pick out easily.

We used to even use them with the Xbox Godzilla game and play the music over the battles vs the game music lol

I just wonder if the director knew what it was from or if he just selected it from a bunch of music Toho provided? It's just so odd to choose a Kong song lol or even what was supposed to be a Pacific Islander type of song for this scene. I guess I'll get used to it..eventually.


I bet the choice was deliberate, but moreso for the sake of the "Godzilla March" motif, with the Kong theme being a byproduct; the version using the Kong piece is a longer suite so it probably suited the length of the sequence better.

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