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REBOR general discussion

Started by Shadowknight1, February 01, 2015, 07:27:37 PM

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Quote from: Takama on May 13, 2017, 06:39:29 PM

Geez, it's like nobody at REBOR has ever even watched a nature documentary or gone to a zoo where there were crocodilians.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


Quote from: Takama on May 13, 2017, 06:39:29 PM

If Rebor can't even get animals which look mostly like modern animals correct, then I have serious concerns about the seriousness of their company.I know Rebor is known for making inaccurate dinosaurs and other creatures but this is on the next level. They have to be trolling us with this.


Quote from: Ravonium on May 14, 2017, 09:15:42 AM
Quote from: Takama on May 13, 2017, 06:39:29 PM

If Rebor can't even get animals which look mostly like modern animals correct, then I have serious concerns about the seriousness of their company.I know Rebor is known for making inaccurate dinosaurs and other creatures but this is on the next level. They have to be trolling us with this.

They remind me of the Bullyland dinosaurs in their last stage. These are two prehistoric crocodile caricatures.


Quote from: Shonisaurus on May 14, 2017, 09:32:22 AM
They remind me of the Bullyland dinosaurs in their last stage. These are two prehistoric crocodile caricatures.

I agree.

Say what you want about the JP-based Rebor figures, but at least they look like living creatures. These crocodilians look like a failed lab experiment involving making crocodiles evolve into cartoonish dinosaurs.


I dont think these look much less realistic than their dinosaur sculpts, they display all the same stylistic choices. I just think the egregiousness of the 'artistic license' is made much more glaring due to our familiarity with the living appearance of crocodilians. It simply demonstrates their core ethos of not caring about making representations of animals, but of monsters. To Rebor a 'dinosaur' is just something that was big, had lots of scales, sharp claws, pointy teeth, and looked 'wicked-cool' (or perhaps 'sick'), so its no surprise that they have trouble differentiating between a dinosaur, a crocodile or any other prehistoric reptile. If they made a Megalania it would probably look like a stretched out quadrupedal JP velociraptor.
I'm wondering whether Rebor's laziness might extend to having these two share the same body sculpt from the neck backwards, and they just have transplanted heads... I wouldn't put it past them.


You make a good point at the beginning, now that I think about it


Quote from: suspsy on May 14, 2017, 02:44:16 AM
Quote from: Takama on May 13, 2017, 06:39:29 PM

Geez, it's like nobody at REBOR has ever even watched a nature documentary or gone to a zoo where there were crocodilians.

On my last visit to Dublin zoo I genuinely thought one of the crocodiles in the reptile house was a fake model because it simply did not move at all! 😀


Quote from: Derek.McManus on May 14, 2017, 09:17:07 PM
Quote from: suspsy on May 14, 2017, 02:44:16 AM
Quote from: Takama on May 13, 2017, 06:39:29 PM

Geez, it's like nobody at REBOR has ever even watched a nature documentary or gone to a zoo where there were crocodilians.

On my last visit to Dublin zoo I genuinely thought one of the crocodiles in the reptile house was a fake model because it simply did not move at all! 😀

At reptile zoos you hear that all the time.
We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a conquered monster, but there - there you could look at a thing monstrous and free." - King Kong, 2005


Ya these look pretty awful, even for Rebor standards. Looks like we are getting further and further away from the "promised" herbivores this year :/


That Winter Version Yutyrannus will also never come, won't it?

Well, those look terrible. Sarco looks like the head of the Schleich Spinosaurus.
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


I usually avoided criticizing Rebor products as I do genuinely like them despite notable inaccuracies, but the upcoming Deinosuchus and Sarcosuchus both look terrible indeed.
No matter how detailed the sculpt is, the crocodile-dinosaur hybrid look is simply wrong.


i share Dyscrasia's sentiment. i avoid dissing REBOR because for one thing i havent bought any of their products. but these new crocodilians look absolutely abhorrent. even worse than any recent Schleichs because Schleich products are basically intended for children who dont really discriminate, but REBORs are aimed at collectors.
"you know you have a lot of prehistoric figures if you have at least twenty items per page of the prehistoric/dinosaur section on ebay." - anon.


If we use the WWD interpretation of Deinosuchus as reference, then it is quite clear that the skull needs to be stretched out...


Quote from: Dyscrasia on May 15, 2017, 12:58:54 AM
I usually avoided criticizing Rebor products as I do genuinely like them despite notable inaccuracies, but the upcoming Deinosuchus and Sarcosuchus both look terrible indeed.
No matter how detailed the sculpt is, the crocodile-dinosaur hybrid look is simply wrong.

I also share your sentiment. I never really cared about REBOR but you just cannot criticise these dinocroc-hybrids.
Where they even remotely close to looking at the skeleton when they made this?


Here is the skull of Deinosuchus:

And here is the skull of Sarcosuchus:

It did not take long at all to look these images up on Google. Now compare these to the REBOR heads:

Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


Quote from: sauroid on May 15, 2017, 06:32:26 AM
i share Dyscrasia's sentiment. i avoid dissing REBOR because for one thing i havent bought any of their products. but these new crocodilians look absolutely abhorrent. even worse than any recent Schleichs because Schleich products are basically intended for children who dont really discriminate, but REBORs are aimed at collectors.

Totally agree with you, what you say is the pure truth.


They are claiming 100% accuracy (regarding the Sarcosuchus):

"Ours is 100% scientifically accurate."


Quote from: suspsy on May 15, 2017, 11:45:26 AM
It did not take long at all to look these images up on Google.

In case of Deinosuchus, the Sideshow Dinosauria statue is also a very good reference of the skull shape.


Quote from: Dyscrasia on May 15, 2017, 12:57:43 PM
Quote from: suspsy on May 15, 2017, 11:45:26 AM
It did not take long at all to look these images up on Google.

In case of Deinosuchus, the Sideshow Dinosauria statue is also a very good reference of the skull shape.

Actually, it's not. The Sideshow version is based on outdated reconstructions, hence the V-shape of the snout. Deinosuchus was an alligatoroid, and thus had a broader, U-shaped snout.

Quote from: tanystropheus on May 15, 2017, 12:56:04 PM
They are claiming 100% accuracy (regarding the Sarcosuchus):

"Ours is 100% scientifically accurate."

Sure they are. Isn't that what they always do?
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


It's gotten to the point where I ignore their claims of accuracy and just judge the products on how good they look.  For example, there are a few accuracy problems with their Acrocanthosaurus, but it still is a very cool and well made model.  These prehistoric crocs however....well, forgive the expression, but they're a crock alright.
I'm excited for REBOR's Acro!  Can't ya tell?

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