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REBOR general discussion

Started by Shadowknight1, February 01, 2015, 07:27:37 PM

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Hello everyone...I have held out making this comment for a very long time, with regards to Rebor, I have no actual evidence for this only a suspicion, but my theory runs like this, in the last few years a major UK based model / figure producing business underwent a large restructuring. In the parlance of modern times, some people where let go...they have obvious abilities but the company that they departed fromwas never big on customer service etc, my personal feeling is that this ethos has carried over into this new enterprise, I have only bought three Rebor products two as gifts for a friends children one, baby Stegosaurs for myself. Ad I have said elsewhere while I am impressed by the high quality presentation my actual model had low quality mould lines. I think we can all read a lot into the fact that Rebor to the best of my knowledge do not sell direct to the public instead relying on third parties. In conclusion I think they have some interesting ideas but need to sort their corporate vision and quality control out.

I hope no one is upset by this expression of my personal opinion.

Regards Derek


Quote from: Shadowknight1 on May 15, 2017, 02:32:10 PM
It's gotten to the point where I ignore their claims of accuracy and just judge the products on how good they look.  For example, there are a few accuracy problems with their Acrocanthosaurus, but it still is a very cool and well made model.  These prehistoric crocs however....well, forgive the expression, but they're a crock alright.

Just got the Acro this week. The only Rebor I've ever acquired, and almost certainly the only one I ever will. I am grateful to them for making that amazing figure if for nothing else. The detail is quite stunning - even the tongue is a separately molded piece.
We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a conquered monster, but there - there you could look at a thing monstrous and free." - King Kong, 2005


Quote from: suspsy on May 15, 2017, 01:26:27 PM
Actually, it's not. The Sideshow version is based on outdated reconstructions, hence the V-shape of the snout. Deinosuchus was an alligatoroid, and thus had a broader, U-shaped snout.

Yup, seems like the Sideshow one was based on this particular reconstruction.

Although outdated, at least the sculptor was faithful to the source material.

This is said to be a more accurate reconstruction of the skull.


Quote from: BlueKrono on May 15, 2017, 02:36:33 PM
Quote from: Shadowknight1 on May 15, 2017, 02:32:10 PM
It's gotten to the point where I ignore their claims of accuracy and just judge the products on how good they look.  For example, there are a few accuracy problems with their Acrocanthosaurus, but it still is a very cool and well made model.  These prehistoric crocs however....well, forgive the expression, but they're a crock alright.

Just got the Acro this week. The only Rebor I've ever acquired, and almost certainly the only one I ever will. I am grateful to them for making that amazing figure if for nothing else. The detail is quite stunning - even the tongue is a separately molded piece.
I have the Utahraptor(which is a disappointment to me, I wouldn't have ordered it had I known about the product's tendency to warp), the baby raptor hatchlings(which are adorable), the "velociraptor" Winston(not a true Velociraptor, but the best JP raptor I own!), and the Deinonychus trio.  Of these, the Utahraptor and the hatchlings are, to me, the poorest of the bunch.  The Deinonychus trio are all very well done considering the size, though I am considering getting some sticky tack to put on the bottoms of their feet so they'll stay on their bases.  If Rebor doesn't want to go the peg and hole route, they should at least put indentions into the bases that the feet can fit into.  It may not be "accurate" since dried up river beds wouldn't do something like that, but it'd be better than having to prop these little boogers up by their tails.
I'm excited for REBOR's Acro!  Can't ya tell?


Quote from: Shadowknight1 on May 15, 2017, 03:23:29 PM
Quote from: BlueKrono on May 15, 2017, 02:36:33 PM
Quote from: Shadowknight1 on May 15, 2017, 02:32:10 PM
It's gotten to the point where I ignore their claims of accuracy and just judge the products on how good they look.  For example, there are a few accuracy problems with their Acrocanthosaurus, but it still is a very cool and well made model.  These prehistoric crocs however....well, forgive the expression, but they're a crock alright.

Just got the Acro this week. The only Rebor I've ever acquired, and almost certainly the only one I ever will. I am grateful to them for making that amazing figure if for nothing else. The detail is quite stunning - even the tongue is a separately molded piece.
I have the Utahraptor(which is a disappointment to me, I wouldn't have ordered it had I known about the product's tendency to warp), the baby raptor hatchlings(which are adorable), the "velociraptor" Winston(not a true Velociraptor, but the best JP raptor I own!), and the Deinonychus trio.  Of these, the Utahraptor and the hatchlings are, to me, the poorest of the bunch.  The Deinonychus trio are all very well done considering the size, though I am considering getting some sticky tack to put on the bottoms of their feet so they'll stay on their bases.  If Rebor doesn't want to go the peg and hole route, they should at least put indentions into the bases that the feet can fit into.  It may not be "accurate" since dried up river beds wouldn't do something like that, but it'd be better than having to prop these little boogers up by their tails.

I noticed that the Acro's dried mud base has very subtle indentations where the bulges of the toe pads fit, but you don't hardly notice them when he's not standing on them. It's a pretty brilliant design all around; the closer I look the more impressed I am. Was the main accuracy gripe on this one that the feet are a little too big?
We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a conquered monster, but there - there you could look at a thing monstrous and free." - King Kong, 2005


Hay guys, just talked to Rebor about their deinosuchus problem and Oh Boy Was It Fun. Probably not for an outsider looking in but it was really funny for me to see the weird excuses they came up with for the skull stuff. I'm just going to post the conversation hear since it gives a lot of incite into the sort of logic they have. Sorry in advance for the grammar mistakes ;P

TL:DR the Rebor team made the skull too high because they thought that the crocks we have are babies or something and added mass to the head as a sign of age. AKA Hay, let's sacrifice scientific integrity to make our crocks UNIQUE :DDDDDDDDD

QuoteREBOR Ours is 100% scientifically accurate

QuoteGemma Tweedy REBOR But the skull is to high. It may be accurate from the top but they both need to be more crocodilian from the side. Right now they look more like dinosaurs with crocodile mouths : (
REBOR Gemma Tweedy That's because their necks weren't shown in the photo, giving you an illusion that they got short snouts and high skulls. Plus there can't be just bones, we need to give them some body tissues right?

QuoteREBOR Gemma Tweedy Also their bones never stop growing during their entire lifespans, their skulls will get bulkier as they grow older so our reconstructions make prefect sense

REBOR Gemma Tweedy Saltwater crocodile hatchling

QuoteREBOR Gemma Tweedy Saltwater crocodile adult

Gemma Tweedy But there IS a lot we can learn from bones. Mostly the skull shape. The skin of crocodiles and alligators sit pretty nicely around the skull. While I don't support the eye sockets being visible (which you have done on most of your models, even the ones not basses on JP) I also don't support the eyes to sit an entire foot above the skull ether, which is exactly what you have done with your poor deinosuchus. Also, are you saying that the deinosuchus' we have are babies? Yes, Corcs do grow all through out their life, but their basic shape doesn't change once they've reached adulthood.
REBOR Gemma Tweedy We often see some people with higher cheekbones or larger chins so why should we expect all crocodiles to look the same? Even some chickens got longer beaks and larger wings. It's not wrong to give animals some characteristics :)

Gemma Tweedy But deinosuchus didn't have an overly high face. It was rather low being an animal that prayed on dinosaurs much like modern crocs with mammals. These is no reason to put the eyes in the entirely wrong place. It makes 0 sense.

QuoteGemma Tweedy Woops! Wrong reconstruction. This is the far more modern one:

REBOR Gemma Tweedy It's too earlier to judge a 2D photo mate as you can only see it from a just one angle, our Deinosuchus doesn't have overly high face neither, please wait till you see the final product :)

QuoteGemma Tweedy IDK dude, seems like a profile pick to me. But I suppose it's too late to change anyway : /. However, if you are so obsessed to give your animals muscle and fat, could you at least make the holes in your theropod skulls less prominent please? I'm looking at your carnotaurus and I'm just like "Jeez dude, give the guy a sandwich. The poor thing's starving!" XD

I just love how pessimistic they were by the end. Just like: "Shut up you don't know anything also are models are accurate even though we've been making excuses for it the entire time :)"


Shonisaurus, why have you made two posts (Reply #2296 and Reply #2297) that are just a quote of a post by me with the link in your original post changed, even though I provided a working link in my post that you quoted both times?


Quote from: Sim on May 15, 2017, 04:38:07 PM
Shonisaurus, why have you made two posts (Reply #2296 and Reply #2297) that are just a quote of a post by me with the link in your original post changed, even though I provided a working link in my post that you quoted both times?

I apologize a thousand times. My intention was not to send those two messages. My intention was to rectify the initial message that I sent two days ago commenting on the news of Rebor concerning the two crocodiles deinosuchus and sarcosuchus in which the link that gave facebook did not work. You can delete these two messages the address of the forum when you want. As I say my intention was to rectify the initial message.

I am sorry.


It's hilarious how REBOR can dig up that image to try and justify the accuracy of their products when the scales on that saltie look nothing like the ones on those two sculpted heads.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr



Ah, REBOR, never change. At this point they are just hilarious.
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


I was really hoping that they were going to say that the heads just got foreshortened or otherwise distorted when they made the photo their cover image. But that is not among the many excuses they seem to have furnished. The contours of the jaws aren't wildly wrong, but man, the proportions are terrible. The texturing is also really unnatural looking but it's at least theoretically possible that that could be rescued with the right paint job.
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

My attempt to find the best toy of every species

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Sometimes I draw pictures


"REBOR Gemma Tweedy We often see some people with higher cheekbones or larger chins so why should we expect all crocodiles to look the same? Even some chickens got longer beaks and larger wings. It's not wrong to give animals some characteristics" - Rebor

Changing the overall shape is allot different from adding characteristics. At this rate we will be having Tyrannosaurs with V shaped skulls and Carnosaurs with peanut shaped skulls. Head shape is the defining characteristic of many predatory animals.

If a major company like safari or collecta had this mentality I would be alarmed. But since it's just Rebor I find it rather amusing. It's companies like them that add a little spice to the collecting world and show other companies what not to do.

"3,000 km to the south, the massive comet crashes into Earth. The light from the impact fades in silence. Then the shock waves arrive. Next comes the blast front. Finally a rain of molten rock starts to fall out of the darkening sky - this is the end of the age of the dinosaurs. The Comet struck the Gulf of Mexico with the force of 10 billion Hiroshima bombs. And with the catastrophic climate changes that followed 65% of all life died out. It took millions of years for the earth to recover but when it did the giant dinosaurs were gone - never to return." - WWD


Quote from: Neosodon on May 16, 2017, 04:45:22 AM
"REBOR Gemma Tweedy We often see some people with higher cheekbones or larger chins so why should we expect all crocodiles to look the same? Even some chickens got longer beaks and larger wings. It's not wrong to give animals some characteristics" - Rebor

Changing the overall shape is allot different from adding characteristics. At this rate we will be having Tyrannosaurs with V shaped skulls and Carnosaurs with peanut shaped skulls. Head shape is the defining characteristic of many predatory animals.

If a major company like safari or collecta had this mentality I would be alarmed. But since it's just Rebor I find it rather amusing. It's companies like them that add a little spice to the collecting world and show other companies what not to do.

Crocodilian phrenology?
We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a conquered monster, but there - there you could look at a thing monstrous and free." - King Kong, 2005


I kind of find it amusing that Rebor simply refuses to admit that they wanted to take some artistic liberties, and comes up with poor excuses to defend their claim on "accuracy" instead.

amargasaurus cazaui


" Different cheekbones but definitely a Rebor rex, right?
Authors with varying competence have suggested dinosaurs disappeared because of meteorites...God's will, raids by little green hunters in flying saucers, lack of standing room in Noah's Ark, and palaeoweltschmerz—Glenn Jepsen


The Sarcosuchus actually doesn't look too bad. The Deinosuchus on the other hand... looks like DinoCroc taken a little too literal. ::)
I am the Dinosaur King!


I've stopped caring a long time ago. It isn't like they're getting my money anyways.
If people are buying it, they'll keep making it.
I just wonder where they get their "Ours is 100% scientifically accurate" claims from.


Quote from: FlaffyRaptors on May 16, 2017, 10:30:28 AM
I've stopped caring a long time ago. It isn't like they're getting my money anyways.
If people are buying it, they'll keep making it.
I just wonder where they get their "Ours is 100% scientifically accurate" claims from.

Probably the same place certain other people who will remain nameless get their "alternative facts".
We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a conquered monster, but there - there you could look at a thing monstrous and free." - King Kong, 2005


It's a pity because if done correctly they would be nice models and say what you want about Rebor I do like their package and presentation.

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