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Your creepy stories

Started by Rathalosaurus, March 29, 2016, 04:15:28 PM

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I am in another Forum, and there they are talking about their creepiest things they have ever seen or experienced.

Let's see what you have!!
Dude, I very like Dinos and I cannot understand those who don't.

E.D.G.E. (PainterRex)

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Nothing supernatural, but a long time ago, an animal torture group broke into my house and killed all my pets :/ Worst part was that they laid them out on the front lawn so I could see them when I got back from school, at 11 years old. I could not sleep for weeks after that. It's sickening that such people exist.


Seriously???? I hope they got caught and jailed at the end, disgusting subhuman


Quote from: tyrantqueen on March 29, 2016, 09:48:52 PM
Nothing supernatural, but a long time ago, an animal torture group broke into my house and killed all my pets :/ Worst part was that they laid them out on the front lawn so I could see them when I got back from school, at 11 years old. I could not sleep for weeks after that. It's sickening that such people exist.

That would have given me nightmares aswell, human nature can be disgusting at times :/

Other than that, a "nice" topic, so I'll add....

Back in 2013 when we were travelling through Australia I found a roadkilled Perentie early in the morning. The temperature of the road and the animal made me guess its death had happened within the last 30 minutes. The car that had hit the animal had crushed its head completly, exposing brain and all. I picked up the body and carried it to a roadside ditch for dissection (I examine inner organs for parasites and stomachs for contents). The body felt saggy and flexible as to expect, but also as if there would be some inner strain of muscles. I laid the body down, got my tools and openend the breast cavity. I cut out the guts and stomach and laid them aside for further examination. When these organs were out of the way, view was free onto the heart - which was still beating very active. I was shocked (aswell as my girlfriend, now wife), cut the heart out immidiatly and also opened the throat vessels completly. The seperated heart kept beating for another ten minutes.

Now that is not even the maximum of life after death in monitor lizards,.... just a year ago a friend brought me a deceased monitor lizard (eggbound) for dissection. The animal was dead for almost 4 hours, cooled down to ambient temperature and already in the state of rigor mortis. Nevertheless, when opened the heart still beat in a pace of a heartbeat each 7 seconds.


Firsdt off, are ghost storys allowed?

My mom and her family used to live on a hill in a trailer.  She had her own room to herself, and none of the doors have locks on them (My Grandpa lived in that trailer for the rest of his life, and i can confirm from my visits that none of them had locks)  Anyways, there was a closet right in-front of her bed, and one night she saw the ghost of a old woman that was gesturing her to come with her into the closet.  She ignored it and thought it was just a dream.  However the next night, she got a visit from some ghostly man that she says had the most evil smile she ever saw in her life. The man tackled her, which made her scream, causing everyone in the trailer to wake up. They all tried to open the door, but for some UN godly reason, it was locked, as if something supernatural was keeping it shut. Eventually the man disappeared, and the door open up with ease.

That is the only story my mom told me about encounters with ghosts that stood out to me.  Im not sure if i believe her, but she is very superstitious ,for instance, she never wares the color purple because it brings bad luck to her(every-time she wore that color in a car, the car would get into a accident)

The story almost made its way into a Book about Local haunting s and Ghost encounters, but the author did not want to work with them for some reason.


I don't feel too good about sharing this, since I'm still kind of creeped out.

Well here it is, about a year ago, my uncle (by law) started acting strange and rambling on about weird things. We thought it was strange but dismissed it as he sorta has an outgoing personality. Anyways it continued for about a week and then he started doing strange things as well. An example being him cutting up all of my aunt's credit/debit cards and throwing them out. So my aunt and her family decided to get him checked out, they had him admitted to a psych ward where he was monitored daily. He still didn't show any signs of stopping.  (or something like that , I admittedly didn't look into it that much or visit him, I know i'm terrible)

Anyways, after that my aunt went into his room to clean things up and found a little stack of cash. She immediately received a phone call from her sister who was with said uncle. He was on the phone and he asked her to leave his room. At first I didn't think too much of it, but after that I started feeling a bit creeped out the more I thought about it.

Now here comes the part that I actually was a part of, the previous bit was what I heard from my family

A week after the incident, we went to go visit my aunt as a good gesture. She mentioned something about feeling strange in the room and me being s curious individual I had to check it out. When I went in, it was strange. It definitely felt weird, very humid, very eerie and it felt heavier, for lack of a better term. I don't know but after that I've been extremely creeped out by the whole ordeal. I still don't believe in ghosts or supernatural things but that incident was incredibly strange. (Could've just been my mind playing tricks on me now that I think about it)
He's back to his normal self now though so yay.. :)

E.D.G.E. (PainterRex)

Quote from: tyrantqueen on March 29, 2016, 09:48:52 PM
Nothing supernatural, but a long time ago, an animal torture group broke into my house and killed all my pets :/ Worst part was that they laid them out on the front lawn so I could see them when I got back from school, at 11 years old. I could not sleep for weeks after that. It's sickening that such people exist.

jesus christ!
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Quote from: tyrantqueen on March 29, 2016, 09:48:52 PM
Nothing supernatural, but a long time ago, an animal torture group broke into my house and killed all my pets :/ Worst part was that they laid them out on the front lawn so I could see them when I got back from school, at 11 years old. I could not sleep for weeks after that. It's sickening that such people exist.

That's awful. I can't even imagine.
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

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Quote from: tyrantqueen on March 29, 2016, 09:48:52 PM
Nothing supernatural, but a long time ago, an animal torture group broke into my house and killed all my pets :/ Worst part was that they laid them out on the front lawn so I could see them when I got back from school, at 11 years old. I could not sleep for weeks after that. It's sickening that such people exist.

I am so sorry you had to go through that, especially as a child! This is why I like animals more than people.


We get reports of people breaking into Back yards and taking any dog that is out there for  lab testing.  I always keep an eye out for my little Rex at night when ever he stays outside for too long(he likes to lounge around in the yard)  If I catch anyone trying to kidnap my dog I will  >:( (Censored for the forum)

There is also a video somewhere on Facebook of a Guy who fed a live Pomeranian Puppy to a Large Albino Python.   I did not see the video but i did find a picture of the two together, and I nearly cried and punched the monitor. Because Pomeranian's are my favorite Dogs, and Rex is like my first born son. so seeing that picture made me think that one of his siblings is being fed to a reptile.   I do believe that these snakes have to eat large food, but i think it should be illegal to feed them certain animals like Dogs and cats. Anything that we eat for real(like a Pig or Chicken) is what we should be feeding them. But a dog is taking a step to far.


Quote from: DinoG on March 29, 2016, 09:53:24 PM
Seriously???? I hope they got caught and jailed at the end, disgusting subhuman

No, we called the police but they didn't do anything.

We sent one of the rabbits to be autopsied by the vet, and they told us that he had been stabbed repeatedly over and over again until he died. We had three adult rabbits and four guinea pigs, and some guinea pig and rabbit babies. They were all killed in the same way. The only animals that the torturers did not harm were the ferrets, because they probably would have fought back.

It's a mystery really :-\ We got interviewed by the local newspaper, I still have the clipping somewhere...

QuoteThere is also a video somewhere on Facebook of a Guy who fed a live Pomeranian Puppy to a Large Albino Python.   I did not see the video but i did find a picture of the two together, and I nearly cried and punched the monitor.
Horrible :(


I don't understand why it's so horrible to feed a dog to a python, or to eat a dog. I can understand that many people would not want to, I own two turtles and would not want to eat a turtle so I understand that. But I don't hold it against people that do eat turtles so it bothers me that so many people don't display the same sort of objectivity and maturity, no personal offense intended to anyone here. If you're feeding a dog to a snake just to make people angry than yes that's kind of mean, but I don't think it's fair to place dogs and cats on a pedestal above other animals, especially not legally.

If anyone is abducting dogs it's not for lab testing. No laboratory that can afford to run tests is so poor it needs to abduct dogs. If anyone is abducting dogs it's more than likely crazed activists, the same people spreading such false rumors about laboratory abductions.

Sorry for huge buzzkill rant, go back to telling stories.


Quote from: stargatedalek on March 30, 2016, 11:00:40 PM
I don't understand why it's so horrible to feed a dog to a python, or to eat a dog. I can understand that many people would not want to, I own two turtles and would not want to eat a turtle so I understand that. But I don't hold it against people that do eat turtles so it bothers me that so many people don't display the same sort of objectivity and maturity, no personal offense intended to anyone here. If you're feeding a dog to a snake just to make people angry than yes that's kind of mean, but I don't think it's fair to place dogs and cats on a pedestal above other animals, especially not legally.

If anyone is abducting dogs it's not for lab testing. No laboratory that can afford to run tests is so poor it needs to abduct dogs. If anyone is abducting dogs it's more than likely crazed activists, the same people spreading such false rumors about laboratory abductions.

Sorry for huge buzzkill rant, go back to telling stories.

Yeah, I get why an individual dog is special, if it's your pet, for example. But there isn't anything about dogs that sets them objectively above pigs, for example, or rabbits, or whatever else. I would certainly eat dog if it were served to me when traveling or something. Or horse. Here in the states, it's nearly impossible to find horse, even though we're overrun with horses in some regions and they have no real predators anymore. Yet management agencies encounter public opposition to any attempt to cull their numbers.

And yeah, let me tell you I know a lot of people who do research on live animals and there is absolutely no way they could get away with using random dogs even if they wanted to. The provenance of research animals is meticulously recorded--you'd lose your job and probably serve time if you did something as egregious as purloining people's pets for your study. At any rate, dogs are not very useful research organisms--if they were good for research, many fewer would be euthanized at shelters each year.

Anyway. Yeah. Creepy stories! Once I saw a young woman crawl out of the basement window of a house, and she yelled something indistinct and waved her arm. I was across the street at a distance of maybe 20 meters, but I'm almost certain she wasn't wearing anything on her lower half. I was late to where I was going, so I didn't stop. But I felt really uneasy about the whole thing and so I called the police on the way and told them what I'd seen and where. I don't know what became of any of that, but I still feel awful that I didn't stop to at least see if she needed help.
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

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Quotebut I don't think it's fair to place dogs and cats on a pedestal above other animals, especially not legally.

I do. I value some animals more than others, I'm not going to pretend otherwise. Anyone who claims to love ALL animals equally is lying.


Quote from: tyrantqueen on March 31, 2016, 10:19:09 AM
Quotebut I don't think it's fair to place dogs and cats on a pedestal above other animals, especially not legally.

I do. I value some animals more than others, I'm not going to pretend otherwise. Anyone who claims to love ALL animals equally is lying.
I understand that no one is free from bias. What I don't understand is why some people get so overprotective of animals they like as a species. As long as the population is sustainable and there is actual purpose to it I'm not against people hunting any animal in theory.

The only particularly creepy story that comes to mind would be that I visited Sea World Orlando about a week before the famous incident with Tilikum. Not really creepy just ironically dark.

Doug Watson

Quote from: tyrantqueen on March 29, 2016, 09:48:52 PM
Nothing supernatural, but a long time ago, an animal torture group broke into my house and killed all my pets :/ Worst part was that they laid them out on the front lawn so I could see them when I got back from school, at 11 years old. I could not sleep for weeks after that. It's sickening that such people exist.

That is sick and I am sorry you had to live through that. I can't imagine dealing with that at any age especially 11 years old. Back in my teens there was a summer where several pets in our area where killed in what was described as satanic rituals. I remember being very afraid for our pets but luckily the killings stopped.

The human and dog relationship predates recorded history and it is acknowledged that dogs were the first animals to join us in our camps as companions and protectors so it is only natural that some of us have a deeper connection to them. I personally love snakes but I get no pleasure out of watching any constrictor squeeze the life out of any animal whether it be a mammal, bird or reptile and have to seriously wonder about anyone that would want to watch a video like that for enjoyment. I even stopped feeding live frogs to my Garter Snake when one of the frogs started squealing as it was being eaten after that I only fed it animals that I had dispatched humanely.

When I read the title of the thread my mind went towards the supernatural so here is a first hand account of my one possible supernatural story. This one still gives me chills every time I retell it.
When I was a young teen my father, brother and I were driving on a country road coming back from fishing. It was a bright sunny day and we were passing a home on our right where a birthday party was in progress. All the kids looked like they were around 6 or so years old and all the other family members seemed to be on the front lawn with them watching them run around amongst the balloons and other birthday decorations. I was sitting in the back seat and I think I was the only one that saw what came next. I know I never mentioned it to my dad or brother. To the right of the house was detached garage with the door open to the road. There was car in there but (and here come the chills) in front and to the right of the car but still in the garage was a single figure of a young girl. I would guess she would have been around 16 or 18 and she was standing straight as an arrow with her arms at her sides staring straight out at the road. While all the other kids were dressed it bright colours this girl was pasty white with long dark hair and looked to be wearing a long white nightie and her feet were bare. She didn't budge an inch as I passed, she just kept staring out at the road. Let me point out this is back in the 1970s long before the movie The Ring so she had that look long before that movie came out. I don't even think I ever told anyone about it until I told my wife many years later.


I won't try to get into the complex topic of animal/human morality, but I can say that though I hate dogs with a passion, I would never condone or contribute to any cruelty towards them, and though I love cats, I would equally never support their being valued or protected over any other animal; be it dog, pig, chicken, or fish.

Ah but this is very off topic. So on to a creepy story...

In my local town there's an old Pub, or Inn, called 'The Nag's Head'. Its got a history stretching back several hundred years, but within the last century a painting was discovered concealed within the wall up in the attic room. From the descriptions of people who have seen it over the years; it's a painting of a very strangely proportioned figure, who looks kind of like a classical greek god, his face is old with a white beard, but his body is quite androgynous and from the waist down it looks female. He's holding some kind of spear and standing on the head of a dead dragon. Apparently it's very dark and grimy, so it's hard to make out the details properly. Nobody knows how old the picture is, who painted it, or why it was concealed in the wall. Things get disturbing when you hear of how it was first found; a man staying at the inn had killed himself, and was found facing the wall, where the painting was revealed. Over the next 50 years there were supposedly several further incidents of guests staying up in the attic room and committing suicide with not apparent motive, having seen the painting. It's passed into local folklore that the painting is cursed somehow, and looking at it for too long causes madness or suicide. Some people even say it's a portrait of the Devil.
I'm very interested in local stories and folk-tales, so I do a lot of research and writing about them. After hearing the story of the painting I was very intrigued but also quite creeped out, though my often rational mind told me there was no truth behind it. I didn't even believe there was such a painting, it seemed like something out of a a piece of horror fiction. I contacted the man who now runs the Nag's Head, which is still an Inn, and asked if I'd be allowed to see the painting in the attic (which these days is used as a storage room and not for guests), as it would help with my research. He agreed that he could take me up to see it, he showed me up as far as the attic room itself, and I saw the panel in the wall that opens up to reveal the painting, but I had to tell him that I couldn't stay to see the picture, and had to leave in a hurry. It's hard to explain, but the room up there was so un-naturally cold, and when I looked at the part of the wall that conceals the painting, I just felt this immediate sickness in my stomach, and the clichéd chill went up my spine, and I just thought I could not stand to look at the image that was hidden there. I am often quite superstitious despite having a very logical mind, though I do believe in the possibility of the supernatural, I dismiss it without indisputable evidence. But I had to wonder whether it was just the purely psychological effect of having heard the stories about the painting, or whether there really was some horrible presence in that attic room.


Quote from: Halichoeres on March 31, 2016, 05:51:13 AM
Quote from: stargatedalek on March 30, 2016, 11:00:40 PM
I don't understand why it's so horrible to feed a dog to a python, or to eat a dog. I can understand that many people would not want to, I own two turtles and would not want to eat a turtle so I understand that. But I don't hold it against people that do eat turtles so it bothers me that so many people don't display the same sort of objectivity and maturity, no personal offense intended to anyone here. If you're feeding a dog to a snake just to make people angry than yes that's kind of mean, but I don't think it's fair to place dogs and cats on a pedestal above other animals, especially not legally.

If anyone is abducting dogs it's not for lab testing. No laboratory that can afford to run tests is so poor it needs to abduct dogs. If anyone is abducting dogs it's more than likely crazed activists, the same people spreading such false rumors about laboratory abductions.

Sorry for huge buzzkill rant, go back to telling stories.

And yeah, let me tell you I know a lot of people who do research on live animals and there is absolutely no way they could get away with using random dogs even if they wanted to. The provenance of research animals is meticulously recorded--you'd lose your job and probably serve time if you did something as egregious as purloining people's pets for your study. At any rate, dogs are not very useful research organisms--if they were good for research, many fewer would be euthanized at shelters each year.

I think around our parts, it random people who were looking to steal Dogs to Sell to Lab Testers. At least that is what the newspapers warned us about.

Quote from: tyrantqueen on March 31, 2016, 10:19:09 AM
Quotebut I don't think it's fair to place dogs and cats on a pedestal above other animals, especially not legally.

I do. I value some animals more than others, .

As do I.   


Quote from: Takama on March 31, 2016, 06:47:29 PM
I think around our parts, it random people who were looking to steal Dogs to Sell to Lab Testers. At least that is what the newspapers warned us about.

Ah, I was thinking about it from the perspective of actual labs. It didn't occur to me that it might be some delusional meth-head with a harebrained scheme to make a quick buck.

Silvanusaurus and Doug, those stories are super on point! I love it.
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

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