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MidnightSpino - Hello

Started by MidnightSpino, June 10, 2020, 02:56:21 PM

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Before I start I hope that I`m right here ;)

About me: My name is Jenny, I`m 16 years old and I live in Germany. In my free time I read a lot, paint and like to go outside. Usually I am a modelhorse collector/painter and some time ago I bought the Dracorex from Schleich. Just out fun I repainted it and and since it was so much fun, I don't want it to be the only one. In the future I would like to collect more. A small explanation: I am generally interested in the past, such as the Middle Ages. But also dinosaurs have always been fascinating for me. When I found the book "Jurassic Parc" in a box at a flea market many years ago, this past age was also very interesting. Because of this someone suggested me this forum. Thanks to P @PlesiosaurusNessy   ^-^

Hopefully you see under this sentence an indoor picture of my Dracorex-repaint. If not I need to try a different way to show it. I promise to take pictures outside and post them here soon.

I can`t wait to explore the forum!

Regards from Germany,


M @Mightyjptrex Welcome to the DTF, by the way you have painted the dracorex very well. I hope you enjoy DTF.


Welcome! Your Dracorex repaint looks great!

Jose S.M.

Hello and welcome! really great repaint.


Hello and welcome to the forum!

You will discover many friendly, interesting people here with many interesting, creative approaches to prehistory!

As for myself, I am from Germany, too, and an old hand at posting and communicating here.

Enjoy your stay, enjoy yourself!


I like your Dracorex repaint very much - very accomplished work indeed.  I like the sober colour palette you chose.

I hope you enjoy your stay here.  It is a friendly place I find.


Hi and Welcome to the Forum. I like your Dracorex and i always like to see the Stuff other people do with their Figures.
Also another Welcome from a German aswell.

The People here on this Board are friendly and always are open for new stuff. Also, its way slower and less personal on Social Media Platforms (I like it better here.). Has some Oldschool Internet Vibes.

Amazon ad:


Welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy your time here!
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

My attempt to find the best toy of every species

My trade/sale/wishlist thread

Sometimes I draw pictures


Thanks for the friendly welcome ^-^ 

Soon a parcel is supposed to arrive, in which among other things are dinosaurs.  I think that I will make a new thread with them in another category here to introduce them. Here is it for new members  :P I also plan a thread for my art. I painted for example my profile picture last year, inspired by the game Ark survival evolved  ;)


Welcome Jenny!
I'm also from Germany and mix my dinosaurs with model horses ^-^
What's your opinion on the 2020 Schleich horses? Just kidding. Have fun here!


Quote from: Sarapaurolophus on June 22, 2020, 10:40:02 PM
Welcome Jenny!
I'm also from Germany and mix my dinosaurs with model horses ^-^
What's your opinion on the 2020 Schleich horses? Just kidding. Have fun here!

Nice to hear  ^-^  I don't want to talk about the horses, but the dinosaurs are way better! It's a little bit sad...


A belated welcome from me! And thanks to P @PlesiosaurusNessy for spreading the word about our community! 8)

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