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Just seen the JWD Pyroraptor through a toy leak, My heart has shattered.

Started by Reuben03, March 01, 2021, 11:38:50 PM

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Quote from: MLMjp on March 02, 2021, 11:01:42 AM
Quote from: Stegotyranno420 on March 02, 2021, 04:39:22 AM
Fine. Tyrannosaurus may remain King, but just like the Bear and Tiger, Spinosaurus and Giganotosaurus are now emperors ;)
And besides, other than sounding cool, it doesn't make sense to give titles to animals...

Wrong, Spinosaurus is a Pharaon, Giganotosaurus is a gigant.
Or spinosaurus maybe be a Sultan, Shah, or Emperor based on whos in control of Egypt
and Tyrannosaurus is definitely smarter, but heavier and stronger, not sure, and many are debating

Back on topic, avatar_Reuben03 @Reuben03 i mean, they were trying to make it canon. Maybe if it was an accurate reboot then it'd be something bad.
I mean, its like seeing Jurassic Park dinosaurs in some Harryhuesen film. And lets say because those films were so good, they continued for quite a lot of time, overlapping with JP. will you still expect "accurate" dinosaurs in those films? Its okay, hopefully someone will make some really big movie/documentary series about accurate dinosaurs and that will burn those images into da folks' minds


Quote from: Stegotyranno420 on March 02, 2021, 04:26:31 PM
Back on topic, avatar_Reuben03 @Reuben03 i mean, they were trying to make it canon. Maybe if it was an accurate reboot then it'd be something bad.
I mean, its like seeing Jurassic Park dinosaurs in some Harryhuesen film. And let's say because those films were so good, they continued for quite a lot of time, overlapping with JP. will you still expect "accurate" dinosaurs in those films? Its okay, hopefully someone will make some really big movie/documentary series about accurate dinosaurs and that will burn those images into da folks' minds
"Nothing in Jurassic World is natural, we have always filled gaps in the genome with the DNA of other animals. And if the genetic code was pure, many of them would look quite different. But you didn't ask for reality, you asked for more teeth." - Henry Wu, Jurassic World (2015)

This is supposed to be an animal with DNA much purer than its ingen counterpart, it is supposed to be the opposite of say, blue or any of the other 'raptors' from the franchise bred to look cool. to get that far with the design and then stop at such a crucial aspect is so stupid!! the public isn't supposed to go "oh look, a dinosaur with feathers, i read about that somewhere. hm. that's cool i guess!"

they're supposed to go "oh wow look that thing just straight up has wings! it's basically a big bird! I read somewhere birds and Dinosaurs are related, wonder what that's all about" and then google it and find out BIRDS ARE DINOSAURS
like, how hard would it be??? how hard would it be to just give it accurate arms.

i'm so annoyed lmao

long as my heart's beatin' in my chest
this old dawg ain't about to forget :')


avatar_Reuben03 @Reuben03 pretty sure that was their excuse for not updating their dinosaurs(this was the 4th film)
Back to the retro-JP analogy. Lets say in a later film, they revealed these retrosaurs were made through genetic engineering, and they were running around wild on a big island because someone let them loose. But they were not natural. Will you still expect to see a JP rex fighting a C.R. KNight style Rex. I mean, it'd be cool, but unfortunately, it doesnt fit. Now, what will be cool if it was a big exit 9B style epic battle between accurate dinosaurs and jp dinosaurs. raptors getting choked and crushed by Utahraptors. Stegosaurs interlocking spikes with each other. SPinosaurus literally SLAUGHTERING that Jp3 one. You get it.

Now the focus of UNiversal or any other mega-network showing these dinosaurs in cinema is to usually either depict them as a force to be reckoned with that once lived on our planet and how they lived, and the study that goes into them. Or Forces to be reckoned with that go around killing stuff. IMHO both are real cool, but most will either go for one or the other. But the last thing the average paleontological uneducated  person wants to see in this EPICO- AWESOME BRO-dino film is a birdified dinosaur. They want Lizards. Which is unfortunate. They are gonna think dinosaurs are lizards, not reptiles. And that's not good. That's bad. That's David Peters robs Russel Peters bad! You must contain a balance. Make sure they know they are the Terrible/Great Reptiles, not Terrible lizards, or Terrible birds(they are apart of this league of Saurians, so that's half correct) but you see the point
Now one might say "but actually, Sauros mean lizard". Well you got to understand that "lizard" back then often/could've referred to all reptiles, and even non-reptiles.

Now i too just want folks to realize their dinosaurs are wrong. I hope i am not conveying the message of birdlike=bad, not at all. The last time i said a opinion like this, it went into big misunderstanding and kind of temporarily ruined me. Im sure there are tons of grammatical/vocabular errors in the text that might change what I'm trying to say, i really hope that doesn't effect.  Im just saying, wait for JP-JW to get extinct, then maybe something new will fill the niche, hopefully something accurate.

P.S i really hope i am not coming off a mean or evil, I'm sorry if i do


Quote from: Stegotyranno420 on March 02, 2021, 05:04:02 PM
pretty sure that was their excuse for not updating their dinosaurs(this was the 4th film)
Actually this goes back all way to the first novel. Wu and Hammond discuss it in the chapter "Version 4.4"
QuoteWell not exactly. Wu said. He paced the living room, pointed to the monitors. I don't think we should kid ourselves. We haven't recreated the past here. The past is gone. It can never be recreated. What we have done is reconstruct the past - or at least a VERSION of the past. And I am saying we can make a better version.

Why not? Wu said. After all these animals are already MODIFIED. We've inserted genes to make them PATENTABLE, and to make them lysine dependent. And we've done everything we can to promote growth, and accelerate development into adulthood.

BUT THEY'RE NOT REAL NOW. Wu said. That's what I'm trying to tell you. THERE ISN'T ANY REALITY HERE. He shrugged helplessly. He could see he wasn't getting through. Hammond had never been interested in technical details, and the essence of the argument was technical. How could he explain to Hammond about the reality of DNA drop outs, the patches, the gaps in the sequence that Wu had been obliged to fill in, making the best guesses he could, but still, making guesses. The DNA of the Dinosaurs was like old photographs that had been retouched, basically the same as the original but in some places repaired and clarified, and as a result...

"Now what John Hammond and InGen did was create genetically engineered theme park monsters, nothing more, nothing less." - Alan Grant in JPIII

Quote from: Stegotyranno420 on March 02, 2021, 05:04:02 PMepic battle between accurate dinosaurs and jp dinosaurs. raptors getting choked and crushed by Utahraptors. Stegosaurs interlocking spikes with each other. SPinosaurus literally SLAUGHTERING that Jp3 one. You get it.

That would really just server to alienate the audience...expect mayb the Spino part. There are still people who hold grudges against the JPIII Spino to this day.
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


avatar_CityRaptor @CityRaptor alright, you got me there. Im not too much of a jp guy so i don't know a whole lot about the franchise


Quote from: Gwangi on March 02, 2021, 02:09:19 PM
Quote from: PumperKrickel on March 02, 2021, 01:24:58 PM
Am I the only one who remembers that there's already a canonical appearance of Giganotosaurus in Jurassic World Evolution that doesn't have a nosehorn? Why would they change that? People are really overreacting just because of some supposed toy leaks.

And if pronated wrists are the biggest flaw in the Pyroraptor's design, then that would be fantastic. It's not like the mainstream audience pays any attention to wrist orientation anyway.

You are correct, and I can't imagine why they would change the design of it. And I agree with your second point as well. Much ado about nothing.

Remember they also had this near perfect Baryonyx on the promotional website for Jurassic World:

And then somehow changed it into a this horrible bipedal crocodile for the sequel movie:


Quote from: Nanuqsaurus on March 02, 2021, 07:28:46 PM
Remember they also had this near perfect Baryonyx on the promotional website for Jurassic World:

And then somehow changed it into a this horrible bipedal crocodile for the sequel movie:

ugh don't remind me. heartbreaking LOL

long as my heart's beatin' in my chest
this old dawg ain't about to forget :')


Quote from: Stegotyranno420 on March 02, 2021, 07:18:17 PM
avatar_CityRaptor @CityRaptor alright, you got me there. Im not too much of a jp guy so i don't know a whole lot about the franchise
haha i respect that. despite being really anti JP Dinosaur design tropes, I am.
im very invested in the franchise and its rich deep lore that is often overlooked. people just assume "monster movie" or "big bad dinosaur go grrr"
when in reality, JP lore is like FNAF lore haha
I love it so much, I just want an acknowledgement of reality. Dinosaurs are beautiful. they are colourful and they are real. not monsters, not giant iguanas with crocodile faces and disproportionate limbs. they are real and stunning animals no different from animals today.

it's time we let the world see that.

long as my heart's beatin' in my chest
this old dawg ain't about to forget :')





long as my heart's beatin' in my chest
this old dawg ain't about to forget :')


This looks really good, especially for JP standards but...JW Alive designs are often different from the movie ones and remember the gorgeous designs from the JW website? Those gave me trust issues.


Quote from: Reuben03 on March 03, 2021, 01:07:24 AM


??? It's from Ludia's Jurassic World Alive game. While it is entirely possible that the designs are based off the movie, I don't believe the game's design for Oviraptor and Dakotaraptor is any indication of how the Pyroraptor actually look in the film.


Quote from: PrimevalRaptor on March 03, 2021, 01:19:22 AM
This looks really good, especially for JP standards but...JW Alive designs are often different from the movie ones and remember the gorgeous designs from the JW website? Those gave me trust issues.
yes true! that's true.
but the pyroraptor design seems to match the JW alive designs a lot.
i hope steve brusatte actually does his job and that people actually listen to him.

long as my heart's beatin' in my chest
this old dawg ain't about to forget :')


Quote from: Flaffy on March 03, 2021, 01:20:27 AM
??? It's from Ludia's Jurassic World Alive game. While it is entirely possible that the designs are based off the movie, I don't believe the game's design for Oviraptor and Dakotaraptor is any indication of how the Pyroraptor actually look in the film.

yes true but, ludia's pyroraptor is identical to all concepts shown so far in toy form so, we might be seeings signs of more accurate animals.

im desperate i'll be honest.

long as my heart's beatin' in my chest
this old dawg ain't about to forget :')


Quote from: Stegotyranno420 on March 02, 2021, 05:04:02 PM
Now, what will be cool if it was a big exit 9B style epic battle between accurate dinosaurs and jp dinosaurs. raptors getting choked and crushed by Utahraptors. Stegosaurs interlocking spikes with each other. SPinosaurus literally SLAUGHTERING that Jp3 one. You get it.


P.S i really hope i am not coming off a mean or evil, I'm sorry if i do

Maybe not mean or evil, but strangely obsessed with seeing CGI dinosaurs get tortured and die. Especially this part: "raptors getting choked or crushed" sounds way too specific. It sounds like you'd enjoy seeing animals in pain and suffering. Can't relate.


Quote from: Sarapaurolophus on March 03, 2021, 02:05:47 PM
Maybe not mean or evil, but strangely obsessed with seeing CGI dinosaurs get tortured and die. Especially this part: "raptors getting choked or crushed" sounds way too specific. It sounds like you'd enjoy seeing animals in pain and suffering. Can't relate.
haha animals fighting in general really doesn't do it for me lol. i prefer seeing mating displays and parental instincts and other colourful ways of defending your territory, animals don't fight if they can help it.
symbiosis is cool too, not enough of that in paleomedia and in the movies.
im sure im not alone lol

long as my heart's beatin' in my chest
this old dawg ain't about to forget :')


Quote from: Sarapaurolophus on March 03, 2021, 02:05:47 PM
Quote from: Stegotyranno420 on March 02, 2021, 05:04:02 PM
Now, what will be cool if it was a big exit 9B style epic battle between accurate dinosaurs and jp dinosaurs. raptors getting choked and crushed by Utahraptors. Stegosaurs interlocking spikes with each other. SPinosaurus literally SLAUGHTERING that Jp3 one. You get it.


P.S i really hope i am not coming off a mean or evil, I'm sorry if i do

Maybe not mean or evil, but strangely obsessed with seeing CGI dinosaurs get tortured and die. Especially this part: "raptors getting choked or crushed" sounds way too specific. It sounds like you'd enjoy seeing animals in pain and suffering. Can't relate.
Key word. CGI. And also if it were mammals or birds, different story. Even CGI ones.


Quote from: Stegotyranno420 on March 03, 2021, 04:10:47 PM
Quote from: Sarapaurolophus on March 03, 2021, 02:05:47 PM
Quote from: Stegotyranno420 on March 02, 2021, 05:04:02 PM
Now, what will be cool if it was a big exit 9B style epic battle between accurate dinosaurs and jp dinosaurs. raptors getting choked and crushed by Utahraptors. Stegosaurs interlocking spikes with each other. SPinosaurus literally SLAUGHTERING that Jp3 one. You get it.


P.S i really hope i am not coming off a mean or evil, I'm sorry if i do

Maybe not mean or evil, but strangely obsessed with seeing CGI dinosaurs get tortured and die. Especially this part: "raptors getting choked or crushed" sounds way too specific. It sounds like you'd enjoy seeing animals in pain and suffering. Can't relate.
Key word. CGI. And also if it were mammals or birds, different story. Even CGI ones.

Still sounds weird as hell when you proclaim it will be cool seeing them getting "choked and crushed". So I'm gonna say you came off not mean but creepy.


Thats because thats how real/modern raptors hunt. They grab prey and crush them with talons.
Check this link.


Quote from: Sarapaurolophus on March 03, 2021, 02:05:47 PM
Quote from: Stegotyranno420 on March 02, 2021, 05:04:02 PM
Now, what will be cool if it was a big exit 9B style epic battle between accurate dinosaurs and jp dinosaurs. raptors getting choked and crushed by Utahraptors. Stegosaurs interlocking spikes with each other. SPinosaurus literally SLAUGHTERING that Jp3 one. You get it.


P.S i really hope i am not coming off a mean or evil, I'm sorry if i do

Maybe not mean or evil, but strangely obsessed with seeing CGI dinosaurs get tortured and die. Especially this part: "raptors getting choked or crushed" sounds way too specific. It sounds like you'd enjoy seeing animals in pain and suffering. Can't relate.

Can relate to your Opinion. Saw JW 1 and 2 the last Weeks (saw them once before, but i really was shocked how much i disliked them and wanted to check again). I stopped after around 30 miuntes this time. It is just not for me. It's bad writing, even worse Characters and everything ist just dumbed down. It is okay, if someone enjoys the Movies in general and i am not here to judge. I do like really stupid and bad Stuff myself, but i love Animals and this is not what i want. Badly written Stories, everything overexaggerated and having to watch the obvious: Humans are bad and greedy. We all know that. I just do not need seeing expensive CGI Abominations getting tortured by Humans.

I am not saying, that anyone that enjoys these Jurassic World Movies or the Jurassic World Franchise is a bad Person. This ist just some Movies. Nothing more. But not made for me. And i am okay with that.

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