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Just seen the JWD Pyroraptor through a toy leak, My heart has shattered.

Started by Reuben03, March 01, 2021, 11:38:50 PM

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Look, im sorry avatar_Kapitaenosavrvs @Kapitaenosavrvs i just like dinosaurs, they look so real in the movies, and i for one like action.

And as said before, i do not like seeing animals be tortured, i just think its cool. And i mean, i found the JP depictions so annoyingly oversaturated, so it will be funny to see them get destroyed by their real counterparts


Quote from: Stegotyranno420 on March 03, 2021, 06:51:18 PM
Look, im sorry avatar_Kapitaenosavrvs @Kapitaenosavrvs i just like dinosaurs, they look so real in the movies, and i for one like action.

And as said before, i do not like seeing animals be tortured, i just think its cool. And i mean, i found the JP depictions so annoyingly oversaturated, so it will be funny to see them get destroyed by their real counterparts

You shouldn't apologize for enjoying what you enjoy. I like both of the Jurassic World movies and I make no apologies for it.

And I don't think you need to justify your desire to see CGI dinosaurs fight with other CGI dinosaurs. Heck, I took this picture for my Safari Velociraptor review.

I understand what you're trying to say and I don't think you need to feel ashamed about it, or should be shamed by others for it. I don't think (hope) that anyone here enjoys animal cruelty, but I'm sure more than a few of us enjoy watching dinosaurs or monsters clash on screen, it has always been part of the appeal with dinosaurs. I'm excited to watch Godzilla vs. Kong but I don't want to see an actual gorilla fight with a crocodile.

I think some of the members here need to remember who they're interacting with. I don't know how old Stegotyranno is but I get the impression he's younger than most of us. I think the adults in this group, before commenting on a kid's post, need to ask themselves "is this how I would interact with a kid in the real world?" Shaming a kid for poorly wording his desire to see accurate dinosaurs brawl and win against inaccurate dinosaurs is far more creepy than anything he said.


I have to agree with what avatar_Gwangi @Gwangi said. I can definitely relate, as I was like that when I was around his (avatar_Stegotyranno420 @Stegotyranno420 's) age. Granted these days I would prefer they return to their roots in regards to treating these as animals and not monsters in regards to behavior, which has certainly been the case since the last two films, and probably JPIII to some extent, especially with the Spinosaurus, but on the other hand it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if the Pyroraptor and for example, Blue fight on-screen, as I would imagine two dromaeosaurids would certainly be territorial, if not exaggerated further from the intelligence exhibited by the JP/JW "Velociraptor".

Although I am also curious if the Pyroraptor is going to be sized correctly this time around. I'm fully expecting it to be much larger, sized up to the JP/JW raptors, but I would be pleasantly surprised if it was kept around the current size estimate.

Also something else I was thinking of in regards to its feathered, but wingless approach, and why that may not be a wholly bad idea. Other then lack of research being a possible contributor (which feels the case with the JW Sinoceratops/Pachyrhinosaurus issue), considering how many people out there are still staunchly against dromaeosaurids (if not dinosaurs as a whole) being depicted with any form of feathers (despite the fossil evidence), because of their prior exposure to the JP (if not JW) raptors initially, perhaps having a baby steps approach (feathers but without wings) in a massive film like this is still a step in the right direction for introducing that these animals had feathers to the public at large. Having it be on a new species may lessen the impact from hardcore anti-feather types as well since it isn't affecting the original dromaeosaurid species in the films. We've already seen how poorly the attempt at retconning previous designs have gone with the JPIII raptors, despite being a minimal nod at best with the quills on the males (even if the design these days is quite popular), was enough that they've tried to go back to a more classic design for the JW films (minus the head shape I suppose). And obviously they'll want to make money and not have too much backlash over the designs. We need to understand that those of us that are concerned with accuracy to the fossil record are more then likely a minority that will see these films in the first place (if at all).

To add to this baby steps idea, they also had a (minimally) feathered Mononykus in Fallen Kingdom, which while likely a statue, is still the first time there's been any true acknowledgement to there being feathered dinosaurs in these films, Again having it featured on a new species to the films, and in this case one that's used as a background prop that would be seen rather minimally, is a safe way to do it.

Edit: Of course yes I also realize the downside, which is if Pyroraptor (which is also has very fragmentary remains) will possibly explode in popularity and could be depicted without wings much of the time from here on out, but in regards to the toy market, we've already been spoiled years in advance at this point with properly done depictions such as the Beasts of the Mesozoic ones (specifically the two different Pyroraptors), never-mind Safari Ltd's Velociraptor and Deinonychus figures. Still I think this a good move in the right direction with or without wings at this point. On the other hand in regards to toys, particularly to Mattel's line, I wonder if it would then open the doors to them doing animals like Archaeopteryx, Microraptor, Yutyrannus, maybe Deinocheirus, or even oviraptorosaurs (which they have to do a single one so far).

Granted I could be completely wrong about all of this. The final design could have full fledged wings like something seen in Saurian, etc, and the toy and/or plushy designs seen could also be reflective of early attempts at the design as well. Notable examples include the 2018 Action Attack Carnotaurus, which resembled the maquette used more then the ones in the film (coloration, particularly the eyes, and also the lack of elbows), obviously the Pachyrhinosaurus sold as a Sinoceratops, and even the Battle at Big Rock Allosaurus toy (if not the original 2018 Roarivore as well) is based off earlier designs when compared to the final film designs. Though with the release date pushed back another year now, they may have a bit more time to finalize the toy's designs before production begins on them.
Film Accurate Mattel JW and JP toys list (incl. extended canon species, etc):

Every Single Mainline Mattel Jurassic World Species A-Z; 2024 toys added!:

Most produced Paleozoic genera (visual encyclopedia):


long as my heart's beatin' in my chest
this old dawg ain't about to forget :')


I think those who are truly interested in dinosaurs will find their own way with or without the help of the Jurassic franchise. Sure, a mainstream movie might alter some perceptions, but in the long run I can see it being irrelevant to those who do not care enough about dinosaurs to seek out the education on their own. They'll just turn on the original Jurassic Park and keep enjoying the kinds of dinosaurs they know and love.

Mellow Stego

Quote from: Carnoking on March 03, 2021, 10:12:00 PM
I think those who are truly interested in dinosaurs will find their own way with or without the help of the Jurassic franchise. Sure, a mainstream movie might alter some perceptions, but in the long run I can see it being irrelevant to those who do not care enough about dinosaurs to seek out the education on their own. They'll just turn on the original Jurassic Park and keep enjoying the kinds of dinosaurs they know and love.
This is true. The spinosaurus is a great example of this. We all know what the real one looked like and what the movie version looked like.

Quote from: Reuben03 on March 03, 2021, 10:02:47 PM

hey guys. if you could sign this i'd really appreciate it. takes two seconds, means a lot to me.

We don't even know how much screen time it will have.
Seems like a lot of fuss for something that might be only in the background in one shot.
Keep calm and love dinosaurs


Quote from: Mellow Stego on March 03, 2021, 10:15:17 PM
Quote from: Reuben03 on March 03, 2021, 10:02:47 PM

hey guys. if you could sign this i'd really appreciate it. takes two seconds, means a lot to me.

We don't even know how much screen time it will have.
Seems like a lot of fuss for something that might be only in the background in one shot.
yeah ikkkk ive just been waiting for this for years!
also its getting an amber collection figure, so it will have more screentime

long as my heart's beatin' in my chest
this old dawg ain't about to forget :')


Quote from: Stegotyranno420 on March 03, 2021, 06:51:18 PM
Look, im sorry avatar_Kapitaenosavrvs @Kapitaenosavrvs i just like dinosaurs, they look so real in the movies, and i for one like action.

And as said before, i do not like seeing animals be tortured, i just think its cool. And i mean, i found the JP depictions so annoyingly oversaturated, so it will be funny to see them get destroyed by their real counterparts

I am not the right or wrong Police :D No need to say sorry. No worries^^ I tend to struggle sometimes to find the right words for the Stuff i want to say in english.

QuoteI think some of the members here need to remember who they're interacting with. I don't know how old Stegotyranno is but I get the impression he's younger than most of us. I think the adults in this group, before commenting on a kid's post, need to ask themselves "is this how I would interact with a kid in the real world?" Shaming a kid for poorly wording his desire to see accurate dinosaurs brawl and win against inaccurate dinosaurs is far more creepy than anything he said.

avatar_Gwangi @Gwangi Of course You are right. I know, that he is younger, and do not see a problem with that. I am aware, that it is important how someone talks in the Internet and the realworld. If you were referring to me, i have the feeling that i need to say i often struggle to find the words i need in english. In English i often write and sound wooden, short and sometimes cold. At least that is my feeling. I never intended to hurt or shame someone, since i am very sensible in that case, too. I, myself am building a scene with a dead Dinosaur right now, because dying is part of our lives. Regardless of good or bad, i just think it ist okay in a Dinosaur Forum to say that not everyone wants to see the same. If this happens in a positive and selfdirected way without pointing fingers, it should be okay for everyone. I have the intentions to keep this place positive and friendly, because this is an important place for me. Maybe i was more impulsive on this particular Topic, because i saw the Movies recently and couldn't stand it.
I had to write this for myself.


You know what really grind my gears ? People expecting ACCURATE Dinosaur models from both JP and JW franchise !

They're Genetically Engineered Organism meant to look like Dinosaurs for the general public ! They're no object of research for the Scientific community ; None of them are even "pure breed". They're freaks developped in laboratory !

So of course, inaccurate depiction of dinosaurs gives the general public a wrong idea of what Dinosaurs looked like. But the licence already stated numerous times the dinosaurs shown weren't "accurate". They're just meant to look good. And a good-looking dinosaur model never hurts ! Worst case scenario, we'll get a new generation of dinosaur enthusiast who'll learn raptor wrist weren't prognated as depicted on their toy plushie. . . BIG DEAL.

If now we had a licence suposed to depict accurate looking dinosaurs ; and popularizes recent discoveries about Dinosaurs, purposely making inaccurate designs to push some Creationnist agenda or whatnot ; that would be infuriating ! But a feathered raptor in a JW movie ? With prognated wrist ? Slow down, i'm not sure the world is ready yet. . .


Quote from: Kapitaenosavrvs on March 03, 2021, 11:06:35 PM
Quote from: Stegotyranno420 on March 03, 2021, 06:51:18 PM
Look, im sorry avatar_Kapitaenosavrvs @Kapitaenosavrvs i just like dinosaurs, they look so real in the movies, and i for one like action.

And as said before, i do not like seeing animals be tortured, i just think its cool. And i mean, i found the JP depictions so annoyingly oversaturated, so it will be funny to see them get destroyed by their real counterparts

I am not the right or wrong Police :D No need to say sorry. No worries^^ I tend to struggle sometimes to find the right words for the Stuff i want to say in english.

QuoteI think some of the members here need to remember who they're interacting with. I don't know how old Stegotyranno is but I get the impression he's younger than most of us. I think the adults in this group, before commenting on a kid's post, need to ask themselves "is this how I would interact with a kid in the real world?" Shaming a kid for poorly wording his desire to see accurate dinosaurs brawl and win against inaccurate dinosaurs is far more creepy than anything he said.

avatar_Gwangi @Gwangi Of course You are right. I know, that he is younger, and do not see a problem with that. I am aware, that it is important how someone talks in the Internet and the realworld. If you were referring to me, i have the feeling that i need to say i often struggle to find the words i need in english. In English i often write and sound wooden, short and sometimes cold. At least that is my feeling. I never intended to hurt or shame someone, since i am very sensible in that case, too. I, myself am building a scene with a dead Dinosaur right now, because dying is part of our lives. Regardless of good or bad, i just think it ist okay in a Dinosaur Forum to say that not everyone wants to see the same. If this happens in a positive and selfdirected way without pointing fingers, it should be okay for everyone. I have the intentions to keep this place positive and friendly, because this is an important place for me. Maybe i was more impulsive on this particular Topic, because i saw the Movies recently and couldn't stand it.
I had to write this for myself.

No worries avatar_Kapitaenosavrvs @Kapitaenosavrvs, I was just speaking generally, not about you in particular.


I really hope they have feathered dinosaurs in the movie, but keep the JP theme. The JP Alive dinosaurs are a good example, just give it broken wrists.
An oversized house cat.


I'm going to wait till we have a bit more than a cake-topper and a chibi plushie before I start having the anger induced breakdowns.


Quote from: Gwangi on March 03, 2021, 07:28:58 PM
You shouldn't apologize for enjoying what you enjoy. I like both of the Jurassic World movies and I make no apologies for it.

And I don't think you need to justify your desire to see CGI dinosaurs fight with other CGI dinosaurs. Heck, I took this picture for my Safari Velociraptor review.

I understand what you're trying to say and I don't think you need to feel ashamed about it, or should be shamed by others for it. I don't think (hope) that anyone here enjoys animal cruelty, but I'm sure more than a few of us enjoy watching dinosaurs or monsters clash on screen, it has always been part of the appeal with dinosaurs. I'm excited to watch Godzilla vs. Kong but I don't want to see an actual gorilla fight with a crocodile.

I think some of the members here need to remember who they're interacting with. I don't know how old Stegotyranno is but I get the impression he's younger than most of us. I think the adults in this group, before commenting on a kid's post, need to ask themselves "is this how I would interact with a kid in the real world?" Shaming a kid for poorly wording his desire to see accurate dinosaurs brawl and win against inaccurate dinosaurs is far more creepy than anything he said.
Thank you very much avatar_Gwangi @Gwangi , it feels great to know people like you are there who understand what I'm trying to say. Especially through all the wooden english and bad writing.
You make a great point. Now obviously, I too would not want to see animals hurt each other. I believe its more of a question than desire. Its like asking who will win a fight between 2 superheroes, its out of curiosity, the curiosity of who's weaponry has an evolutionary advantage in this scenario, or just to see if your favorite one wins. If we take our results from studies and make a realistic animation of them fighting, i wouldn't mind, it will be entertaining and answer my question. Thats because i am aware that its not real, its just realistic, and no one is being put in suffering. However that could cause confusion. Same thing about Dromaeosaurs choking JP raptors. I recently learned about birds of prey and dromaeosaurs hunting, and i found out BoP's often choke, grab, and crush their victims, so dromaeosaurs might have done so. So i thought blending in some of those aspects will make it more fun. Little did i know, people would had gotten the idea(i would had explained more, but i though people here would have had known a thing or two about raptorial birds) all wrong

About this, i will admit my brain is on average, not as complex and developed as the normal Forumite's brain due to my age. I understand i am different. And i hope that's fine, I'm not sure what is the age limit here, but i just came to have fun talk about dinosaurs. Im pretty sure you are a parent(correct me otherwise) so you know a thing or two about children. I really appreciate you trying to educate others about children being here. However, my main problem about being treated like a kid is not that it makes me feel like a lower life form or dehumanized, not at all, its just i dont want to bother someone or be the reason for some special rule. I believe everyone should be treated equally, as so there are no special rules anyone should specifically follow.Special rules can sometimes get annoying, and the last thing i want to be is an annoyance to my contemporaries. Sometimes, i feel like, i dont want to bother someone with special rules, so i should just come back when i am older. I believe everyone should be treating each other as a person, not a adult or kid, as it can be hard to tell who's who. For example, i once was explaining to someone online about why the Jurassic park Tyrannosaurus is not accurate. I found out the boy was 6. I was explaining in terms he couldn't understand. On the other hand, i really appreciate your message, and its a good thing definitely. I just feel bad for my neighbors who have to switch back and fourth from who they are talking to, as it might be annoying for them. The last sentence does make me feel better. I am going to admit, i was kind of upset that i could not explain what i wanted to say, and that i seemed to be viewed as a violent creep. It kind of gave me an existenial crisis. Now i dont want to play the blame game, and i understand the person who talked to me was innocent and completely right in their argument. They had no knowledge of who i was, so they cannot be blamed. To that person, i am sorry i had caused trouble

In summary, thank you Gwangi, avatar_Faelrin @Faelrin , and avatar_Kapitaenosavrvs @Kapitaenosavrvs for being nice and understanding,and sorry for my broken English, im sure a few of the errors can alter the entire meaning of what i am trying to say.
I appreciate you being very understanding, and this isn't the first time you guys helped me. Thank you, and may God bless you. 


I checked out of this thread for a week or so what happened....
Most (if not all) Rebor figures are mid


Quote from: Stolpergeist on March 05, 2021, 10:28:17 AM
That always makes me wonder where the parents are, a 6-year-old straight up shouldn't be online at all.
yeahhh there's a real problem with that nowadays, parents just give their kids a tablet so they can get some peace and quiet, but its really unhealthy. the kids just sit and stare at toy surprise egg and slime videos, which is damaging already, but the risk of them coming across something mentally scarring is much worse. its very bad parenting, if you are gonna leave your kid in front of a screen, get them nature documentary box sets and let them gawp at those on the tv for hours.
when i was little, blue planet was my favourite haha.

long as my heart's beatin' in my chest
this old dawg ain't about to forget :')


Quote from: Stegotyranno420 on March 05, 2021, 08:06:22 AM
Quote from: Gwangi on March 03, 2021, 07:28:58 PM
You shouldn't apologize for enjoying what you enjoy. I like both of the Jurassic World movies and I make no apologies for it.

And I don't think you need to justify your desire to see CGI dinosaurs fight with other CGI dinosaurs. Heck, I took this picture for my Safari Velociraptor review.

I understand what you're trying to say and I don't think you need to feel ashamed about it, or should be shamed by others for it. I don't think (hope) that anyone here enjoys animal cruelty, but I'm sure more than a few of us enjoy watching dinosaurs or monsters clash on screen, it has always been part of the appeal with dinosaurs. I'm excited to watch Godzilla vs. Kong but I don't want to see an actual gorilla fight with a crocodile.

I think some of the members here need to remember who they're interacting with. I don't know how old Stegotyranno is but I get the impression he's younger than most of us. I think the adults in this group, before commenting on a kid's post, need to ask themselves "is this how I would interact with a kid in the real world?" Shaming a kid for poorly wording his desire to see accurate dinosaurs brawl and win against inaccurate dinosaurs is far more creepy than anything he said.
Thank you very much avatar_Gwangi @Gwangi , it feels great to know people like you are there who understand what I'm trying to say. Especially through all the wooden english and bad writing.
You make a great point. Now obviously, I too would not want to see animals hurt each other. I believe its more of a question than desire. Its like asking who will win a fight between 2 superheroes, its out of curiosity, the curiosity of who's weaponry has an evolutionary advantage in this scenario, or just to see if your favorite one wins. If we take our results from studies and make a realistic animation of them fighting, i wouldn't mind, it will be entertaining and answer my question. Thats because i am aware that its not real, its just realistic, and no one is being put in suffering. However that could cause confusion. Same thing about Dromaeosaurs choking JP raptors. I recently learned about birds of prey and dromaeosaurs hunting, and i found out BoP's often choke, grab, and crush their victims, so dromaeosaurs might have done so. So i thought blending in some of those aspects will make it more fun. Little did i know, people would had gotten the idea(i would had explained more, but i though people here would have had known a thing or two about raptorial birds) all wrong

About this, i will admit my brain is on average, not as complex and developed as the normal Forumite's brain due to my age. I understand i am different. And i hope that's fine, I'm not sure what is the age limit here, but i just came to have fun talk about dinosaurs. Im pretty sure you are a parent(correct me otherwise) so you know a thing or two about children. I really appreciate you trying to educate others about children being here. However, my main problem about being treated like a kid is not that it makes me feel like a lower life form or dehumanized, not at all, its just i dont want to bother someone or be the reason for some special rule. I believe everyone should be treated equally, as so there are no special rules anyone should specifically follow.Special rules can sometimes get annoying, and the last thing i want to be is an annoyance to my contemporaries. Sometimes, i feel like, i dont want to bother someone with special rules, so i should just come back when i am older. I believe everyone should be treating each other as a person, not a adult or kid, as it can be hard to tell who's who. For example, i once was explaining to someone online about why the Jurassic park Tyrannosaurus is not accurate. I found out the boy was 6. I was explaining in terms he couldn't understand. On the other hand, i really appreciate your message, and its a good thing definitely. I just feel bad for my neighbors who have to switch back and fourth from who they are talking to, as it might be annoying for them. The last sentence does make me feel better. I am going to admit, i was kind of upset that i could not explain what i wanted to say, and that i seemed to be viewed as a violent creep. It kind of gave me an existenial crisis. Now i dont want to play the blame game, and i understand the person who talked to me was innocent and completely right in their argument. They had no knowledge of who i was, so they cannot be blamed. To that person, i am sorry i had caused trouble

In summary, thank you Gwangi, avatar_Faelrin @Faelrin , and avatar_Kapitaenosavrvs @Kapitaenosavrvs for being nice and understanding,and sorry for my broken English, im sure a few of the errors can alter the entire meaning of what i am trying to say.
I appreciate you being very understanding, and this isn't the first time you guys helped me. Thank you, and may God bless you.

Yes, I am a parent, but I was also a kid once too. I grew up on message boards and whatnot, interacting with people older than myself, so I get it.

I don't believe this site has age restrictions but I would have to look. If there are no age restrictions than everyone on here should expect to interact not just with different personalities, but also different age brackets, and they should try to choose their behavior accordingly. It's easy to forget who you're talking to or how old they might be, but it's not an excuse for berating children. I don't think there needs to be any special rules. People just need a bit of common sense applied to how they respond to someone, especially if you know that someone is still young and still learning and developing. It can be hard to gauge a person's age on here but I can still tell if I'm talking to a child or adult and try to adjust my behavior accordingly. Everyone also has a choice about who they interact with. I don't interact with people I don't like, it's that easy. If someone finds you annoying they have that same option. If they don't like interacting with children, they don't have to. You shouldn't have to apologize for every post you make just because you're young.

All that said, I also don't think young members need to be treated with kid gloves. Say what you want to say, just think about how you're saying it. But I'm done now, because I'm feeling a bit preachy and I don't like it, it also makes me feel like a hypocrite because I'm also far from perfect. No matter our age we're all still learning, myself included.

EDIT: I want to clarify that none of what I just wrote is directed at Sarapaurolophus, even though my initial post was prompted by her "strangely obsessed with seeing CGI dinosaurs get tortured and die" comment, which I felt was going a bit too far. I'm just speaking generally here. I've been on this forum a long time and I've watched a lot of interactions between adults and children that just didn't play out right. We have members in their 30's, 40's and older talking down to pre-teens as though they're on a level playing field. It's weird and often inappropriate, and I'm just using this as an opportunity to call it out since we're on the subject. But my intent is not to pick on any one individual.


Quote from: Reuben03 on March 05, 2021, 02:35:23 PM
Quote from: Stolpergeist on March 05, 2021, 10:28:17 AM
That always makes me wonder where the parents are, a 6-year-old straight up shouldn't be online at all.
yeahhh there's a real problem with that nowadays, parents just give their kids a tablet so they can get some peace and quiet, but its really unhealthy. the kids just sit and stare at toy surprise egg and slime videos, which is damaging already, but the risk of them coming across something mentally scarring is much worse. its very bad parenting, if you are gonna leave your kid in front of a screen, get them nature documentary box sets and let them gawp at those on the tv for hours.
when i was little, blue planet was my favourite haha.

Fortunately, this very forum isn't the worst place a kid can join and comment on ; it does have a very gentle and understanding community (some as myself with a rough understanding of english ; which translate sometimes with misleading phrasing, among other things...)
But yeah, put them children in front of nature documentary ! Watching girafees, birds and whales all day long wont hurt their brain ; and maybe even help them appreciate the World they're part of. . .


Quote from: Chubi on March 05, 2021, 03:52:57 PM
Fortunately, this very forum isn't the worst place a kid can join and comment on ; it does have a very gentle and understanding community (some as myself with a rough understanding of english ; which translate sometimes with misleading phrasing, among other things...)
But yeah, put them children in front of nature documentary ! Watching girafees, birds and whales all day long wont hurt their brain ; and maybe even help them appreciate the World they're part of. . .
absolutely!! i made sure to keep my little brother interested in wildlife, i even showed him how to care for wild lizards for a week once, he did a good job!

long as my heart's beatin' in my chest
this old dawg ain't about to forget :')


I was away and suddenly we have an animal abuse discussion going on, which wasn't my intention. I'm sorry.

Quote from: Gwangi on March 05, 2021, 03:25:17 PM
EDIT: I want to clarify that none of what I just wrote is directed at Sarapaurolophus, even though my initial post was prompted by her "strangely obsessed with seeing CGI dinosaurs get tortured and die" comment, which I felt was going a bit too far. I'm just speaking generally here. I've been on this forum a long time and I've watched a lot of interactions between adults and children that just didn't play out right. We have members in their 30's, 40's and older talking down to pre-teens as though they're on a level playing field. It's weird and often inappropriate, and I'm just using this as an opportunity to call it out since we're on the subject. But my intent is not to pick on any one individual.

Well, now that you typed my name I appear like Beetlegeuse! :))
Thing is, I felt his comment went too far. I am sensitive to depictions or descriptions of violence and I am going to express that. I was creeped out, so that's the word I went with and I still stand by that.

About his age, how should I know he's a kid when everyone can just put anything as their age here. His says "N/A" just like mine and I don't keep track of people mentioning their ages in passing.

avatar_Stegotyranno420 @Stegotyranno420 I have no issue with you as a person. I hardly know you.


im sorry if i caused any trouble or confusion. You do make a good point, and once again if i were in such a situation, i will have done so. My goal was to explain my reasoning for the nature of the post. How about we just forget his happened.

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