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Jurassic World (Various): New for 2022

Started by GojiraGuy1954, November 13, 2021, 10:58:21 PM

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I wonder if it was actually Universal/Mattel or just a group that reported it over and over for infringing that led to Instagram just banning the account?  A lot of places don't do enough due diligence, they tend to just react and eliminate without looking too much into something.   If it were Mattel.Universal I would think they were first ask to do something, give warnings, then shut the site down if they could?  Then go after social media accounts?  I don't know feels like there is more here.


This sudden crackdown is intriguing. One thing is certain: it won't stop these leaked images from spreading.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


Quote from: suspsy on February 06, 2022, 02:19:59 AM
This sudden crackdown is intriguing. One thing is certain: it won't stop these leaked images from spreading.
Honestly, the best way to combat leaks is to start releasing official information.  For example, people complained about how Supergirl looked in leaked set photos for The Flash.  Since then, official looks for Shazam: Fury of the Gods(right?), Black Adam, and Batgirl were all posted ahead of leaked set photos.  Your opinion on the quality of those reveals aside, it got ahead of the leaks.
I'm excited for REBOR's Acro!  Can't ya tell?

Prehistory Resurrection

 Andy's Dinosaur Reviews on YouTube is also having an issue with Mattel; a copyright strike. Quote from Andy's Dinosaur Reviews: "Apparently Mattel has been going on a rampage over the last week  and started going after many different YouTube channels and collector websites  that promote the Mattel Jurassic World line. Anybody that has been promoting Dominion products has been either hit with copyright or probably will be very soon. I had numerous videos reported for copyright yesterday. The videos did not share anything that was actually unreleased or any kind of leaks. All the videos had shown off were stock photos of the basic figures that are already available to purchase in China, and we're also recently sold through ToyWiz  here in the United States."
He also had numerous videos flagged and had to remove a few other videos himself to avoid those being reported as well.

Any further reveal must be avoided until the film is released to avoid any issue from Mattel as from now on.


Yep both him and Collect Jurassic were major sources for my news on Jurassic merch. And now that NY Toy Fair got canceled the silence on what's releasing is deafening, especially without all the work the fans do since the company does a very poor job on marketing their products. The only big ones still standing is Jurassic Outpost (who works directly with Mattel and Universal with their Behind the Gates Target exclusives) and JPToys I guess. Maybe a few others out there, but they aren't as big I guess.
Film Accurate Mattel JW and JP toys list (incl. extended canon species, etc):

Every Single Mainline Mattel Jurassic World Species A-Z; 2024 toys added!:

Most produced Paleozoic genera (visual encyclopedia):


Man i wanted the thread to get more active but not like this

Do you guys think i should take down the leak images or keep them up
Shrek 4 is an underrated masterpiece


Unless Mattel reaches out to Adam, I see no reason why. The DTF is probably under their radar anyway. So are message boards in general.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


Quote from: suspsy on February 07, 2022, 12:15:13 AM
Unless Mattel reaches out to Adam, I see no reason why. The DTF is probably under their radar anyway. So are message boards in general.

Personally, I have no objection to members linking to (or using img tags) for external leaked content.

We were once on Lego's radar who asked me to remove links to leaked images. I explained to them that wasn't actually hosting the images, that members were simply linking to externally hosted content, but I don't think they understood or cared.

I've moved this thread to the members' board as a precaution. At least that will stop from being associated with leaked images in search engine results. I'll move it back to the appropriate board when it makes sense to do so.


Smart idea. A @Andysdinosaurreviews youtube is now going to be banned within the week. I am absolutely appalled with what has been done to both him and Collect Jurassic while the retailers get off free for breaking the street dates, as if the fans would know what those are.

I really want to boycott the line going further (and the film too) unless they can get their accounts back.

Edit: More info on Collect Jurassic's twitter. Toy Wiz needs to be named and shamed. As if they weren't also scalping things as well.
Film Accurate Mattel JW and JP toys list (incl. extended canon species, etc):

Every Single Mainline Mattel Jurassic World Species A-Z; 2024 toys added!:

Most produced Paleozoic genera (visual encyclopedia):


Re: the shutting down of the CJ site and YouTube channels

As harsh as this seems, I'm pretty certain Mattel is well within their legal rights. They're one of the biggest toy companies in the world and they have a whole slew of lawyers advising them on these types of matters. And yeah, it'll alienate a number of collectors, but it probably won't hurt toy sales in the end, so I doubt Mattel cares.

That is, if this really is solely Mattel's call. It could very well be that Universal Studios is leaning on them to implement this crackdown. A major Hollywood studio probably couldn't care less about some YouTube channel devoted to toys.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


I'm sure it is some big legal mess involving input from both Universal and Mattel (or at the very least, the threat of some violation to Mattel's agreement with Universal if they let this go by unchecked). It could also just be entirely algorithmic, with the first strike being the proverbial first domino that led to everything crashing down.
That being said, I'm certainly not gonna just roll over and say, oh well, especially since the creators aren't specifically to blame. Making an example of two of the biggest supporters of the line when your quality is dipping isn't the smartest move, nor is it fair to those loyal content creators who have spent years hyping your product.


avatar_Carnoking @Carnoking Well said. I'm sure you are right too avatar_suspsy @suspsy but this whole thing feels like being stabbed in the back here.

Lord knows how much both of them spent on the line like I have, especially chasing after figures with terrible distribution like the Dimetrodon (well I got lucky with getting on Amazon when it was in stock but still), Plesiosaurus, Postosuchus, Scutosaurus, etc, all because of passion towards this line.

Between a dip in quality the past year + upcoming one, and silencing two of the biggest marketers for their brand will likely hurt them, since collectors are a sizable part of the market. It might not be a sizable dent, but a dent is still a dent.
Film Accurate Mattel JW and JP toys list (incl. extended canon species, etc):

Every Single Mainline Mattel Jurassic World Species A-Z; 2024 toys added!:

Most produced Paleozoic genera (visual encyclopedia):


Honestly, the cynic in me isn't convinced that that many people will follow through on their vows to boycott Mattel, let alone the film itself. I think a lot of the outrage will have subsided by April when the toys are supposed to start hitting stores.

Speaking for myself, I don't like what Mattel (or Universal) has done, but the fact of the matter is that I have two sons and a niece who really enjoy the toys, so I have no intention of participating in any boycott. I'm not going to deprive them of pleasure, not when they have no canid in this conflict. And I'll continue reviewing those same toys I buy for them as well. But that's just me. Anyone here who has decided to stop buying Mattel products because of this can go right ahead.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


Well, there's certainly still time for it to be resolved, and I hope calling it out now will do something and alleviate the need for a "boycott". I don't exactly have the best willpower, so I doubt I could resist new toys in the coming months when all of this has died down. But like I said, I'm hoping if enough people mention it now that Mattel and Universal will step in and make everything right.


Wait, Andy is getting copyrighted?
while leaked images are not a good thing, that's not a good reason for their channel to be banned  :(

Not to mention those two were promoting the figures the most and considering hyped up Mattel is taking a toll for the worse... this can not mean anything good.

As for the boycott, I won't be participating. I do love the figures still, and will be getting some of the ones I like. If the situation gets worse, well, I simply won't buy anything unless it really catches my attention
An oversized house cat.


I don't think there's anything wrong with you buying them for your kids and niece. Like you said, they have no dog in this race. I've bought a fair share for my nieces over the years as well. I also have nothing against the sculptors of the line. I really do enjoy their work (um mostly...), but I'm sure most of what I've spent over the years probably doesn't directly help them either. Point is that's money that could have gone towards bills, or like other figures I guess, some of which I have put on the backburner for years (CollectA's in particular sadly), due to prioritizing Mattel's stuff, often because of the horrendous after market prices, especially combined with poor distribution, etc. In fact I easily own more of Mattel's stuff then anything else now. I could instead easily use the money and effort to go towards other smaller brands instead, assuming I even can these days with my current situation. I'm also seriously running out of space, short of storing and selling things, which I've been considering, although it's been a slow process for me, since I'm so indecisive, combined with my chronic depression sapping my interest in getting anything done.

Like Carnoking said, there is plenty of time to see how this plays out, but regardless even if they do get reinstated, I can't say I will be back to supporting it right off the bat as if none of this has happened. It will definitely need time to heal as well. My birthday is at the end of May, and a few weeks before the film drops, so I guess that's plenty of time to see what happens from here, and if I want to get back into the line by then.
Film Accurate Mattel JW and JP toys list (incl. extended canon species, etc):

Every Single Mainline Mattel Jurassic World Species A-Z; 2024 toys added!:

Most produced Paleozoic genera (visual encyclopedia):


Extremely sad to hear about Andy and Collect Jurassic I'm all for companies protecting their IP but I think they took it a step to fair in getting channels banned rather than giving them a fair warning to take down all the leaked images. Sucks all around.


Interesting that these channels are getting hit, but not(?) the slew of cringe fuelled children focused toy channels that have been reviewing every leaked figure they can grab.

I'm reminded of early JWE, when Frontier was initially pressured to prevent modding by Universal. I doubt Mattel are the ones who are bothering with these crakdowns, it's well in character for Universal.


Yeah after reading most posts on Collect Jurassic's twitter, such as from Pixel Dan, it is 100% the people at the top in Unviersal who are completely out of touch and only care about profits.

Also all of this seems to be done to prevent word getting out there about the Pyroraptor (and not you know a certain other major spoiler getting shared around), and this just goes to show how ridiculous this whole thing is:
Film Accurate Mattel JW and JP toys list (incl. extended canon species, etc):

Every Single Mainline Mattel Jurassic World Species A-Z; 2024 toys added!:

Most produced Paleozoic genera (visual encyclopedia):


Like I said, Universal likely doesn't care one single bit about the demise of a fan site and a YouTube channel, regardless of how popular they were. All that matters is making money off the franchise.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr

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