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Dinosaur Dioramas By Over9K

Started by Over9K, June 26, 2020, 02:34:29 AM

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Harryhausen's Allosaurus rampages through Japan!

... I threw an earlier Gwangi shot through the Vinta-gizer.


Urban renewal? It would sure save the cost of hiring the demolition people.







Tusk really does look good with the wide gape...


Here's the diorama setup unedited...


Styracosaurus by X-Plus


Powerful presence there, avatar_Over9K @Over9K . It's definitely putting its point across!


Quote from: SidB on June 14, 2023, 12:08:05 PMPowerful presence there, avatar_Over9K @Over9K . It's definitely putting its point across!

She's a BIG figure. 1/18 scale, I think.




... Peter Jackson made King Kong... with Disney?



Some are saying, avatar_Over9K @Over9K , that Cameron looks 'goofy' with his mouth closed. Here's an idea for your next diorama: insert a figure of someone running up to him, shouting, "Hey goof", with a sequel of said figure subsequently disappearing down his throat.   


Commission Brief - Bravo Models, PNSO 'Cameron' - Lip Conversion Plus

"Summer" - Tyrannosaurus rex – Female – Age 30 – South Dakota

42ft Long, 13ft tall at the hip

A brief summary of speculative T. rex life cycle -

As adults, females are gathered in matriarchal clan/family groups, males are pushed out of the family group in adolescence. Males gather in adolescent 'gangs' until they reach adulthood, when the rut requires them to compete for the right to mate, resulting in adult males living solitary near-nomadic lives, moving from territory to territory pushed out by the matriarchal clans.

Young are eggborn, in litters of between 18 and 24 eggs. Young are cared for by a collective of mothers, being fed until late preadolescence. Once the young are hunting with the pack, the males are pushed out of the family group.

Sexual maturity comes at or about the age of 15.

The Act Of Mating -

Once the female enters estrous, her scent will draw males from tens of miles away. The males will gather near a female and joust for the right to mate. This consists of body checking, tail slapping and aggressive face, head and neck biting.  The object is to force the opponent into a submissive position.

Once a champion emerges, he will approach the hopefully receptive female.

Courtship is in two stages. The male 'pursues' the female, who will allow him to draw alongside if she is receptive, or she will turn away if she is not. With non-aggression and light pressure, the male "mouths" various parts of the female's neck and head area. These interactions rarely result in injury.

When the female is fully receptive, she will move ahead slightly, and move her tail against the side of her mate. In response, the male lays his head alongside the base of her tail, applies light pressure and 'chatters' his teeth, causing his lips to flutter against her skin. This signals the female to lower her head, lift her tail, and accept him into her cloaca, as he comes forward, drops his tail to the side, grips her with his mouth at the back of the head, or the nape of the neck and mounts.

The mating is momentary, and the animals release and part, staying in the courtship phase. Mating occurs multiple times.

During the peak of the act, it is common for females to receive deep, but ultimately cosmetic wounds, resulting in some scarring. This will appear light and scattered from the snout, over the top of the head, becoming slightly deeper, and more frequent along the back of the head and down the neck. In older females, this scarring may extend in a vary light scattering to the tail, just behind the hip.

"Summer" -

The model is to represent Summer in her 30th year, in the closing days of her 14th mating season. If she were a baseball player, her stats would break down like this.

14 seasons, 9 mates, 228 eggs, 48 hatchlings, 18 offspring reached their first year, 7 offspring reached their 10th year, and one daughter is poised to reach sexual maturity next season.

She is the oldest living animal in her territory, and she is the matriarch of her clan. She is one of the largest T. rex to ever live. Her territory is prime real estate, a slow-moving river valley terminating in an estuary delta at the shore of an inland sea.

She has dominated every aspect of her life. Her body shows the wear and tear of hard living. She is peppered with tooth-drag scars from her nose to her tail, densest on the back of her neck. At her age and size, Summer requires a firm and direct mate, turns out our girl likes it rough. As a result she sports a more extreme array of scars, old healed wounds under fresher scars from years past, under the fresh scars from this season, with the freshest wounds just two weeks old.

She is missing more than a couple teeth, the replacements of which can be seen growing back in, as theropods lost and  replaced teeth their whole lives. She has one massive mid-maxillary tooth that has broken. Normally this would not be an issue as the teeth are meant to be lost and replaced a new one will grow in, but when the tooth was broken the gum tissue was damaged, and is now infected. This is will have an effect on her ability to feed, if not to hunt. She is reluctant to make a bone breaking bite.

She is missing her left arm, from the elbow down, accompanyed by an associated scar on the side of her body. The arm was bitten off by one of her own offspring, a male that had been pushed out of the family group several seasons earlier, and continued to hunt in her territory, resulting in an eventual conflict, and a very lucky bite.

Her worst problem is a cocktail of gutworms and a tick infestation along the underside of her tail near her cloaca. These two parasites are causing her to rub the side of her tail, primarily the left side, from just behind her hip to about 1/3rd the way down her tail. Rubbing on trees and more recently a rock formation that she now returns to daily, she has worn an area of skin quite raw. (See Attached image)

Despite these ultimately small issues, Summer is a powerful, and vital leader of her clan. She may have more days behind her than she has ahead of her, but today she is the ruler of all she encounters.

Figure 1 - Mating/Body Scar appearance

Figure 2 - Scar Placement

Figure 3 - Tail Rub Reference (Should appear worn away, rather than bitten/torn. Underlying skin should be pink, as with body scars.)


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