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Libraraptor´s Book Project

Started by Libraraptor, June 18, 2022, 09:17:29 AM

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Dear DTF members,

finally I decided to transform my book idea, which has been slumbering inside me for quite a while, into a project. I sent a synopsis to some publishers, some of which see potential in it. I thus have been motivated to write a complete manuscript which I am beginning to pen now.

The book deals with the questions: What exactly gets people of all ages hooked on prehistory and how does this phenomenon express itself? Although mainly focussing on a distribution in German speaking countries, the answers themselves are international and universal. My thesis is that the desire for everything prehistory is dispotional in our nature, but that it needs certain catalysts and circumstances for it to outlast and to eventually become a self-reinforcing cycle.

This forum  which I myself am a part of is the ideal place for asking these questions and looking forward to receiving and talking the answers. If you like, send your  story to me via PM and let´s talk about it. I also would like to know what you are doing and are intent upon if you are not occupied with prehistory for the moment.

I am looking forward to receiving strong contributions, answering your questions, having you answered mine and participating in your own personal way of expressing your dinosaur and/or prehistory bliss. If you don´t want to share your story yourself, please spread my project anyway!
Thanks in advance!


Hello again,

my book project is developing and unfolding. I have a goal, the structure is set, the first texts have been written.

As I see, 195 persons have read my post about the phenomenon of people becoming paleo-nerds and me planning a book about it.
I am wondering why no one has answered so far.
I also imagine doing interviews with some of the people here, who I´ll ask personally soon, but still I would like to have more opinions and stories.
I am still looking forward to answers to my questions:

- Do you think there is a certain type of character who is drawn towards prehistory mr than any other scientific  object or hobby?
- When does the paleo-nerdism develop, and why does it stay with some while leaving others?
- What is so fascinating in prehistory?

I know those questions have been answered many times. But ask ten people and you get eleven answers. So I´d like to encourage you to send me small texts and a portrait of yourself. This increases the chance of your story being published in my little book.

What do you think?


I wonder if people haven't responded as it's perhaps not clear whether they would be anonymous in the book? Most people on the Forum do not use their real name here, so they perhaps might be reluctant to "out" themselves in a book?

People may also not have much time to write responding to your questions?

I'm actually Ok with this myself,it looks an interesting project, so will see what I can do (if you'll have me  :) ).


Hi avatar_Libraraptor @Libraraptor, this sounds like a fascinating project. I didn't see your original post, which is why I didn't respond earlier. I think many members here would have lots of data and stories to share with you, but since your request is so open-ended it could be difficult to know where to begin. Our personal stories are nebulous. This may be why you haven't received any replies, and I bet some more direction or specific questions would yield better results.

So, I have a suggestion. Could you consider setting up a questionnaire or survey with some specific questions? You could use a service like Surveymonkey and direct forum members there. That would allow you to generate a dataset.

Or you could just ask some more specific questions here.


I see this for the first Time now. Sorry. This sounds really interesting. tbh. There are a few People here, i would love to know more on how it startet and kept a certain way.

Like you said yourself, you will get 11 Answers from 10 People regarding one Question. Lovely. I will try to write an Mail to you, if that helps or is wanted. It is kind of fun and it looks like we can help you working on this project of yours. Even if you will never use anything from here in the End. I like the Idea.

Questionaires are great but limit alot, i would think. Maybe having both is a nice way. People that aren't sure/afraid or do not "need" a lot of words, can choose to do both, do more or just give shorter Answers to specific questions asked. I like questionares but if it is on a topic i am interested/invested in, i need pages, because i am afraid that i am mistaken or else, if just having the oppotunity to answer questions in a short way. Others prefer it that way maybe.


I saw the original post, but as others have said the prompt is very open-ended, so I told myself, "I'll have to give this some thought." Of course, predictably, I subsequently forgot. So the reminder is useful. I'll share my thoughts soon.
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

My attempt to find the best toy of every species

My trade/sale/wishlist thread

Sometimes I draw pictures


Think I missed the original post but seeing this now i'd love to participate.  I'll just need a little time to get all my thoughts organized.



Glad to hear the project is going well.
Definitely would be interested in participating if you need more folks.
Good luck!😃


I've always been interested in nature, since before I can remember. Paleontology was a natural extension of that, and it challenged the beliefs that had been instilled in me. In fifth grade we had a unit on adaptation and evolution, and one of my creationist parents actually met with my teacher to complain about it. I tried for years to reconcile the theology I'd been taught and the plain facts of the fossil record, but over time it became untenable. So paleontology was really central in forming my worldview, although it obviously wasn't the only factor. I've never had a time when I wasn't fascinated by it, although there were times when other things seemed more urgent, like when I was working three near-minimum-wage jobs to afford rent. Even then, I used to haunt the Dan's Dinosaurs web site and the Dinosauricon, the former to drool over things I couldn't afford, and the latter to teach myself. Now I have the luxury of a job that is related at least tangentially to paleontology, and I count paleontologists among my closest friends. I also now have the luxury of a job that lets me afford the toys and books that tie back into my interest in paleo.
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

My attempt to find the best toy of every species

My trade/sale/wishlist thread

Sometimes I draw pictures

Paleo Flo

Great idea. I would also like to participate, if you need more paleo-origins
Welcome to Florassic collection:


Hello all,

thank you so far for sharing interest and thoughts on my project ^-^ This was very encouraging, thank you!
I had a Meeting with the Editor-in-chief and the editor of a potential publisher. They were fond of my idea and asked for my motivation to write such an ambitious book. I hope I could satisfy them. In this case I would have to invest much money which, if the book is convincing and selling well would be counterbalanced or even excelled. I will keep you informed!



Two experts are guarding my efforts :)



I just wanted to let you know that I found a publisher for my book. You are among the first people to see the official title which is:

"Paläo-Nerds. Unsere Sehnsucht nach der Urzeit".

It translates "Paleo-Nerds. Our craving / desire for prehistory /deep time".

It is a non-fiction work which in ten chapters deals with, well, the interdependence between man, popular science and Earth history. We are both products of and "researchers" on Earth history, the dinosaurs still being the flagships of the matter.

It will be released in September 2024. There will also be an audiobook read by a professional speaker and at the moment I am deeply into text production and writing down all the cross references which have been fermenting in my mind for three or so years by now. Wish me luck and don´t miss the release next year.

I don´t know about a translation into English yet, I hope the request for it will be there. But the German speaking members will definitely get their money´s worth, I promise. :))


So a book for nerds, about nerds and written by a nerd. As a nerd, I approve and look forward to it.
Although, as you probably know, there are few books with similar premise i.e.
The Dinosaur Scrapbook, Prehistoric Monsters and Starring T.rex! Coincidently, two of those are on eBay Germany right now.
Of course those are outdated.

Quote from: Libraraptor on July 16, 2023, 09:07:02 PMTwo experts are guarding my efforts :)

A sharp contrast between those two.
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


 I should read that :) . Do you already have a cover in mind?


Congratulations on finding a publisher!  I hope the whole process of getting it onto bookshelves goes smoothly and enjoyably.


Fantastic news, how exciting, many congratulations!


Thank you everyone, yeah I am very proud, but of course there is still a lot of work to do.

avatar_CityRaptor @CityRaptor:  I know there are similar books on that matter, and W.J.D. Mitchell´s "The Last Dinosaur Book" actually has some influence on my work. But in Europe and the German-speaking countries the relationship between man and prehistory presents itself somewhat differently from the USA. I want to respect that.

avatar_postsaurischian @postsaurischian: I do have an attractive approach  in mind already, but mostly focus on text production for the present.

avatar_DinoToyCollector @DinoToyForum : There will be a chapter featuring / portraying some "paleo-nerds" from past and present. I do have some professionals in mind of which you are one ;)

If anyone has suggestions, don´t hesitate to let me know. And if anyone has a personal story to tell about their relationship with prehistory, don´t hesitate either! "How did you fall in love?" is one crucial question.

I do have to write the book but do not think of it as a one man show. ^-^


I know. It's really rare to get a serious book here in Germany. Comics and Manga starring Dinosaurs? Also rare here.
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no

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