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Thoughts on Favorite's soft model series

Started by Sim, January 06, 2024, 12:13:26 AM

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I just saw on Paleofiguras's Facebook page that Favorite will be making what looks like Dimorphodon.  My first thought was that I wish it was Rhamphorhynchus instead.  After that, I thought that I might still like a Dimorphodon.  I think I'll decide when I see the final figure.

After that though, I started thinking about Favorite's soft model figures and how some of them were released over 10 years ago and don't look great now.  This brought me to think wouldn't it be interesting if Favorite remakes/updates some of their figures?

This thread is for discussion of what people would like to see new figures of from Favorite.  It can include any of the species they have made for their dinosaur or prehistoric life soft model lines and species Favorite hasn't yet made for those lines.


Personally I don't have a big connection with them, I find them very similar to Safari or CollectA, but I appreciate their vinyl models and fish series a lot. The vinyl models are very hit or miss, but a Dimorphodon could be very interesting. More small animals is something I appreciate in general but especially if it means they get converted into vinyl figures that can be near life-sized.


I wish they did more like their Cambrian figure set. Still some of my favorite figures in my collection (never mind how long they were on my wishlist before then).

The only dinosaur I have from them is their Diplodocus. I didn't have one in my collection prior and it was before Eofauna's and Rebor's were revealed I think. Not bad, but certainly has been outdone.

That said I think their Deinocheirus and Ichthyosaurus released recently are pretty nice, and I might go for them someday. And although much older I still want to pick up their Dunkleosteus too.
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I remember back in (i think) 2012 when all they did where museum and expo exlusives and i just wished they released there models like any other company like Safari Schleich and CollectA,

Nowadays it seems my wish is FINALLY being granted, but with one problem...they are a big PITA to get outside Japan🙁

With that being said, before i make any wishes in regards to species,   i would like them to at least get there products in a  more internatinal market again.

Otherwise i like to see

A apatosaurus (remake from the classic era)





Nowadays it seems my wish is FINALLY being granted, but with one problem...they are a big PITA to get outside Japan🙁

We can get easily get these (and anything else from Japan) for you. Please PM if interested.



I'm listing all the animals Favorite has made for those prehistoric soft model lines, with thoughts regarding each.

1. Allosaurus.  Favorite's original Allosaurus is A. fragilis, while their newer one is A. jimmadseni.  Both are pretty good, I don't think a new Allosaurus is needed, although one might be impressive.

2. Ankylosaurus.  Favorite's original Ankylosaurus was based on what was thought to be Euoplocephalus at the time, while their newer one has a nice colour scheme but was inaccurate even at the time of release due to wrong nostril position and bendy tail club handle.  It also hasn't aged well.  Ankylosaurus would definitely benefit from a remake.  One might even come out as 1:35 scale!

3. Anomalocaris.  I don't know much about this animal, but it looks outdated to me.  Shouldn't Anomalocaris have a head shield?  I'm not interested in this animal though, so I don't mind if it gets remade.

4. Apatosaurus.  Apatosaurus was made for the original Favorite soft model series and wasn't remade for their newer series.  I'm not interested in smallish figures of very large animals, so I don't mind Apatosaurus getting a new figure.

5. Archaeopteryx.  It's an excellent figure, it doesn't need a remake in my opinion.

6. Archelon.  It doesn't need a remake.

7. Brachiosaurus.  Again, I'm not interested in smaller figures of very large animals.  I don't mind if it gets remade.

8. Carnotaurus.  It didn't come out very well in my opinion.  A remake could be good, but given how recent it is I don't think it will happen anytime soon.

9. Deinocheirus.  It's brand new and doesn't need a remake.

10. Deinonychus.  Deinonychus was in the original Favorite soft model series and was replaced by Velociraptor in the newer series.  Still, Deinonychus is one of the most popular dinosaurs, so it could be good if Favorite made a new soft model of it.  I would be interested in a new Deinonychus by Favorite, but I don't mind if it doesn't get made.

11. Dilophosaurus.  It could have been worse...  It's so new I don't think a remake will happen anytime soon.

12. Dimetrodon.  It's excellent and doesn't need a remake.

13. Diplodocus.  It's recent and very nice, no remake is needed for it.

14. Dunkleosteus.  Favorite's Dunkleosteus is regarded as the most accurate version of the animal last I heard.  A remake could improve it though, from what I've read!

15. Giganotosaurus.  It's very good and doesn't need updating.

16. Ichthyosaurus.  It's nice, only brought down a little by having slightly wrinkled skin.  No way will it be getting remade soon.

17. Iguanodon.  It doesn't need a remake, I think.

18. Mammuthus.  It looks very good to me, I doubt it needs a remake.

19. Mosasaurus.  The dorsal spines look like they shouldn't be there to me.  I don't mind if it gets remade, though I doubt it will due to how recently it was released.

20. Opabinia.  It looks excellent and doesn't need a remake.

21. Otodus.  I'm not interested in it due to being a smallish figure of a very large animal.  It doesn't need a remake though, I feel.

22. Pachycephalosaurus.  Favorite has made Pachycephalosaurus well.  I don't think it needs a new version.

23. Parasaurolophus.  Parasaurolophus is another that has been made well for Favorite.  It's not in need of a new version, but Favorite should improve the paintjob of their current Parasaurolophus as it's gotten quite bad.

24. Plesiosaurus.  Oh my goodness, someone replace the wrinkly shrink-wrapped Plesiosaurus from Favorite's soft model series 2!

25. Pteranodon.  Favorite's current Pteranodon has a bare underside.  Just... why?  It's beak is also stuck together when it should be open.  It really needs a new version, and I would prefer a new Favorite figure of it would be P. longiceps this time.

26. Quetzalcoatlus.  It really didn't come out well, but it's too new to be replaced I think.

27. Smilodon.  I don't know enough about the animal to comment besides saying it looks a bit cartoony and I don't mind if it gets remade.

28. Spinosaurus.  It is due for a remake since all of Favorite's are outdated.

29. Stegosaurus.  The tail spikes on the current version are not placed as the tip of the tail like they should be, a remake of it would be good.

30. Styracosaurus.  Both of Favorite's Styracosaurus are nice, but I suggest they get rid of the coloured line on the current version's mouth.

31. Tarbosaurus.  It's good, it doesn't need a remake.

32. Therizinosaurus  The colour scheme of this figure is quite garish, but I don't see it being replaced soon as it's new.

33. Triceratops.  It should get a new figure in my opinion, the chest is too shallow on the current version.

34. Tyrannosaurus.  The current featherless version could benefit from an update.

35. Velociraptor.  The soft model version looks hideous.  Even the sculptor seems to acknowledge it as they made a mini Velociraptor and a large vinyl Velociraptor that look better and very different to the soft model version.  Velociraptor is in great need of a better Favorite soft model version.  It needs proper wings too.


The main Dinosaur Soft Model line is pretty boring. It's all stock dinosaurs, and I usually don't care for Araki's style. A few of the museum/event exclusives he's made are really good, though.

The old 2004 line by Takashi Oda was nicer in some respects. The habitat dioramas were amazing, or at least a couple of them were.

The Prehistoric Life series had some gems, like Archelon and Dunkleosteus. The mini models from this series are also excellent and were much needed. These were all sculpted by Hirokazu Tokugawa, who no longer seems to work with Favorite, which is a damned shame.
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I've been thinking about Favorite again and I really hope they deliver a Futabasaurus soft model.  It's Japanese and popular in Japan, like Favorite.  On Facebook I asked if Favorite could make it, as well as a figure of Utatsusaurus (another Japanese species), Rhamphorhynchus (it's possible I guess since they made Dimorphodon), Scaphognathus (I'll be really surprised if they make it) and Amargasaurus.

Out of interest, I thought of what Favorite could make next and this is what I came up with:

Ceratosaurus: It seems distinctive enough
Suchomimus: Baryonyx too if they didn't make the museum exclusive version
Spinosaurus with new tail reconstruction: It seems like only a matter of time for this one.
Sinosauropteryx or Compsognathus:  Sinosauropteryx is so important for more than one reason that I could imagine them making it, while Compsognathus is so famous and Favorite tends to favour famous species
Oviraptor: Based on that famous unnamed species of course :P
Microraptor: Like Sinosauropteryx Microraptor is important for more than one reason.  Favorite's Archaeopteryx came out very well, so I think they could make Microraptor well too.
Amargasaurus: Favorite made a very nice resin version of Amargasaurus.  I think it's possible they could make a soft model version of it too.
Futabasaurus: I'm surprised Favorite hasn't made one yet for the reasons mentioned earlier.
Pliosaurus, Kronosaurus or Liopleurodon: I'm surprised Favorite hasn't made a pliosauroid yet!
Utatsusaurus: Same as Futabasaurus.
Basilosaurus: Favorite has shown a liking for making aquatic animals...


avatar_Sim @Sim I would be highly surprised if Favorite made another soft plesiosaur, as their Plesiosaurus is still widely available. To most people the two species would be pretty much indistinguishable. It would be like if Safari made a Grevy's zebra, then imploring them to make a Burchell's zebra. Such a distinction would be of interest to specialized collectors like us, but of course their main market is children and parents. I just don't think so similar a figure would get released by the same company.


There's also a soft toy Liopleurodon of comparable quality:
We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a conquered monster, but there - there you could look at a thing monstrous and free." - King Kong, 2005


I get your point, but I think those two zebra are more alike.  They are the same species.  Plesiosaurus and Futabasaurus are much more different, being not just different genera but from different families.  Favorite did make a Tarbosaurus for their soft model line (and vinyl line too!) even though they had Tyrannosaurus figures already in the line.  Those two are more alike than Futabasaurus and Plesiosaurus, and Futabasaurus is more popular in Japan than Tarbosaurus (which I only think they made because Tarbosaurus is an Asian tyrannosauroid).  So I think Futabasaurus has a chance at being made by Favorite.  Also, I wasn't talking about Favorite's truly "soft" models aka their vinyl figures, I was talking about the figures Favorite calls "soft models" which are made of hard plastic.


You make a solid point with the Tarbosaurus example. I for one would certainly be excited if they made Futabasaurus, since I'm primarily a marine reptile collector. We'll have to wait and see.

I get what you mean by soft model now, tho Favorite also made Plesiosaurus in that format:
We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a conquered monster, but there - there you could look at a thing monstrous and free." - King Kong, 2005


I think the only Futabasaurus widely available on the market is the ANIA one right? The rest are either in sets e.g. Colorata, or just straight up retired. I would absolutely welcome a more accurate version by Favorite Co. They haven't done anything interesting quite a while.


avatar_Sim @Sim Hopefully you're right about Amargasaurus, Sinosauropteryx or Basilosaurus!

I don't have any Favorite figure yet, but that could change if they make a model of those species.

I might be interested in a Microraptor as well, if it's good and smaller than Safari's. Hopefully with its wings folded, I hate the expanded wings pose, eats up so much space!  >:(  ;D


The only other Futabasaurus figures I know of are the Kaiyodo, which is the most accurate figure of the species I think, but is small, and two by Sega which I have to say have a nice colour scheme.  These figures were available only for a limited time as far as I'm aware.

Regarding Utatsusaurus, I was surprised to learn it was found in Canada, as well as Japan.  On its Wikipedia page it says a museum was built in Japan to house its holotype and over sixty thousand people would visit this museum each year.  And there isn't any figure of Utatsusaurus?  It seems like there's an opportunity waiting to be used if you ask me.  Oh and avatar_BlueKrono @BlueKrono Utatsusaurus might have lacked a dorsal fin. ;)

I too would be interested in a Microraptor mini model from Favorite.  I'll ask them for one later.  And a Pliosaurus soft model.


avatar_Sim @Sim The only Utatsusaurus I know of is Rebecca's one for her Palaeoplushies line. Not exactly a figure though.


Oh wow, I didn't know that soft toy existed!  Rebecca does excellent work on her soft toys.


Favorite got back to me saying they have no plans for development currently...


not a fan of their color choices, wrinkles and plastic quality


Quote from: Sim on May 29, 2024, 11:31:22 PMFavorite got back to me saying they have no plans for development currently...

Well, nice of them to get back to you anyway.

I haven't bought much from them in the last few years. I came close with the Therizinosaurus, but it had the misfortune of being released at about the same time as PNSO's. Favorite is so conservative with their species choices that I almost always find that a competitor outshines them.
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