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NANMU---new for 2024

Started by dragon53, January 01, 2024, 02:38:15 PM

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I just want to be clear that I don't expect prototypes yet. That post was very recent, after all. I was just curious whether people who actually follow Nanmu more than I do think that should be taken seriously at all. The answer seems to be [shrug].
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Quote from: Halichoeres on January 13, 2024, 04:55:22 PMI just want to be clear that I don't expect prototypes yet. That post was very recent, after all. I was just curious whether people who actually follow Nanmu more than I do think that should be taken seriously at all. The answer seems to be [shrug].

It's really hard to say. We aren't privy to what all goes on at their company. We just have the comments by I assume one public relations person who posts on their social media. Honestly this applies to just about every business, we are pretty lucky to have a couple inside sources on the forum to benefit from.

No one really knows how serious they are. They used to , as I recall, tease/announce a product and it would be made in order of announcement. That appears to have changed as the last year or so. Probably why customers are also upset about not seeing something they expected to be made. They could have all sorts of issues though, like  Covid, factory closures, staffing, we just don't know.  :-\



I am wondering if companies like Nanmu and REBOR would benefit from stepping away from the practice of showing behind the scenes looks at upcoming products and releases and instead just go the yearly "catalogue route".

On one hand, it might be useful for determining if consumers think a potential product is worth finishing, and it does generate hype for any given release. On the other, it opens the door for complaints, nitpicks, and demands when the intent of the post is more to advertise the upcoming figure in question.

I'm sure it's also a bad look to many when they tease lines or products they suddenly lose interest in pursuing or no longer have the ability to develop further.

Don't get me wrong, I love seeing the development process behind these models and they do work in getting me excited for upcoming release dates but I imagine there are still drawbacks to this model.

Maybe it's a question of capital, i.e. they can't design, develop, and complete X number or products to have ready to unveil at the start of a year similar to how the likes of Papo, Safari, or CollectA operate, and so have to rely on the success of any one product before making the next, but this practice on teasing products they decide they can't or won't deliver on can be a bit disappointing to see.


That's possible.  They could make posts and turn off comments at least in some cases of course in a case like the FB/Meta you need comments and shares to really get your post seen.

This way of communicating with your customers also has the drawback of being very..stressful, for those involved.


Could Nanmu, potentially, go toe-toe with the likes of PNSO if they decided to release scientifically accurate figures? I realize that communities such as ours aren't always the best at representing a share of any given market, but I know there's a lot of cross-over between PNSO / Rebor / Nanmu ownership within our circles, and I wonder if it would even benefit Nanmu to go that route - or is the 'Big Movie Monster' approach that much more lucrative for them?

A lot of these figures seem creatively lazy to me; like double dipping to try and squeeze out as much money from an idea as possible instead of growing your consumer base. If you had to guess what the next Nanmu release was going to be and you picked, at random, a popular JW dinosaur - you'd be right, almost every time. The times when you are wrong, you end up with this Kong figure, or a Mordred.

I, obviously, don't have access to the sort of data Nanmu is working with, but I do wonder if this will prove to be their best long term strategy as a business. I suppose they could always pivot in the future, but seeing what Rebor is doing with some of their new figures really makes me wonder why Nanmu limits themselves and their (very capable) artists.
- Swede


I think another big question is how they would compete with the likes of PNSO, REBOR, and HAPLONGGOOD if they went the route of scientifically accurate models. Obviously, they have the sculpting chops, but their price points (at least here in the West) are double or in some cases triple the likes of those other offerings.
Unless they could keep the price down on their scientific models (assuming they happen) I have a hard time imagining they'll win over a substantial amount of new customers when cheaper options are readily available.


Nanmu started out with the JP/JW pieces relatively in scale so took the place of Papo making better figures. They had a really good lineup with a few odd choices in design ( Cerato/Allo) but still not bad and I displayed those with my JW figures too.  They seemed to be making good money on them in that niche market.  Now Dino Dream, WDragon, and others are kinda moving in but not to the extent to push them out. I'm actually pretty confused by their choices in the past year or so.  They had issues with the rearing Brachiosaurus, then Mordred was out of left field..way way out. The fences were a too pricey accessory.  I guess the clear-ish parasaurolophus set didn't catch on much either ( I bought two).  In the midst of this we got new Mosas and tyrannosaurs all JP/JW inspired.  That seems like an attempt to make up sales and it could be.  The new JP3 Raptors were not bad though limited. Same for the other Dragon Soul pieces, those were their best but I'm guessing too costly to produce much of?  Now we have poseable dinos. It feels like they try to experiment and at the same time have a few "safe" or commercially viable products.  I would say go back to your roots but they said these pieces weren't good for them?

As for scientific accuracy, they are again, going to appeal to a niche audience, those with money to spend about PNSO level or more but they would surely have better paint and detail than PNSO or HLG. I think if they go this route we might get a couple good figures from them before they go to something else.

I've been hearing that some new laws in China have come down impacting specifics of what a company can make, no real details from the posts I've seen other than electronics, nudity, and copyrighted items.  Maybe Nanmu is looking to break away from possibly infringing on copyright? Dino Dream does have the JP/JW license now and even XPlus has it for model kits.


Might not be the right place to post, but I'm in need of the rest of the Nanmu human figurines, specifically as follows:

Alan Grant (JP & JP3 versions)
Ellie Sattler
Sarah Harding
Roland Tembo
Owen Grady
Henry Wu
ACU Soldier

Also the fish that comes with the Baryonyx and the He-Man that comes with the Giganotosaurus

Happy to negotiate prices!



I see a lot of folks on FB asking for them to be 1:18 or bigger lol  That's not happening.  We don't even know how big the Carnotaurus will be yet.


Maybe I'm misinterpreting the content of that video, but aren't those the "unactivated" (unpainted) rex and spino maquette style sculpts?
Is this video basically saying here's how the carno sizes up to those models?
Of course, I suppose retooling those pre-existing 3D sculpts into articulated models would be an easy possibility too.


Quote from: Carnoking on January 19, 2024, 09:36:29 AMMaybe I'm misinterpreting the content of that video, but aren't those the "unactivated" (unpainted) rex and spino maquette style sculpts?
Is this video basically saying here's how the carno sizes up to those models?
Of course, I suppose retooling those pre-existing 3D sculpts into articulated models would be an easy possibility too.

A strange thing to do, seeing as how Nanmu has multiple TRex, Spino and Carno figures that have been around for much longer that they could have compared the new figure to, instead of their more niche products that less people seemingly own.

They don't really seem to know what exactly they are suppose to be doing and are just flinging stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. That's how it comes off as, to me. This could simply be an awkward transitional phase for the company, but time will tell.

Don't get me wrong, I love Nanmu's figures. The quality of their figures speak for themselves - I just think the company lacks any sort of identity compared to their competitors (Rebor, W-Dragon, and even Schleich and Papo). The only thing that comes to mind is high quality JP/JW figures, which (again) is a damn shame, in my opinion, when they could be so much more.
- Swede


I don't know really, everyone assumed this was a teaser for new products, it could be just a comparison. Time will tell.

avatar_need4swede @need4swede lol your right. We've made pages of posts about us not knowing anything and Nanmu having no idea what they are doing anymore either.


So Nanmu is teasing a Shadow Monarh/Vastatosaurus Rex super poseable figure, so just like Rebor?  I'm not interested really, I have the Dragon Soul one and that's good enough for me. That makes a total of 6 V-Rex on the market and coming soon. Folks who like it a LOT must be happy.  ;D


Monarch V1 was enough for me.

I'd love a Dragon from Nanmu, this is the year of the dragon, what a perfect time.


They really seem to be going all in on this smart series. Here's hoping that doesn't backfire on them.


Between the initial two REBOR, three shadow monarch variants, one dragon soul offering, the upcoming REBOR redux (of which I'm sure there will be two) and now this, that'll be nine V rex offerings. No shortage of options to choose from there, but if the smart series does indeed turn out to be as good as it looks, this one might be sorely tempting as an articulated option, especially now that Arctic has blown up.


Addendum: looks like Edel is also developing an articulated V. rex. Not that that means anything for collectors seeing as it's Edel but it's still an interesting coincidence.



Wait, does this mean they're doing three variants of this figure?? Add that to the list then!

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