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Recent Acquisitions (Archive, March 2012 - July 2018)

Started by Himmapaan, March 13, 2012, 05:48:54 AM

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Mauro "Raptor86"


Quote from: Libraraptor on January 30, 2014, 10:10:46 PM
Quote from: postsaurischian on January 30, 2014, 09:20:01 PM
Quote from: Roselaar on January 30, 2014, 08:24:42 PM
Quote from: Gwangi on January 30, 2014, 01:37:38 AM
And yes, me as well.  :))

Same here if possible. Don't hesitate to stock these big time, it seems there's quite a demand for them. :)

..... and it's called "Ur-Handtier" ;D.

They made an edition of 2000 copies .....

Good work, Helge, thanks for finding all this out! And 2000 copies, well, I don´t know the usual amount of the models made for commercial use. How many Invicta Brachiosaurus are out there for example? How many Bullyland Procynosuchus? How many Safaris or Papos? I don´t have an idea about this, no imagination. Who can help?

From what I understand, Safari required a run of 5000 minimum to do special paint jobs (so I'm guessing it's at least the same for a new sculpt).

I tried emailing that person you listed before--I never did hear back. So it's up to our friends in Germany to find them for us--pleeeeeeease!

Quote from: Libraraptor on January 29, 2014, 10:36:57 PM
The Protochirotherium is again an exclusive edition for a museum / project. That base prints, as far as I know, represent the original track .
I announced to Mr. Jürgen Fichter from the Geopark Grenzwelten Karlsruhe that there will be some questions concerning ordering / shipping: jfitcher [at]
If Mr. Fitcher can´t help, not even by asking someone who  maybe knows more, I´ll personally drive to Wolfhagen and get some for you. Let´s wait for his answer and then meet here again (via PM).

As I said elsewhere, I tried the email, but I never heard back.


like a bantha!

Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus

Quote from: alexeratops on February 07, 2014, 01:59:33 AM

It came!

Feathered T Rex by mb-cg, WSF, 1/40.
It always makes me happy to see someone so young so interested in dinosaurs. It also struck me how darn excited you sounded! So awesome.
"I believe implicitly that every young man in the world is fascinated with either sharks or dinosaurs."
-Peter Benchley


Quote from: Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus on February 07, 2014, 02:04:55 AM
Quote from: alexeratops on February 07, 2014, 01:59:33 AM

It came!

Feathered T Rex by mb-cg, WSF, 1/40.
It always makes me happy to see someone so young so interested in dinosaurs. It also struck me how darn excited you sounded! So awesome.
Thanks. I'm proud of it myself. Everyone at school is like '' oooh, big words'' and I think ' no, to me, they are regular sized words but you're just too dum to understand them'

Yeah, I'm mean like that. >:D
like a bantha!

darth daniel

Got these two for 2,50 Euros plus 4 Euros for shipping from ebay. Great deal. ^-^ The Deltadromeus has become almost impossible to find, so I´m very happy.


"you know you have a lot of prehistoric figures if you have at least twenty items per page of the prehistoric/dinosaur section on ebay." - anon.


Finally decided to post some of my recent and not so recent acquisitions, since I haven't posted anything in a while.

First, Tyrannosaurus rex, by Brazilian modeler Guilherme Bilinski

Favorite Triceratops, exclusive paint variant. Can someone tell me exactly why this paint variation was done for? I mean, was it for a expo or something like that?

Favorite Stegosaurus Older Version

Kaiyodo Camarasaurus Skeleton

Kaiyodo Tanystropheus

Kaiyodo Huayangosaurus

Kaiyodo Archelon

Kaiyodo Lystrosaurus

Kaiyodo Casule Q Museum Ceratopsians

Mojo Smilodon

Kaiyodo Camarasaurus

Kaiyodo Elasmosaurus

Kaiyodo T.rex


I saw that T-Rex on fb..pretty neat..was it a custom of a figure ( looks a little Papo-ish ? ) or a total sculpt ?

Not sure on the Trike..never saw it before. Is it possible it's a collector paint up ?


Quote from: Blade-of-the-Moon on February 07, 2014, 05:36:46 PM
I saw that T-Rex on fb..pretty neat..was it a custom of a figure ( looks a little Papo-ish ? ) or a total sculpt ?

Not sure on the Trike..never saw it before. Is it possible it's a collector paint up ?

T.rex is an original sculpt, you can see the sculpting process in the artist's facebook page. The Trike is not a custom, it's a exclusive, there's a stock photo of it somewhere here, I'll post if I find it.
Here's the pic in v1 forum.


Here's the stock photo of the Triceratops


Wonderful acquistions friends with Kaiyodos an Safari figures  ^-^.
[Off Nick and Eddie's reactions to the dinosaurs] Oh yeah "Ooh, aah", that's how it always starts. But then there's running and screaming.

{about the T-Rex) When he sees us with his kid isn't he gonna be like "you"!?

My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


Quote from: Ikessauro on February 07, 2014, 05:11:59 PM
Favorite Triceratops, exclusive paint variant. Can someone tell me exactly why this paint variation was done for? I mean, was it for a expo or something like that?

This paint version and the black/brown T. rex were exclusives offered on Favorite's home page for a certain time. Both came originally with an acrylic display box, no blister.
The little cabinet that came with my T. rex broke during flight ::) but it wasn't so attractive anyway.


Quote from: postsaurischian on February 07, 2014, 11:29:53 PM
Quote from: Ikessauro on February 07, 2014, 05:11:59 PM
Favorite Triceratops, exclusive paint variant. Can someone tell me exactly why this paint variation was done for? I mean, was it for a expo or something like that?

This paint version and the black/brown T. rex were exclusives offered on Favorite's home page for a certain time. Both came originally with an acrylic display box, no blister.
The little cabinet that came with my T. rex broke during flight ::) but it wasn't so attractive anyway.

So I assume you have these variants? How many Favorite variants the original series have? I know of a white-ish Deinonychus from those sets that came in a big box, this Triceratops, Black Brown T.rex, Blue T.rex, Green T.rex which I guess is common. Bokisaurus has the Blue T.rex. I don't know of any other variant besides these ones I listed.


Quote from: Ikessauro on February 08, 2014, 03:22:47 AM
So I assume you have these variants? How many Favorite variants the original series have? I know of a white-ish Deinonychus from those sets that came in a big box, this Triceratops, Black Brown T.rex, Blue T.rex, Green T.rex which I guess is common. Bokisaurus has the Blue T.rex. I don't know of any other variant besides these ones I listed.

I only have the black/brown T. rex special colour variant.
You listed all the variants I know of (there are two regular T. rex versions: green or brown).
Boki's blue T. rex was sold at an exhinition in an extra blister (museum model).
One more thing to mention: About half of the series was also released unpainted (white), which looks very beautiful.


My last acquisitions  ^-^.

And finally TLW Ornithosuchus  ^-^.
[Off Nick and Eddie's reactions to the dinosaurs] Oh yeah "Ooh, aah", that's how it always starts. But then there's running and screaming.

{about the T-Rex) When he sees us with his kid isn't he gonna be like "you"!?

My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


Do you list non-dinosaur toy acquisitions here, too?  Because, if so, I just snagged a figure of Baphomet (from the Pathfinder miniatures line), and it's a good springboard for a HISTORY LESSON.

What do you think of when you hear "Baphomet?" Do you think of ancient conspiracies? The occult? The Freemasons? The Illuminati? That hermaphrodite goat with a pentagram? witches and black sabbaths? Ancient Babylonian religions? Secret teachings of the Knights Templar?

Nope. Turns out it's all a fraud. There is no Baphomet.

Firstly, goat imagery has shown up in many religions and cultures, and is often unrelated - from Herodotus mentioning Greek goat-gods to the Egyptian Banebdjedet, to more modern things, they are not necessarily related. Attempting to draw one unbroken line of conspiracies because a really common animal pops up as a motif really does not work. It would be like trying to claim that every rain/thunder god is the same. Most of the supposed links between them were made up from whole cloth in the 1800s. But aside from that, what is the origin of the name/demon/deity "Baphomet?"

The name first showed up in earnest in the 13th century, as part of a bunch of accusations against the Knights Templar. For some background, the Knights Templar ran afoul of the main Catholic church because A: they failed in retaking the Holy Land, and B: they ran a lot of banking and finance. If you haven't learned this from Jewish history, the people who run the banks tend to get killed often. So there was the accusation that the Templars worshiped the pagan god "Baphomet," often with their Catholic reliquaries claimed to be idols. In tracing back the history of the term, the very first mention of Baphomet that anybody has ever found was in an 11th-century French language accusation against the Knights Templar, from when the major persecution was just beginning. When translated, it says, "As the next day dawned, they[Templars] called loudly upon Baphomet; and we prayed silently in our hearts to God, then we attacked and forced all of them outside the city walls."

This doesn't say much, does it? Actually, it really helps, because surrounding literature can provide context. The Knights Templar had been accused of incorporating Islamic beliefs into their religion, though this was a fraud - the western European concept of Islam at the time was far different than the real thing. They thought, for example, that the god of the Muslims was Muhammad.

The generally-accepted spelling for Muhammad at the time (and for centuries afterward) was Mahomet.

The French statement was an accusation that the Templars were worshipping Mahomet, only they misspelled it into Baphomet.

Baphomet is a typo.

From there, it just sort of picked up steam as a nebulous pagan god that the Knights Templar were accused of worshiping - generally with no goat imagery or even anything more satanic than, "All pagan gods are devils."

In the 19th century, Eliphas Levi combined a lot of occultic goat imagery, including some ancient goats, the Sabbath sacrificial goats, the Goat of Mendes, Pan, The Green Man, Banebdjedet, and a particular nature deity worshiped in witchcraft that resembled a goat with a third, burning horn. He drew the hermaphrodite Sabbatic goat that is now famous today, and called it Baphomet, and claimed that it had always been worshiped, and pretty much made it the embodiment of the pentagram. In fact, this was the first time that the pentagram went from "random occult symbol" to "the sign of all that is Satan." Levi also supposedly based the goat sketch on a gargoyle he saw.

Aleistar Crowley took this and ran with it, declaring Baphomet to be his god and the "Mystery of Mysteries." And from there it just sort of spread into public consciousness as having always been the identity of any goat demon or god or belief that has ever existed.

Baphomet's identification with Freemasonry is due to the accusations of a man named Leo Taxil, who also claimed that Albert Pike (the man who made Freemasonry religious) called Satan God.  However, Taxil was a liar, and even admitted as much before a public audience - he made up stories about the Masons to drive the Catholics into a furor so he could embarrass them later.  The religious aspects of Freemasonry are sort of a Hindu-flavored Unitarianism, anyway.  But the damage was done, and this only pushed Baphomet more into the public consciousness as a major occult figure.

So, there you have it. One misspelled name, a bunch of overzealous Catholics, and a couple of lying occultists. And that's where Baphomet came from! A TYPO.

Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus

Wow-great history lesson! Thanks for sharing.  ;D
"I believe implicitly that every young man in the world is fascinated with either sharks or dinosaurs."
-Peter Benchley


I absolutely love this type of commentary/exposition!! Thanks, Ridureyu :)


"That word doesn't mean what you think it means" is kind of a running theme with demonology, though...

Belial?  Not originally a name, but a Jewish idiom meaning "useless."  Specifically, Eli's two sons in 1 Samuel were called "Sons of Belial," meaning "Sons of Uselessness" in the same way that other people were called "Sons of iniquity."  It was just calling them worthless good-for-nothings, so if you talk about the Demon King Belial, you are talking about the Demon King Worthless.

Beelzebub - Ba'al-Zebub literally means "Lord of the flies," and was a way of calling pagan gods steaming piles of cow dung (surrounded by flies).  So, if you say that you worship Beelzebub... you're worshiping bullcrap. (not sure of the forum's language rules, gonna self-censor unless I see otherwise)

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