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Rebor v Papo

Started by petebuster1, January 20, 2015, 03:29:57 PM

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Quote from: suspsy on January 20, 2015, 04:18:56 PM
Quote from: petebuster1 on January 20, 2015, 03:55:09 PM
Quote from: suspsy on January 20, 2015, 03:46:30 PM
Rebor is a statue line. Papo is a toy line. Apples and oranges.

Also, I find that Yutyrannus to be pretty lame. Why did they strip it of nearly all its feathers? It's like they're only grudgingly acknowledging that feathered tyrannosaurs existed.
Please keep to the subject of the post, if you read what i've written you'll understand the reason for the post, the feather issue has been repeated enough and not what the post is about, thank you

I did keep to the subject of the post when I pointed out that comparing a statue line to a toy line is like comparing apples and oranges. It's the same reason why a Mattel Batman action figure shouldn't be compared to a Sideshow Batman bust, or why a Hasbro GJ Joe Skystriker shouldn't be compared to a Revell F-15 Eagle kit.
Obviously you still haven't read or don't understand what I wrote in the opening post ::)


Quote from: suspsy on January 20, 2015, 05:08:35 PM
Quote from: postsaurischian on January 20, 2015, 04:49:11 PM
Quote from: suspsy on January 20, 2015, 04:26:32 PM
Similarities in scale, accuracy, mass production, paint, and even articulation do not alter the fact that one is a statue line and the other is a toy line. One T. Rex costs around $60-$65 and can only be purchased online or in comic stores, the other costs around $20-$30 and can be purchased in museum gift shops and toy stores. Again, it's apples and oranges to me.

But the material definitely is and the costs and availability definitely aren't.

Definitely aren't what?

Altering the fact that one is a statue line and the other is a toy line.

Quote from: suspsy on January 20, 2015, 05:08:35 PM
FWITW, I think the detail on Rebor is superb. Whether or not that makes it superior to Papo is strictly a matter of personal opinion. Can't we all concur that both companies employ talented artists?

I'm in the boat :)!


Petebuster1, you presented photos of the Rebor Yutyrannus, implying that it "proves" that Rebor is superior to Papo. I responded with my personal opinion that it's not really fair to compare the two companies, and remarked that I personally didn't like the statue's appearance. If you don't agree with me, fine, but there's no need for that attitude.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


That seems a little rude petebuster1...

What Suspsy is saying (I think, correct me if I'm wrong!) is that these two products are very different in their market audience, price and value, so it seems illogical to compare them without taking these factors into account.

And I agree - let's just appreciate them as separate works of art...


So did you start a Apple vs Orange war? Stop it remember that:

Quote from: Dobber on January 20, 2015, 04:36:12 PM
Not speaking about accuracy...but I do think that Rebor has an edge over Papo in the paint and finish department. My Papo Allosaurus looks very little like their stock photos in the paint department but what Rebor show's is what you get from them...and I appreciate that. Nothing more disappointing ithanbeing shown a beautiful model by a company and then getting something that pales in comparison for simplicity sake. Papo is not the only company that does this....I know. That just makes it that much better that Rebor doesn't

I'm sorry for you. I have 2 Papo Allosaurus and both looks great.

In the paintwork department I dont think YRex is better than Allosaurus, but to me, the KingRex is better than Papo green offerings, not because of color, but the application. (I don't have the brown variants)
The claws looks nice and realist in the King, also the red eyebrows gives it some personality.
The king is bigger than the Papos, so I'll use it like a female (Queen), and Papo Running will be the male.

Sobreviviendo a la extinción!!!



Wow! Now I understand what you all were saying about the Papo Allosaurus. Yours looks AMAZING! mine and all the others I have seen don't look nearly as good.

Here's mine

My customized CollectA feathered T-Rex


Looks like you got a dud :-\. I'd ask for a refund or a replacement if it were me.

I had a bad paint job on my running Tyrannosaurus. The paint was smeared and some of the teeth weren't even fully painted.

I did get a refund though so I was happy.


Quote from: tyrantqueen on January 20, 2015, 04:36:01 PM
Quote from: petebuster1 on January 20, 2015, 04:15:10 PM
Quote from: tyrantqueen on January 20, 2015, 04:06:06 PM
Quote from: petebuster1 on January 20, 2015, 03:59:11 PM
Quote from: tyrantqueen on January 20, 2015, 03:55:25 PM
Can you compare it to the Papo Allosaurus? Since that's obviously where it got its inspiration from.
unfortunately i don't have the allosaurus it would have been ideal for the purpose.
This is a pretty unfair test then. How can you say the quality of the Rebor is better if you don't own the Allosaurus?
Its not a test and i did have the papo Allosaurus, ive simply put the pics up so people can judge the quality of rebor, those that have papo can judge the differences, some people have stated they are no better than papo, the paint quality is far better imo and i'm simply trying to illustrate this.
If it's not a test, why does the title say "Rebor v Papo?"

Honestly, it comes across as a bit hypocritical for you to say that Rebor's quality has to be judged in person, but not afford the same fairness to Papo's Allosaurus. You don't have the Allosaurus so you cannot judge whether the Rebor is any better. I personally do not think it is unreasonable to judge a toy by its stock photo. It's not like an action figure where there are moving parts that can break. What you see is what you get.

Anyway, I believe Postsaurischian already did a side by side comparison of the two sculpts. The sculpting on the Rebor is nice, but it's not particularly better than the Papo.
The only reason i started this thread and beginning to wish i hadn't is because some people were saying papo and rebor are similar which as far as paintwork goes i disagree with, just trying to illustrate the rebor paint work, not exactly a maths exam. ::)


Interesting note: I just showed that first comparison photo to a friend and told her that one dinosaur was twice as expensive as the other. She guessed that it was the one on the left. My two cents? REBOR uses marketing, packaging, and artificial rarity/exclusivity in order to get away with silly prices.


@TyrantQueen - Yikes!! I got this one and my previous Allosaurus (which I gave to a friends son) from Amazon...and I saw about 5 others on a shelf too and they all looked like this. I just thought this is how they looked ???  Man was I wrong!  Fortunately my green Running Rex has no problems...especially not like yours Tyrantqueen.  :o

My customized CollectA feathered T-Rex


Quote from: suspsy on January 20, 2015, 05:19:25 PM
Petebuster1, you presented photos of the Rebor Yutyrannus, implying that it "proves" that Rebor is superior to Papo. I responded with my personal opinion that it's not really fair to compare the two companies, and remarked that I personally didn't like the statue's appearance. If you don't agree with me, fine, but there's no need for that attitude.
In paint work i believe Rebor is superior overall , my point to you is that i'm comparing them  to illustrate the paintwork differences as some people have suggested there's no difference  (in other threads) and thats the reason i started the thread, not to compare two companies as a whole


What dinosaur is Y-rex?I don't know myself  ^-^


Y-Rex is supposed to be Yutyrannus. According to their claims.

Well, REBOR is also twice as expensive and less widely available.
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


Quote from: suspsy on January 20, 2015, 03:46:30 PM
Rebor is a statue line. Papo is a toy line. Apples and oranges.

I regard Papos as mini-statues. Papos are considerably heavier than their non-Papo counterparts (e.g. WS, CollectA etc.). The only reason people don't consider Papos as statues is because of the reduced price tag.


Quote from: petebuster1 on January 20, 2015, 06:08:24 PM
Quote from: suspsy on January 20, 2015, 05:19:25 PM
Petebuster1, you presented photos of the Rebor Yutyrannus, implying that it "proves" that Rebor is superior to Papo. I responded with my personal opinion that it's not really fair to compare the two companies, and remarked that I personally didn't like the statue's appearance. If you don't agree with me, fine, but there's no need for that attitude.
In paint work i believe Rebor is superior overall , my point to you is that i'm comparing them  to illustrate the paintwork differences as some people have suggested there's no difference  (in other threads) and thats the reason i started the thread, not to compare two companies as a whole

Then you should have specified that reason from the beginning. You can't assume that everyone on this forum reads each and every single thread.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


Rebor vs. Papo

(1) The Papo Allosaurus packs more detail than the Rebor Yutyrannus

(2) The Rebor Tyrannosaurus seems to have a richer, more vibrant application of colors than the Papo Tyrannosaurus

Rebor vs. Rebor

(1) The Rebor Utahraptor appears to be more detailed than the Rebor Yutyrannus


No apologies necessary, postsaurischian. I think your pics are very good and perfect for this quest. And from looking at these pics, I actually now think that the Papo Allosaurus is the better sculpt, while the paint jobs are very similar in quality. Look especially at the teeth of both in the black and white pic. Papo's are carved meticulously and individually, while REBOR's aren't. And as others have pointed out, the textures of the scaling on the Papo is more naturally varied compared to REBOR's. So I agree with Patrx's friend. I think Papo's actually looks to be the more expensive model. So with Papo's being half the price of REBOR's and IMHO an overall better sculpt, for me, Papo easily wins. Personally, I don't need to spend twice as much for REBOR's designer packaging and little bases or even that their sculpts are seamless, when I like the overall look of Papo's for half the price.

petebuster1, I really think before you make an opinion on which you think is better, you really need to hold a Papo Allosaurus in your own hands and study the two of them side by side. That is really the best way to make an informed opinion.


Yutyrannus would be Y.huali,not Y-Rex  >:( I was just being ironic,I knew it,but I'm tired of people saying Y.rex.Why not saying Y.argestes?After all,Yutyrannus is a relative of Lythronax isn't it?Oh,come on it's so annoying.
Now to the actual topic.Rebor's stuff are statues,Papo's are toys.Do I have anything else to say?The price of the Rebor models are a lot more expensive than Papo's.With the price of their Tyrannosaurus you could get like
4 Archaeopteryx!  :o


Quote from: Concavenator on January 20, 2015, 06:37:03 PM

Now to the actual topic.Rebor's stuff are statues,Papo's are toys.Do I have anything else to say?The price of the Rebor models are a lot more expensive than Papo's.With the price of their Tyrannosaurus you could get like
4 Archaeopteryx!  :o

While it is true that Rebor is marketing their products as statues and hence the bases, in actuality, both product lines emulate statues.

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