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Controversial opinions on dinosaur toys

Started by Ravonium, May 21, 2018, 07:39:12 AM

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avatar_Lynx @Lynx at first glance that sounds preposterous but you have explained your self vwry well. I dont like to put my figurines through all kinds of elements, rather just keep them as a mini museum.
But then again, thats why I wont buy resin models even if i had the money. They are fragile and prone to damage even if i dont put them through sand and dirt. My PNSO figure is durable compared to that.
Ideally, if i was super rich i'd have my dinosaur figures made out of a durable, sophisticated, convenient, and well sculpted material instead of standard plastic, but we must do the best with what we got. In the end these are all first world problems.


Quote from: Lynx on December 10, 2022, 02:50:27 AMDurability matters more than accuracy IMO

The PNSO Deinocherius is really nice, but it can't survive a fall from a shelf. This, I would get the CollectA Deinocherius instead.

What's the point of having a nice looking model if it likely won't hold up over time, such as moving, a couple topples, or getting bonked by another figure?

Now I'm sure barely anyone will agree with this, but I prefer Schleich over PNSO.

They're in completely different classes, but the question I ask before I buy a figure is, "Will it stand the test of time?"

PNSO may look 10x nicer and be arguably a better model, but I can't make memories with that. It just sits there as I travel around with Safari LTD, Schleich, and Papo models.

Maybe it's because I am a kid and don't appreciate the beauty of it staring at me from a shelf top, but if I saw a Schleich Spinosaurus and a PNSO Spinosaurus in the store, I would buy the Schleich without hesitation.

(Don't take this as me hating PNSO, I love the brand, but vastly prefer Schleich with little competition)

I see where you're coming from. It's the same reason I collect Mattel but not BOTM. Just to be clear, I think that the BOTM figures are outstanding and significantly better than Mattel toys. But, the Mattel toys are cheaper, sturdier, and my kids can play with them without fear of breakage. BOTM figures are just too expensive for my dinosaur budget and take up too much space. And the articulation is fine and all but I would have too much anxiety about breaking them to ever actually use and enjoy it. I have articulated toys by NECA and McFarlane that have broken. Either by falling (cat knocked over my T-800) or just by playing with them (I broke my xenomorph just by bending its leg). So yeah, I'm a bit gun shy with these big, expensive, articulated toys. With Mattel, I get fun toys that I can actually play with, with my kids, and of course I'm also a lifelong OG Jurassic Park fan so there's the nostalgia factor and all that.

And yeah, this is also why I don't buy resin models or statues. PNSO and Eofauna are about as high end as I get.


Hot take:

I do not understand the 1:18 sauropod obsession.

I'm not a home owner, I live in a big city so space is at a premium, so I suppose maybe I have a bias here, but I simply don't get the obsession with 1:18 scale sauropods. I say this as someone with two Hammond rexes, a good amount of the BoTM ceratopsians, and a fair investment in Mattel's 1:18 articulated line.

The reviews of the 1:18 BoTM rex show people struggling to pivot and manipulate it. The reviews of Mattel's sauropods constantly go on and on about how big the damned thing is. How much space it takes up. It's easily bigger than many house pets.

Yet constantly I see people requesting 1:18 sauropods from BoTM or hoping for more from Mattel. I don't get it. How is it realistic for a toy company to keep making these things? How many people can house for long-term such giants? What do you do with these things that can't be dismantled?

These cost a lot of money to be produced. That cost comes from somewhere. Mattel is a big company and subsidizes it by shirking on other parts of the line. BoTM has to charge extraordinary amounts up-front.

Do people not realize how unsustainable and outlandish these things are? I suppose its a testament to the real animals and their immense size, but I'm frankly tired of giant sauropods being expected when six years ago nobody would even take that idea seriously.


They were serious? I thought it was just jokes.
But I think many of us can agree 1:35-1:45 sauropods are acceptable,  even for the titanic species.


I kind simultaneously agree and disagree with this.

Yes space is definitely a real concern for me, for the larger ones, and why I might opt out getting both the Dreadnoughtus and new upcoming Mamenchisaurus (and possible HC Brachiosaurus). That said I adore my Mattel Brachiosaurus and Apatosaurus, and while I probably won't get the latter two, I'm glad they've made them for those that truly do want them, and/or have space for them. The former I've had at the foot of my bed since 2019, and it's one of the first things I see every morning. I'm still so glad they were made at all. I don't think they would have made four huge sauropods if the first, the Brachiosaurus, had not sold well. Or even the Apatosaurus released in 2021. Both also had iconic scenes, so it certainly made sense to make figures of them (hence the fan demand for them). The Dreadnoughtus made sense because of the new film. The Mamenchisaurus is probably going to be the riskiest. It doesn't have the widespread appeal as the Brachiosaurus (or Apatosaurus) did.

Small sauropods on the other hand are still feasible in that scale. They might still be large, but perhaps not excessively so. Things like Amargasaurus, hatchlings (Mattel's baby Brachiosaurus), early sauropodomorphs (Eoraptor, Plateosaurus, etc). In fact I'd love to see a BotM Amargasaurus. The Mattel one is decent, though with a few anatomical issues like claws on all digits. Funny that when it was made the sail was potentially considered inaccurate, and now it's back to having one again. Probably not as shrinkwrapped on the Mattel one, but still.
Film Accurate Mattel JW and JP toys list (incl. extended canon species, etc):

Every Single Mainline Mattel Jurassic World Species A-Z; 2024 toys added!:

Most produced Paleozoic genera (visual encyclopedia):


I do not think Papo's prehistoric range is dead or dying, nor do I think PNSO has taken their niche in the collecting market. Papo figures are significantly lower end than PNSO, and much more widely available. It's like saying EoFauna has taken CollectA or Safari's niche, because they make Scientifically Accurate dinosaurs; it just isn't an apt comparison in my opinion.
Shrek 4 is an underrated masterpiece


avatar_Faelrin @Faelrin isn't a BotM Amargasaurus kinda confirmed? I've seen it mentioned several times, I think in the Cyberzoic thread alongside other dinosaurs like Parasaurolophus and Suchomimus.

avatar_GojiraGuy1954 @GojiraGuy1954 Yeah, the Papo/PNSO comparison probably isn't that good, to add to what you said, Papo never really cared about scientific accuracy to begin with, so that's another difference.

On another hand, despite Eofauna being higher end than Safari and CollectA, both of the latter are still going strong (I'd say they're at their prime quality-wise), so it doesn't make much sense to claim they're replacing them, either. Imo it would be more apt to say Eofauna replaced the Carnegie Collection.


Quote from: Concavenator on January 02, 2023, 12:00:50 AMImo it would be more apt to say Eofauna replaced the Carnegie Collection.

EoFauna started doing models long after Carnegie was past its prime though
Shrek 4 is an underrated masterpiece


avatar_GojiraGuy1954 @GojiraGuy1954 I know, but I was referring as to how they're similar as in releasing just a few, scientifically accurate figures every year.


I've long said that I'd rather BotM/Cyberzoic include smaller and weirder sauropods like Amargasaurus, Brachytrachelopan, Dicraeosaurus, and Nigersaurus than any titans.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


Quote from: suspsy on January 02, 2023, 06:56:24 PMI've long said that I'd rather BotM/Cyberzoic include smaller and weirder sauropods like Amargasaurus, Brachytrachelopan, Dicraeosaurus, and Nigersaurus than any titans.

100% agree.
We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a conquered monster, but there - there you could look at a thing monstrous and free." - King Kong, 2005


I would also agree regarding BotM sauropods - not just because of size & price, but because BotM has arguably become one of the best brands for covering more obscure genera (within specific guidelines, at least). BotM/Cyberzoic would be great platforms for releasing lesser-known sauropod genera that other companies might balk at.

Quote from: GojiraGuy1954 on January 02, 2023, 02:06:49 PM
Quote from: Concavenator on January 02, 2023, 12:00:50 AMImo it would be more apt to say Eofauna replaced the Carnegie Collection.

EoFauna started doing models long after Carnegie was past its prime though
I would actually agree that Eofauna feels like a spiritual successor to Carnegie, even if such a niche was no longer "needed". Wild Safari has obviously been doing stellar jobs with their prehistoric animals for years now, but Eofauna's releases feel a little more special: they're less frequent, and a little higher-end, much like how Carnegie was only releasing one or two models a year near the end of the line.
I would argue that Schleich of all companies might actually be infringing on Papo's turf; no, Schleich isn't of equal caliber, but they HAVE gotten somewhat better at their dinos over the years, at least enough that they might appeal to the same kids eyeballing Papos while appealing to parents wanting "safer" items. In terms of collectibles, I'd guess Papo's competitors are the like of Rebor, or even W-Dragon and Nanmu. These are companies going all-out in the high-end, JP/movie-monster style for adults who want pristine likeness of their favorite creature characters.
...But this is pure speculation on my part. I can't actually back any of that up.

Cpt Red 3eard

Here are a few of mine:

A head sculpt makes or breaks a figure for me.
I prefer static figures with articulated jaws.
I've loved dinosaurs for almost 30 years at this point, but I cannot be bothered to care about prehistoric mammals, and only a few Mesozoic non-dinosaurs are interesting enough to enter my collection.
Most paint applications are terrible. I can repaint, but sometimes the paint app turns me off of a figure.
I don't see the point in collecting figures if you aren't going to show them.


Quote from: Cpt Red 3eard on January 04, 2023, 03:59:18 PMHere are a few of mine:

A head sculpt makes or breaks a figure for me.
I prefer static figures with articulated jaws.
I've loved dinosaurs for almost 30 years at this point, but I cannot be bothered to care about prehistoric mammals, and only a few Mesozoic non-dinosaurs are interesting enough to enter my collection.
Most paint applications are terrible. I can repaint, but sometimes the paint app turns me off of a figure.
I don't see the point in collecting figures if you aren't going to show them.

I agree with most of that. But with head sculpts I think it depends on the dinosaur. For example, the head sculpt is more important for a ceratopsian than a sauropod.


Quote from: Cpt Red 3eard on January 04, 2023, 03:59:18 PMHere are a few of mine:

A head sculpt makes or breaks a figure for me.
I prefer static figures with articulated jaws.
I've loved dinosaurs for almost 30 years at this point, but I cannot be bothered to care about prehistoric mammals, and only a few Mesozoic non-dinosaurs are interesting enough to enter my collection.
Most paint applications are terrible. I can repaint, but sometimes the paint app turns me off of a figure.
I don't see the point in collecting figures if you aren't going to show them.

I curious to hear what popular companies that applies to.


Relating to an earlier message, "just repaint the figure" as an excuse everytime a figure has a bad paint job is such an annoying thing to say.

Critique on the figure paint job?
"Just repaint it"
Don't like the figure paint job?
"Just repaint it"
Not a fan of the pattern or wish it could be better?
"Just repaint it"

These seem like they would be helpful, but tossing out basic feedback with "just repaint it" is just a big no.
I cant even count on a hand how many times I have been told "just repaint it", it's a really stupid thing to CONSISTENTLY say everytime someone has an opinion regarding a paintjob.

Paints are expensive here and I don't have the skill to repaint a figure. Even if I could, "Just repaint it" is overly obnoxious whenever someone is giving feedback. Suggesting a repaint is good and all, and it might be fun, but it gets used to much it comes across as snarky rather than helpful.

Kind of like reporting a bug in the game and then getting told by several people "just play another game/just ignore the bug."

If this sounds overly aggressive, it's meant to be.
No this is not a personal attack on anyone. No I am not holding a grudge on you if you've told me it before. It's just something I see thrown around way more than it should be on this forum.
An oversized house cat.


avatar_Lynx @Lynx I can agree with your frustration on that. It's not an option for everyone (costs, skill, etc). Heck I actually did buy a ton of stuff for a repainting project but never got to it because of my depression. There are very real and valid reasons why this isn't a feasible option for everyone. It also dumps the problem, or responsibility on the consumer, when it should be directed at the companies that make the products in the first place.
Film Accurate Mattel JW and JP toys list (incl. extended canon species, etc):

Every Single Mainline Mattel Jurassic World Species A-Z; 2024 toys added!:

Most produced Paleozoic genera (visual encyclopedia):


I also agree on the repainting qualm; and to expand on avatar_Lynx @Lynx's analogy, I'd say it's even more like if someone were to respond with "just make a mod for it"; yeah, because we all have the time and skill to do that, right?
If one has the capacity and propensity to repaint figures, great! I've seen some terrific repaints which make me wish I could buy THAT version of the figure. However, unless I'm buying something like a kit, I don't want to be purchasing an item that ends up seeming unfinished. That's not the point of buying it.
That's not to say I expect every toy from every brand to get a pristine, 4-star paint treatment, of course. I level my expectations based on the product; and if the "issue" is that I just don't like the colors chosen, then whatever. No big deal.

Quote from: Stegotyranno420 on January 04, 2023, 04:32:44 PM
Quote from: Cpt Red 3eard on January 04, 2023, 03:59:18 PMI don't see the point in collecting figures if you aren't going to show them.

I curious to hear what popular companies that applies to.
I'm guessing this is a response to individuals who prefer their collectibles "mint in box" and never open their figures. I certainly keep most package boxes and end up keeping most figures stored away close, just for the sake of space; but I've never understood why some people would buy these items if they aren't going to take the items out and actually handle them. I want to SEE my figures! I want to play with them a little! I'm in full agreement with avatar_Cpt Red 3eard @Cpt Red 3eard if I'm interpreting this correctly.


I have quite a few models I began to paint/re-paint and never found the time to finish. Some from the last decade  :-[

I sympathise with avatar_Cpt Red 3eard @Cpt Red 3eard and sometimes wish I was just happy with them in the first place!

Ho hum, will get around to them one day!


Quote from: Fembrogon on January 04, 2023, 06:09:08 PMI also agree on the repainting qualm; and to expand on avatar_Lynx @Lynx's analogy, I'd say it's even more like if someone were to respond with "just make a mod for it"; yeah, because we all have the time and skill to do that, right?
If one has the capacity and propensity to repaint figures, great! I've seen some terrific repaints which make me wish I could buy THAT version of the figure. However, unless I'm buying something like a kit, I don't want to be purchasing an item that ends up seeming unfinished. That's not the point of buying it.
That's not to say I expect every toy from every brand to get a pristine, 4-star paint treatment, of course. I level my expectations based on the product; and if the "issue" is that I just don't like the colors chosen, then whatever. No big deal.

Quote from: Stegotyranno420 on January 04, 2023, 04:32:44 PM
Quote from: Cpt Red 3eard on January 04, 2023, 03:59:18 PMI don't see the point in collecting figures if you aren't going to show them.

I curious to hear what popular companies that applies to.
I'm guessing this is a response to individuals who prefer their collectibles "mint in box" and never open their figures. I certainly keep most package boxes and end up keeping most figures stored away close, just for the sake of space; but I've never understood why some people would buy these items if they aren't going to take the items out and actually handle them. I want to SEE my figures! I want to play with them a little! I'm in full agreement with avatar_Cpt Red 3eard @Cpt Red 3eard if I'm interpreting this correctly.
There's a type of collector, maybe seen in other spheres of collectibles more than this one, to whom removal from the box and certainly disposing of the box is a no-go. These aim to resell the products at a later date and obviously are interested in the pursuit and acquisition of said items, rather than enjoying the toys/collectibles in themselves. I agree, this type of collecting is of no interest whatsoever to me. I love to display and handle my dinos and mammals, so that rules me  out as a primarily value conscious reseller.

In the matter of repainting, I think that there is a middle ground to consider, i.e., "touch ups". It's not hard to acquire a modicum of skill so as to do minor jobs such as cleaning up the teeth and gum lines or dealing with paint scuffs. it really is a good investment in the hobby as it doesn't require one to be a world class painter, but enables the collector to deal with small but irritating shortfalls and deficiencies that spoil an otherwise perfectly good figure.

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