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Eofauna Scientific Research - New for 2024

Started by Concavenator, December 04, 2023, 12:20:53 PM

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Quote from: Turkeysaurus on June 24, 2024, 09:13:08 PMDownside of collecting T.rex once you think you got  the signature T.rex, there is another one on it's way looking even better. It's like chasing Moby Dick. It takes mental fortitude to stop.

Some might argue that that's part of the fun! ;) At the moment my "definitive" rex is the BotM 1:35 WWD one. But If PNSO ever decides to release a lipped Tyrannosaurus in the same caliber as Cameron, then I'm afraid I might have to retire the BotM... I vastly prefer static figures afterall.


Fortunately for me, I'm satisfied with PNSO's Cameron.  I don't think I'll buy another Tyrannosaurus again.  It was obvious Eofauna would produce a Tyrannosaurus, but I'm curious what dinosaur they will make next now that Tyrannosaurus is done.  I hope for something that needs a good figure representation...


I'd still like to see more proboscideans from them. With Tyrannosaurus out of the way, I'm hoping the funds generated from its sales can be put towards developing obscure taxa. Would happily take any primitive proboscidean in toy form.


Quote from: Turkeysaurus on June 24, 2024, 09:13:08 PMDownside of collecting T.rex once you think you got  the signature T.rex, there is another one on it's way looking even better. It's like chasing Moby Dick. It takes mental fortitude to stop.

Nono... when T.rex is what you collect, there is no "signature" or "definitive" example. The collection becomes a study in variation, interpretation, imagination. From the Marx to Kiss and everywhere between, they're all The Coolest One.


Quote from: Dan on June 24, 2024, 02:34:30 AMMy scale indicates 14.7 oz, which comes to about 416 g. Granted, this includes the plastic packaging and card, but I'm assuming this is negligible. Hope that helps.

did these ship in a box?  that looks like a box...


Quote from: Flaffy on June 24, 2024, 09:32:02 PM
Quote from: Turkeysaurus on June 24, 2024, 09:13:08 PMDownside of collecting T.rex once you think you got  the signature T.rex, there is another one on it's way looking even better. It's like chasing Moby Dick. It takes mental fortitude to stop.

Some might argue that that's part of the fun! ;) At the moment my "definitive" rex is the BotM 1:35 WWD one. But If PNSO ever decides to release a lipped Tyrannosaurus in the same caliber as Cameron, then I'm afraid I might have to retire the BotM... I vastly prefer static figures afterall.

If it was just a solid plastic figure without the action joints and stuff it would be hard to top it for sure, that weird hood is a distraction which is a shame because his sculpting is unbelievably beautiful...better than anything out in the market for sure...


Quote from: Turkeysaurus on June 24, 2024, 09:13:08 PM
Quote from: Over9K on June 24, 2024, 09:03:40 PM
Quote from: Elengassen on June 24, 2024, 01:38:06 PM
Quote from: Quiversaurus on June 24, 2024, 10:48:47 AMI have PNSO's Winter Wilson/2.0, but I'm considering getting Eofauna's Sue. I like the jaw articulation (I think it shows ingenuity & creativity) and I've been waiting for a lipped Rex. The colours also  started growing on me, and I do eventually want an Eofauna figure as part of my collection.

But I am also sitting on the fence a little cause I feel PNSO will also eventually do a lipped Rex, so... decisions, decicions.

I think if there's one dinosaur we can afford to be patient about in terms of figures, it's T. rex. I'm sure there will be many more versions over the next few years, and not just from PNSO.

This is totally true. As a Tyrannosaur-centric collector myself, I sometimes feel very spoiled by the virtual torrent of Tyrannosaurus offerings. It's not even comparable. Whatever the second-most produced species is, they don't make even half the merch for it. Collecting T.rex stuff is not at all like collecting anything else. There is no hunt, there is no patience required. It's more like being sprayed with a hose of something, and holding out a bucket to see what you can catch. I have to specifically NOT collect Mattel Tyrannosaurus stuff, because that in itself is another hose.

Trying to be discerning in what I collect, living to a price point, while maintaining the relevance of items to the core spirit of why I collect is where collecting T.rex becomes interesting. When spoiled for choice, the choice becomes imperative.

Downside of collecting T.rex once you think you got  the signature T.rex, there is another one on it's way looking even better. It's like chasing Moby Dick. It takes mental fortitude to stop.

one strange thing with me about my T-rex figures is that I don't discard the older ones. I do with other species tho, when I get a better of whatever I usually sell or give away the older less accurate one. I haven't been able to get rid of my old T-rex figures like that. I get too attached to them even if they're outdated interpretations.  IDK why, I have a full box just of T-rex figures...


Quote from: CARN0TAURUS on June 25, 2024, 02:32:52 AMone strange thing with me about my T-rex figures is that I don't discard the older ones. I do with other species tho, when I get a better of whatever I usually sell or give away the older less accurate one. I haven't been able to get rid of my old T-rex figures like that. I get too attached to them even if they're outdated interpretations.  IDK why, I have a full box just of T-rex figures...

I think part of it might be the ability to document history with T.rex toys, in a way not really possible with most other things. Of course the evolution of how T.rex itself is perceived by the public is a feature, but so also is the evolution of toy design, production and manufacturing.


Quote from: Over9K on June 25, 2024, 12:01:28 PM
Quote from: CARN0TAURUS on June 25, 2024, 02:32:52 AMone strange thing with me about my T-rex figures is that I don't discard the older ones. I do with other species tho, when I get a better of whatever I usually sell or give away the older less accurate one. I haven't been able to get rid of my old T-rex figures like that. I get too attached to them even if they're outdated interpretations.  IDK why, I have a full box just of T-rex figures...
I think part of it might be the ability to document history with T.rex toys, in a way not really possible with most other things. Of course the evolution of how T.rex itself is perceived by the public is a feature, but so also is the evolution of toy design, production and manufacturing.

never thought of it that way, but it makes sense, it's probably why the Rebor retro T-rexes sold so well...


The new Eofauna Tyrannosaurus is available on modellpferdeversand and everythingdinosaur for european customer.
Man is only interested in what he invents while what surrounds him is made in a much more extraordinary and complex way


I finally got this beautiful girl!  WOW, I have to say she's not photogenic because she looks so much better in person!

The belly on mine has a light almost white color to it that doesn't come across on the photos, and the yellow is not just yellow it fades from a reddish orange yellow mix to a more yellow mix.  I think they stepped up their game a bit in the paint department...she's such a thick girl :)


From the time they announced their intentions until today when I got this in the mail, it's been like 26 months...I have to say, this figure has something like a personality, not all figures get that, their Steppe Mammoth and their Altasaurus have a personality and now this one does too...

Fantastic piece Eofauna!  Well worth the wait...



Damn..and people thought i was harsh on Haolonggood Diabloceratops.  ;D 

I don't agree with some of things in the review but i really appreciated he is honest with his opinions and not just over the moon about it. Sometimes i feel like reviewers are just trying to be too cute for companies & potential buyers.

I like different jaw articulation probably best part of the toy. I don't mind a small seam, i find it odd why it's a big deal it's not like action toy seam. I don't mind the colors , actually i kinda like it's different but i dislike paint work, it's not smooth like PNSO or some HLG stuff. It's relatively cheap for such a good sculpt.

I don't know if i'm gonna buy it but if i buy i might try to improve paint (maybe even re-paint) because i feel like sculpt has even greater potential. Andy does great paintwork so i hope he repaints this at some point.


Quote from: Turkeysaurus on June 27, 2024, 03:25:50 AMDamn..and people thought i was harsh on Haolonggood Diabloceratops.  ;D 

I don't agree with some of things in the review but i really appreciated he is honest with his opinions and not just over the moon about it. Sometimes i feel like reviewers are just trying to be too cute for companies & potential buyers.

I like different jaw articulation probably best part of the toy. I don't mind a small seam, i find it odd why it's a big deal it's not like action toy seam. I don't mind the colors , actually i kinda like it's different but i dislike paint work, it's not smooth like PNSO or some HLG stuff. It's relatively cheap for such a good sculpt.

I don't know if i'm gonna buy it but if i buy i might try to improve paint (maybe even re-paint) because i feel like sculpt has even greater potential. Andy does great paintwork so i hope he repaints this at some point.

I was a bit surprised by Andy's review too...he's usually super positive in all his reviews, I don't have to agree with this particular review, but I'm still a huge fan of his reviews...


I had a chance to play around with this one today and man has it been a blast...just working with what's there before I decide to go to primer, that's if I decide to do away with this...normally my repaints are not this intricate and busy but I was just working off of what they did and this is where it's at right now with more details to be added in the next few days..


Quote from: CARN0TAURUS on June 27, 2024, 04:26:44 AM
Quote from: Turkeysaurus on June 27, 2024, 03:25:50 AMDamn..and people thought i was harsh on Haolonggood Diabloceratops.  ;D 

I don't agree with some of things in the review but i really appreciated he is honest with his opinions and not just over the moon about it. Sometimes i feel like reviewers are just trying to be too cute for companies & potential buyers.

I like different jaw articulation probably best part of the toy. I don't mind a small seam, i find it odd why it's a big deal it's not like action toy seam. I don't mind the colors , actually i kinda like it's different but i dislike paint work, it's not smooth like PNSO or some HLG stuff. It's relatively cheap for such a good sculpt.

I don't know if i'm gonna buy it but if i buy i might try to improve paint (maybe even re-paint) because i feel like sculpt has even greater potential. Andy does great paintwork so i hope he repaints this at some point.

I was a bit surprised by Andy's review too...he's usually super positive in all his reviews, I don't have to agree with this particular review, but I'm still a huge fan of his reviews...
Yeah, I am more than a bit surprised by this new tone in his review. That said, the point made about the seam at the rear of the skull is valid. I am a fan of the paint work, the detailing. the stability, etc., but not that seam. I'm thinking of sending my figure, or perhaps a second one, to Bravo Models to get that seam removed. If I get the second one, along with the seam, I might just get the articulated jaw done way with too and have the figure with a permanently closed mouth, seamless. I'll see, once the initial order gets in from Dejankins.


I've really never cared what he thinks.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


Other models like some of the Haolonggood ceratopsians do also have quite visible seam lines (e.g. Kosmoceratops, Sinoceratops). He mentioned them in his reviews, but treated them as a minor thing and was otherwise full of praise for these models. So this quite strong criticism seems unusual and also not justified in comparison to other models.

We never know what is going on behind the scenes. His channel is probably (one of) the most viewed dinosaur toy review channels and I could imagine that from time to time he would get free figures for review from some of the companies. Maybe Eofauna would not provide free figures, so they got a honest review rather than a smoothed out one.

Although I watch some of his reviews, the review channel I trust the most is Dinos Dragons. Dinos Dragons seems always fair and balanced and the scientific background that he provides is so useful. I do always learn something new and even more importantly I am provided with an entry point into the vast peer-reviewed paleontological literature on a subject.


I still think the Eofauna rex would've been better had it not have an articulated jaw. Eofauna shines with how natural and fluid their sculpts are. Adding unnecessary cuts just breaks up these wonderful sculpts. I do believe different sculpting styles lend strength to different types of toys/figures afterall; i.e. more rigid styles with harsher edges (not in the bad way!) lends well to articulation, while smoother sculpts with an emphasis on form, flow and musculature do better as static pre-posed models.

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