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REBOR general discussion

Started by Shadowknight1, February 01, 2015, 07:27:37 PM

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How many releases Rebor have announced or hinted recently? Ankylosaurus, Deinosuchus and Sarcosuchus, Titanoboa, more JP raptors and the long awaited "King Trident" for the end of the year. Do I forget something?


Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


Thank God they take inspiration from the movies and the novels, not from those awful toylines. I'd love to have a Dilophosaurus with the movie design and the novel colour pattern, Rebor once said a JP Dilophosaurus was a possibility so I'm hopeful.


Well, they also took inspiration from Papo for one hatchling, so I would not rule it out.
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


Quote from: Reptilia on August 18, 2017, 02:11:27 PM
How many releases Rebor have announced or hinted recently? Ankylosaurus, Deinosuchus and Sarcosuchus, Titanoboa, more JP raptors and the long awaited "King Trident" for the end of the year. Do I forget something?

Not to mention all the models that have supposedly vanished without a trace...Winter Variant Y-rex, Queen T-rex, Saurophaganax Quetzalcoatlus family, Brachiosaurus, Stegosaurus, Psittacosaurus family, Protoceratops, Styracosaurus, and Mosasaurus.


Female T-Rex, Stegosaurus and Styracosaurus should be next year. The Quetzalcoatlus family have probably become the Dimorphodon couple, all the others are still in the realm of possibilities. Except the Yutyrannus winter variant, I think that one was just something they said in response to the huge disapproval they received for "Y-Rex", I don't believe they ever intended to revise that model. That said, we're still waiting for the first (non-corpse) herbivore to be released, I thought the Ankylosaurus was upcoming but seems that other superpredators have the priority. We'll see.


Quote from: Reptilia on August 19, 2017, 12:26:17 AM
Female T-Rex, Stegosaurus and Styracosaurus should be next year. The Quetzalcoatlus family have probably become the Dimorphodon couple, all the others are still in the realm of possibilities. Except the Yutyrannus winter variant, I think that one was just something they said in response to the huge disapproval they received for "Y-Rex", I don't believe they ever intended to revise that model. That said, we're still waiting for the first (non-corpse) herbivore to be released, I thought the Ankylosaurus was upcoming but seems that other superpredators have the priority. We'll see.

Yeah, that makes sense. They never did talk about the Y-Rex again. Same thing with the Mosasaurus. REBOR was so hyped with the Jurassic World version, but they were unable to release it on time and capitalize on the success of the movie...I think they cancelled it. Also, where is the REBOR Dunkleosteus?


Dunkleosteus is something we had the zeal to create a thread about here just on the base of a WIP picture, with no other info. I would personally take the count of Rebor threads strichtly to products which are officially announced, I mean when they release the final product images and say it's going to be out. We have threads about the aforementioned Dunkleosteus, ceratopsian fridge magnets, T-Rex fetus, Chickenosaurus, Titanoboa, etc. which I think should be mentioned and discussed here in the general topic. Just to avoid generating more chaos than what Rebor themselves already do.


Rebor published on their Facebook a picture of what looks like a lifeboat, with the following words:

Our new recruit is working on something huge and it's not a dinosaur! What is it? Hint: your 3.75" figures are gonna need a bigger boat...

People in the comments started speculating about a Megalodon, but could be as well something regarding any huge marine creature. Dunkleosteus or Mosasaurus, who knows?


Knowing how Awesomebro Rebor can be I'm convinced it will be Megalodon.


Probably megalodon, maybe Helicoprion if we're lucky.


I think megalodon is pretty likely, too. It fits the rubric of Titanoboa, which is, completely unremarkable except for being really really big. (Not to say that boids and sharks are unremarkable in themselves, but for prehistoric animals I prefer things that aren't just larger versions of extant creatures.)
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Yeah, agree. Deinosuchus, Titanoboa and Megalodon are pretty much in the same league for Rebor's standard reasoning. I like the croc so far, not the snake cause I'm not a fan of the bendy feature, but I'd be very happy to have a decent shark figure. Of course depending on how huge they intend it to be. I can already figure out where they could take inspiration for the name... it ain't rocket science, admittedly.


If it is a Megalodon, I hope they get creative with it, considering only the jaws are known. Although honestly I'd prefer a Hybodus if they're going the prehistoric shark route, although it is unlikely, just due to how unique that one looked. I mean it did have spikes after all.

Edit: Come to think of it, isn't that a Jaws quote they're using there?
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Quote from: Halichoeres on August 23, 2017, 11:49:10 PM
I think megalodon is pretty likely, too. It fits the rubric of Titanoboa, which is, completely unremarkable except for being really really big. (Not to say that boids and sharks are unremarkable in themselves, but for prehistoric animals I prefer things that aren't just larger versions of extant creatures.)
The real shame is that Titanoboa is a lot more interesting than just a giant boa but even documentaries have only done it a disservice. It lived in salt water (marshes), ate either fish or very small prey, and has a very boxy, almost sea snake/cobra-like head (based on the descriptions from the paper about its diet, references for the actual skull material seem to be under tight wraps[?]). But nope, gotta reconstruct it as a giant anaconda (not even a boa..).


Its a Megamodon according to their site. They posted a inage. Finally a Meg!!!
Ink ink ink, cephalopods don't stink... so does their ink. I think.


I hope it comes with a Jason Statham accessory.



It just looks like a damn generic shark, what a bummer. They didn't even bother to make it super beefy, like sometimes Megalodon is depicted, give it speculative but original features, nor put it in an unusual stance. Collecta's great white shark is pretty similar, for example.

As I was commenting a few posts above though, yet another project teased with no trace of what was supposed to be imminent, i.e. Ankylosaurus and Triceratops.


If it's painted to look like a great white I have no interest... but if it's painted with a salmon/dusky pink colour scheme, count me in.

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