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Armored ankylosaurs!

Started by Paleona, June 09, 2016, 11:44:02 PM

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Hi everyone~ recently I've taken a liking to ankylosaurs! However, they seem to really be underrepresented in toy-form.  Most Ankylosaurus figures more closely resemble Euoplocephalus, and many are still generic looking tanks, or cringe-worthy chinasaurs.   

Currently, I only own Safari's Sauropelta, which is magnificent:

Others on my wish list include Kinto Favorite's Ankylosaurus, Schleich's new mini Saichania, and I have a Terra by Battat Euoplocephalus lined up.

What others can you recommend / are your favorite?  The Papo "Ankylosaurus" is a pretty nicely detailed looking model, if not for the incorrect posture of the tail, and mislabeled name. 


Actually most Toy Ankylosaurs closely resemble Scolosaurus, with the Tail club of Anodontosaurus, and the skull of Euoplocephalus. In other words. There Chimeras of three different species that were once thought to be the same


CollectA's Gastonia is quite nice, and their Minmi is acceptable. The Toyway Polacanthus is a good sculpt, if a bit static. I also really like the Kaiyodo Sauropelta. But of course my favorite is the Imperial Palaeoscincus:

Wait, is there really no thread for ankylosaur toys in this section? That's a huge oversight! Here's a few:

Favorite Ankylosaurus, Schleich Saichania, Battat Euoplocephalus, CollectA Edmontonia

With some non-ankylosaurs: Yowie Minmi, Toyway Polacanthus, Sega Dinosaur King Pawpawsaurus, CollectA Hylaeosaurus, and of course the 2015 best figure winner Sauropelta.

Protocasts Hylaeosaurus, CollectA Gastonia, Kaiyodo Sauropelta

Starlux Scolosaurus

Imagination Generation Silvisaurus

Battat Edmontonia

Lots more out there, but I don't have pics of 'em...

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Ah yes, the majestic Imperial Palaeoscincus :)) The Larami Ankylosaurus is a good contender, too...

Yeah, I thought it was really sad that ankylosaurs didn't have their own thread! :'( Thank you for sharing your pics, Halichoeres!
Those in the second photo are still ankylosaurs, just not ankylosaurids  ;)

That CollectA Gastonia really is nice! Somehow I overlooked that one in my search earlier! <3


Quote from: Paleona on June 10, 2016, 02:11:31 AM
Ah yes, the majestic Imperial Palaeoscincus :)) The Larami Ankylosaurus is a good contender, too...

Yeah, I thought it was really sad that ankylosaurs didn't have their own thread! :'( Thank you for sharing your pics, Halichoeres!
Those in the second photo are still ankylosaurs, just not ankylosaurids  ;)

That CollectA Gastonia really is nice! Somehow I overlooked that one in my search earlier! <3

Oh, sorry, that was ambiguous! I meant that some of the other figures in the pictures were non-ankylosaurs (a couple ornithopods and a ceratopsian). Now that this thread exists, hopefully folks will contribute more photos!
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

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the replicasaurus had a good saichania i have bothe the blue and the dark brown ones!!!
check out MY NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!!Blueproduction dino action!!! Dont forget to subscribe for more stuff!!!!


Well, the blue one is not really a Saichania. It's a one of those chimeric creatures.
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


Quote from: Halichoeres on June 10, 2016, 03:31:16 AM
Oh, sorry, that was ambiguous! I meant that some of the other figures in the pictures were non-ankylosaurs (a couple ornithopods and a ceratopsian). Now that this thread exists, hopefully folks will contribute more photos!

Oh whoops, now I see what you meant! My mistake.  :)
I'll have to scrounge around sometime today, and see if I have any more to contribute~


Quote from: raptor64870 on June 10, 2016, 05:00:09 AM
the replicasaurus had a good saichania i have bothe the blue and the dark brown ones!!!

Personally, all of Schleich's Saichania are too inaccurate for me to consider them good Saichania.  I think Schleich has made six Saichania figures now?  Half of these look nothing like a Saichania for some reason.


Let's see:
Replica Saurus Saichania Version 1
Replica Saurus Saichania Version 2
World of History Saichania
Small Saichania Version 1
Small Saichania Version 2
Mini Saichania

Yes, six versions. Two of them are Chimeras, two are not very accurate and the Mini looks suspiciously like Bullyland's Anklyosaurus with the pose being similar to Papo's.
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


The mini (?) Schleich Saichania that's new for 2016 looks pretty decent to me :) At least from the stock photo; look how happy it is! <3


Actually that is the small Saichania.  Which confusingly also gets called the Mini Saichania....

I mean this one:

Which looks more like the Bullyland Ankylosaurus:
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


The Bullyland Ankylosaurus's face cracks me up... it looks... stoned. xD Those eyes are creepy with the whites showing!

Still, that's really weird that Schleich has soo many "Saichania".


Well, not really. Saichania was first introduced in the Replica Saurus line during the 90s. It was also one of the Dinosaurs chosen for the first small line, alongside several others. And it got updated with most of the other Replica Saurus. Then it got downscaled for the World of History line, like the others. Folling that, Schleich introduced Mini Versions of species also in that line, hence Saichania included. And of course the second generation of small Dinosaurs.  So it makes sense in context.
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


My collection includes the Carnegie ankylosaurus which I'm surprised no one brought up yet.
My four larger ones (and an imposter):

Three toob ankylosaurus and a Safari LTD authentics one:

Hopefully I'll have one more when I come back from Target today.
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Quote from: Paleona on June 10, 2016, 03:26:45 PM
The mini (?) Schleich Saichania that's new for 2016 looks pretty decent to me :) At least from the stock photo; look how happy it is! <3

Here's a video I found showing that Schleich Saichania:

Here's a page where Saichania fossil remains can be seen:

Out of all of the Schleich Saichania, I think this one is the only one with an accurate head.  Unfortunately the postcranial armour on the figure doesn't match up to the fossil.  The figure has only two pairs of neck osteoderms instead of three pairs, and the body osteoderms don't appear to be the right shape.  I considered getting it, as it looks nice enough unlike most of Schleich's prehistoric figures which are awful.  Once I noticed the lack of care to get the rest of its body right I lost interest in it though.


Galileo Hernandez 1:35 Euoplocephalus from Dan's Dinosaurs ...


Thanks for sharing, Pachyrhinosaurus and Postsaurischian! I forgot to mention the Carnegie before; you're right, it's really nice! Shame they're all retired now.  :'(
Glad to have a look at that video, too. (Man, that guy pronounces dinosaur names strangely) Even if it's not 100%, I still want that Saichania... it just has too much charm.

Nothing fabulous, but here's what I found from my childhood toys-

First, a demonic "Ankylosaurus" by Larami. It's seriously pointy and sharp. o_o

And the Micro Machines Euoplocephalus:


wow these are incredible!!!
check out MY NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!!Blueproduction dino action!!! Dont forget to subscribe for more stuff!!!!

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Does nobody else have the Carnegie Euplocephalus? I guess I'll have to upload a pic of mine.

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