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Boki's Collection: A short goodbye (until we meet again) 3/7/23

Started by Bokisaurus, January 12, 2018, 09:40:03 PM

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There is something you may be interested to know about that Szechuanosaurus model...the theropods on the box the model came in by Raul Martin are not Szechuanosaurus,but Yangchuanosaurus! :o
The dinosaur expo from that year did feature a skeleton of Szechuanosaurus though.
Don't you hate it when you legitimately compliment someone's mustache and she gets angry with you?


Quote from: John on May 02, 2018, 12:20:54 AM
There is something you may be interested to know about that Szechuanosaurus model's package...the theropods on the box the model came in by Raul Martin are not Szechuanosaurus,but Yangchuanosaurus! :o
The dinosaur expo from that year did feature a skeleton of Szechuanosaurus though.
Don't you hate it when you legitimately compliment someone's mustache and she gets angry with you?


Quote from: John on May 02, 2018, 12:20:54 AM
There is something you may be interested to know about that Szechuanosaurus model...the theropods on the box the model came in by Raul Martin are not Szechuanosaurus,but Yangchuanosaurus! :o
The dinosaur expo from that year did feature a skeleton of Szechuanosaurus though.

Hmmm, if that is true, that is one interesting fact about this figure then. Wonder what prompted the switch? Thanks for the info.


Ah, now we look at a pair of figures from Kaiyodo. These two are from the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum exhibit Dinosaurs in Yokohama back in 2012 . These figures are produced for the exhibit and were exclusive ( of course), I believe the show run from July to August back in 20012. It really is amazing that they can produce figures for an exhibit that only runs that short.
The star of the show were Fukuiraptor, a relative on Allosaurus, and the Iguanodon Fukuisaurus, both found in Japan.
The figures are sculpted by Araki Kazunari. The figures comes in beautifully designed boxes. These particular pair are the PVC version, there was also resin versions of the figures and they came with skull of the animal I believe.
Great little figures, well worth acquiring if you can find them at a reasonable price.

The Box Art

And more of the figures

As you can see, they are small figures ^-^
Okay, that's it for today. Tomorrow I will post the last batch from the group, so stay tune and thanks for looking, cheers! :))


What astonishment of the Japanese companies and that I admire them for it, is how they promote their national discoveries, in this case the fukuisaurus and fukuiraptor often repeat for example the Japanese scientific-toy companies a lot those dinosaurs a palpable example is Kaiyodo and another Favorite .

On the other hand, thanks for your great pictures and Bokisaurus acquisitions.


One thing is that those same models were also produced as skeletons too. But I think most of us are primarily interested in the life reconstructions


 :)  I love your thread, Boki. It's really entertaining. I hope you don't mind a few remarks .....

Quote from: Bokisaurus on April 30, 2018, 07:32:33 PM
Today, we will look at a set of Expo figures from Capcom, .......
....... They are resin in material and are small.
# of the figures, the Gigantoraptor, Edmontosaurus, and Guanlong are from the Expo called The Miracle of Desert 2009.
I'm not sure about the rest though since there are not that much english text to go by.

All six figures are from the Dinosaur Expo "The Miracle of Deserts" 2009. You have the original releases of Gigantoraptor, Edmontosaurus, and Guanlong. The other three are re-releases with different box art designs. I have seen three different box art designs for Guanlong so far, which means that there were at least two re-release waves.

Quote from: Bokisaurus on May 02, 2018, 07:23:39 PM
Ah, now we look at a pair of figures from Kaiyodo. These two are from the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum exhibit Dinosaurs in Yokohama back in 2012 . These figures are produced for the exhibit and were exclusive ( of course), I believe the show run from July to August back in 20012. It really is amazing that they can produce figures for an exhibit that only runs that short.
The star of the show were Fukuiraptor, a relative on Allosaurus, and the Iguanodon Fukuisaurus, both found in Japan.
The figures are sculpted by Araki Kazunari. The figures comes in beautifully designed boxes. These particular pair are the PVC version, there was also resin versions of the figures and they came with skull of the animal I believe.

These two models (and their skeletons) are from the Dinosaur Expo 2007 and they're made of (very fragile) resin. I guess you confused them with the two figures also made for the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum by Favorite in 2015, which are made of PVC and came with skulls.


Thanks everyone and thanks for all the added info, I am making sure that  I am now writing this all down and putting it with the figures before they all go back to storage for future reference ;D
I was bad at cataloguing my collection, so I don't have much info for many of the figures I have. I am not paying the price for that as I go through my collection and sorting them out ;D


Okay, it's Thursday, that means the last of the series post for the week. Today, we look at another set of figures, also from Japan ( I promise, I will take a break from Japanese figures next week! ;D)
No, this trio of figures is another one that I really don't have much info about them, I don't even know who made/release them.
All I know is that the figures are from the exhibit called Dinosaurs of Godwana, is it another expo type of thing? I tried to research it, but nothing came up that would lead me to additional info.
Anyway, these figures are all small. They are between stylized and cartoony in how they are sculpted and look. I believe they were released almost 10 years ago, back in 2009.
If I am not mistaken, I think there is only 3 species in the set, they re the Nigersaurus, Mapusaurus, and Cryolophosaurus.
When I first heard about the figures years ago, I was curious about the Nigersaurus as I was very much fascinated by this odd sauropod.
I tried searching for them, but alas, they are almost mythical in their existence! It was hard to find a source, and if they did pop up, they commanded high price.

The figures are small, and like many Japanese figures, they are mini 3D puzzle, so you have to put those pieces together.

I really just wanted the nigersaurus, and I got so close to getting one from another member, but the deal fell through at the last minute when someone else offered a higher price for the figure :(
As a consolation, I got the boxed Mapusaurus. I pretty much gave up on this set as they have proven really hard to find, let alone afford.
Ironically, the second figure from the set, the Cryolophus, was the second figure I got. I was not even aware it was the same figure from the set, I though at first it was a Yujin or one of those brand.

Box for the maps, it is the only one I have that has it's original box. I'm not sure what the other two figures box looks like.

I have forgotten about these figures for years. When I was going through a bin of figures, I cam across them once again. I did a quick search for the missing sauropod, but nothing turned up.
Then just recently, I happen to check out Halichoeres trade/sell thread, and there, hidden under the spoiler was the figure I have been searching for for a long time!
So I sent him a PM and asked if he still has the figure. I must have been good, since my luck was about to change. As luck has it, he still has the figure with him and we agreed on a price.
Well, so after all the years of searching, I finally have the little Nigersaurus I have been wanting all these years! ;D
For some reason, I really like this figure. He is not big like the CollectA figure, or more accurate like the Safari, but he sure does have a charm. He looks like a happy little puppy ;D

That you again Halichoeres for the opportunity of owning this figure :D
Hope you enjoyed the post this week. Next week I think we shall look at something British ;D
Have a great week, cheers!


With unbroken interest I keep on following your thread.  Always exciting, always something interesting!


Hah Wat to go Boki! 
I always loved your collection especially the amount of color it has and dino variations, keep 'em coming bud 8)


I only vaguely remember that gondwana series. Never got any, or even remember seeing them.

Glad you were able to complete your collection!


In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

My attempt to find the best toy of every species

My trade/sale/wishlist thread

Sometimes I draw pictures


Quote from: Bokisaurus on May 01, 2018, 07:47:04 PM
Quote from: stegosauria on April 30, 2018, 10:41:24 PM
Quote from: Bokisaurus on April 23, 2018, 06:43:55 PM

Hi there,
Not sure if there is a difference between ordering directly from the artist of via Likaon. I have always ordered directly from Joan himself.
He is an architect by trade a nd  his model making is a sideline that he does when he has the time, so that explains the very limited production of his figures and early retirement of many of them. Plus, it's a one man production ;)
As for the okapis
From left to right, KMI vinyl figures, Bullyland, CollectA,
schleich, Papa, and the two last ones to the right is the Safari ones. Baby is by Schleich I think.
Cheers! :)

On Likaon site a painted Sivatherium costs 135$. I don't know if this contains shipping but I'd be curious about the difference if there was any for you. Thanks for the infos about the okapis. Now I'm sorry earlier didn't bought any okapi figure. I don't collect extant animals because to collect prehistoric figures is enough considering space and money. But I could take an exception about okapis. Now it will be hard to get any of them.

Your collection is beautiful and really diverse. I like the Stegosaurus and the Iguanodon which you showed last week. But this CapCom figures are stunning too.

Hi Stegosauria,
Thanks for the compliment. I looked at the price of the figure, looks like there is no difference in the cost between direct front the Artist or web. Shipping is separate and not included in the price unfortunately, so it will vary depending on where it is sent.
Yes, love Okapis! I think a few of these are still available. The CollectA and the Bullyland, and even the Schleich I think are still around. Of them, the CollectA may be the easiest to fine. Cheers!

Hi Bokisaurus,
Thanks for your answer. I'm a little sad that now I can't afford this figure but I think I'll save some for later. Maybe he will do another Sivatherium figure later. I see on Likaon that he made two models of the same species in more ocassions.
I found Safari and CollectA okapi figures on so I think I will order them from there. Now I just find the Bullyland okapi figure in a Hungarian toystore's website and Schleich figures are usually not the rarest thing. So yeah I have some chance to catch up with them.

The Dinosaurs of Gondwana figures are really nice (I contemplated them from Halichoeres' trade list too). Will you review them?


Thanks everyone ^-^
@ Tylo - glad you are enjoying the rainbow of dinosaur figures ;D Stay tuned, there are a lot more coming the next few months as I continue to go through my collection.

@ Libra - Thanks buddy, glad the collection still has it's magic ;D

@ Sbell, Yeah, for some reason this Gondwana series were not well know and you blink and you miss them. They must have been low key, I can't even find any info about them on the net ;)

@ Halichoeres - I will take good care of him, thank you again.

@ Stegosauria - thanks, don't worry, you should be able to find the okapi's. Yeah, the Sivatherium was a bit expensive, but it was worth it for me since its an animal I really like and wanted a figure for sooooo long ^-^ Good thing there are no new figures out yet that I am dying to get since it set me back a few dollars and ate up my budget :))


Well, this will be a quick post since I had some time and while I have the photos of these figures handy.
As you all know, I am not a big fan of Schleich. It's mostly for personal reasons, but here was once a time that I like them a lot.
When their 2018 was announced, I was glad to see some interesting species to the mix of the predictable ones. SO, despite my reservations, I got this trio of figures, these guys are unique enough and cool enough for me to justify getting them ;D
This will be my only Schleich purchase, but I am glad I got them since I really like two of them a lot.
So first up is the Oviraptor. At first I was not sure about this figure, but sight the lack of good ova figures, I decided to go ahead and get this. And I am glad I did. It really is nicely sculpted.
The big downfall, and I am not sure why Schleich chose to do so, is the unfinished look of the figure due to having such minimal paint on it. Seriously, the gray color looks like the raw rubber material before it was painted.
The food guy only have some blue streak on it's back and red on it's mouth as colors, so sad and a wasted opportunity.

When I took a photo of it, the beak almost disappeared due to the black background. So I decided to color the beak a  bit, but as I was doing so I was noticing some really beautiful details that were lost by the gray color. So I decided to go ahead and repaint the entire thing since it really needed it. It was simply a nice sculpt to leave it as is.
I decided to stick with the original blue color since I like it a lot. Here are some before and after photos.

He dressed up nicely I think ^-^ And here he is with his prom date the Safari Anzu ;D

As you can see, coloring it and doing dry brushing really brings out the nice details on the feathers. In fact, I like the feathering on this guy more than the Safari Anzu. To me, the Anzu's back feathers looks more like scales from a distance than feathers.
They do make a nice pair yes? ;)
With some of the Ovis

Dinogorgon is the second winner. I love this little guys! He will look nice next to the rest of the group.

Well, there you go. Worth getting these guys despite being bland in colors. For those of you who are good at repainting, these guys would be such good candidates.

Tawa is the weakest of the group mostly due to it's oversized feet. I can live with the shrink wrapping, but those feet really ruins the figure for me. Still, a nice obscure species at least.



Very nice repaint of the Oviraptor. Yes, that one and Safari Anzu make a good couple indeed.


Honestly with the new repainting of the oviraptor of Schleich on the part of Boki makes that figure more outstanding. On the other hand both the dinogorgon and the oviraptor and let alone the psittacosaurus of the Schleich 2018 brand are my favorite figures this year, apart from the adult and juvenile tyrannosaurus and the triceratops.


Thanks guys, I had fun painting the oviraptor a lot, makes me miss my repainting days ;D

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