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Eofauna figures questionnaire (Collector wishes)

Started by Eofauna, April 09, 2019, 10:23:19 AM

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Syndicate Bias

I'm hoping they tackle a Carcharodontosaurus so we get a good mass produced one. I kinda spent most of my dino Budget this year between resin kits and PNSO but I'm still buying a second Eofauna Giganotosaurus anyways lolol.

Can never have too many Gigas!


Honestly, Theropods and Sauropods wasn't as hard as I thought it would be:

I listed Deinocherius (I'm a sucker for this animal), Utahraptor (A nice updated one would be very good, I think), Majungasaurus, Ceratosaurus (It always feels like an animal that most companies do with minimal effort), Torvosaurus (If Safari or Collecta releases one soon, I would switch that to Yangchuanosaurus) for theropods. For Sauropods, I listed Shunosaurus (Name a good one that is readily available and isn't Safari's), Jobaria (Limited to just Collecta), Argentinosaurus, Rapetosaurus, and Alamosaurus.

Ornithischians was far more tricky because there are so many possible options there and most prehistoric elephants have a decent one, but could absolutely use a better one.

I listed Edmontonia, Torosaurus, Tenontosaurus, Ouranosaurus, Maisaura for Ornithischians and Columbian Mammoth, Platybelodon, Stegodon, Phimonia, Moeritherium for Proboscideans. Wanted a mix of creatures with no figures, few figures or meh figures here. I added a Paraceratherium, a Livyatan, and a Lisowicia for the additional creatures. I doubt those ones will be done, but I wanted to suggest some fun creatures for this.


Quote from: TaranUlas on April 10, 2019, 06:02:44 AM
Honestly, Theropods and Sauropods wasn't as hard as I thought it would be:

I listed Deinocherius (I'm a sucker for this animal), Utahraptor (A nice updated one would be very good, I think), Majungasaurus, Ceratosaurus (It always feels like an animal that most companies do with minimal effort), Torvosaurus (If Safari or Collecta releases one soon, I would switch that to Yangchuanosaurus) for theropods. For Sauropods, I listed Shunosaurus (Name a good one that is readily available and isn't Safari's), Jobaria (Limited to just Collecta), Argentinosaurus, Rapetosaurus, and Alamosaurus.

Ornithischians was far more tricky because there are so many possible options there and most prehistoric elephants have a decent one, but could absolutely use a better one.

I listed Edmontonia, Torosaurus, Tenontosaurus, Ouranosaurus, Maisaura for Ornithischians and Columbian Mammoth, Platybelodon, Stegodon, Phimonia, Moeritherium for Proboscideans. Wanted a mix of creatures with no figures, few figures or meh figures here. I added a Paraceratherium, a Livyatan, and a Lisowicia for the additional creatures. I doubt those ones will be done, but I wanted to suggest some fun creatures for this.

This post is full of good ideas. I also requested Riojasaurus, even though it isn't a true sauropod. The market needs basal sauropodomorphs more than it needs more titanosaurs, IMHO. Of course, I'd buy the heck out of some new titanosaurs too.
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^I asked for two sauropodmorphs b/c they just never get figures, dammit! I picked Riojasaurus and yunnanosaurus.

I listed a combination of some of my faves(carnotaurus, chasmosaurus, Colombian mammoth, thylacosmilus) with choices that dont have decent figures yet(megalosaurus, huayangosaurus, lambeosaurus, cave lion.)


I went with Tyrannosaurus rex as my top theropod pick, naturally. Guaranteed to be a seller!  :)

Among my other picks were Giraffatitan, Torosaurus, Zuul, Shantungosaurus, Platybelodon, Arctotherium, Megatherium, and Gigantopithecus.

Pterosaurs and sea reptiles would certainly be nifty too!
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


Eofauna, thanks gor the questionnaire. It is very much appreciated.
What I voted for is:
1. Deinonychus,
2. Megalosaurus,
3. Daspletosaurus,
4. Yangchuanosaurus,
5. Tarbosaurus
1. Huanghetitan,
2. Agustinia,
3. Sauroposeidon,
4. Alamosaurus,
5. Plateosaurus
For proboscideans, I am not an expert at all, but whatever they will produce will be really good
1. Platybelodon
2. Tetralophodon,
3. Stegodon,
4. Moeritherium
1. Heterodontosaurus,
2. Ouranosaurus,
3. Maiasaura,
4. Shantungosaurus,
5. Lambeosaurus
And finally for the last part, I would like to have any kind of feline different from the Smilodon:
1. Homotherium,
2. Megantereon,
3. Thylascosmilus
4. Moschops,
5. Paraceratherium,
Let's see what they come up with!


Lots of votes for Heterodontosaurus, that's encouraging to see.

Seems I was the only one who voted Argentavis or Andalgalornis, though not surprising, big theropods generally take the spotlight.

Syndicate Bias

I actually would prefer and Argentavis only because of how annoying they are in Ark lol



Are my top picks

Other species I suggested modern birds like Hawks, Eagles, Condors, and Owls
My customized CollectA feathered T-Rex

Smilodon P.

My list:

Theropods: Utahraptor, Sinosauropteryx, Majungasaurus, Alioramus, Irritator

Sauropods: Shunosaurus, Nigersaurus, Agustinia, Jobaria, Europasaurus

Ornithischians: Tianyulong, Edmontosaurus Regalis, Borealopelta, Stegoceras, Miragaia

Proboscideans: Moeritherium, Platybelodon, Deinotherium, Mastodon, Stegodon

Others: Unaysaurus, Pakicetus, Ambulocetus, Dorudon, Lyviatan


I'm honestly not all that familiar with prehistoric Proboscideans. Or rather what falls within that. Of the elephant looking like creatures though, other then mammoths, I do adore the American Mastodon, and I think Gomphotherium and Deinotherium are pretty interesting looking. Though that's still three.

With theropods, hmm, anything goes right? I think Utahraptor is overdue for a new figure now, because of all the findings, etc. Edit: Dakotaraptor and Zhenyuanlong are also ripe for the picking for dromaeosaurids. Majungasaurus is an interesting abelisaurid that is also lacking in representation (as much as I love Carnotaurus, it's time to give another abelisaurid the spotlight for once). Concavenator is one I'd like to see, in part thanks to Fallen Kingdom. Yutyrannus would be another one I'd like to see (I do love the Safari Ltd figure, but it's like the only accurate figure of this genus that I'm aware of, though a bit on the small side), if not Guanlong. Deinocheirus or Anchiornis for my fifth choice.

Oh boy, Ornithischians. There are really so many potential fantastic choices here that this will be hard. Obviously Borealopelta and/or Zuul and/or Liaoningosaurus. Regaliceratops is probably my new go to ceratopsian, and while there are some good figures of it, it wouldn't hurt to have another, though Spiclypeus is another decent recent one. I'm going to say Tianyulong or Heterodontosaurus for third. Shantungasaurus, or basically any hadrosaurid (Corythosaurus, Lambeosaurus, etc) that isn't Parasaurolophus (even though I also love this one, again others need the spotlight for once) at this point for fourth. Kulindadromeus is my fifth choice (if not another stegosaurid that isn't Stegosaurus).

For sauropods, hard for me to pick five. I'd love to see Dreadnoughtus done (or any of the large titanosaurs), Amargasaurus, Brontosaurus, Diplodocus, Giraffatitan, Argentinosaurus or Patagotitan. Mamenchisaurus would be another. Don't know if this one would count, but I want that one that lived with Cryolophosaurus (Glacialisaurus).

I'd also be all for Permian or pretty much any Paleozoic creature being represented that isn't Dimetrodon or Dunkleosteus at this point. Tiktaalik probably the most in particular.

I'm going to need to come up with more elephant creatures, and round out those others before filling this survey out.
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I just want to see Eofauna tackle a platybelodon.

darth daniel

I´m mostly interested in sauropods and would choose Euhelopus, Turiasaurus, Mamenchisaurus, Rapetosaurus and Plateosaurus. When asking google for pictures of Turiasaurus, among the first results is a picture marked with the eofauna logo...

I´d also love to see some basal members of sauropoda represented in toy form, for example Antetonitrus, Ingentia, Pulanesaura, Isanosaurus, Vulcanodon, Barapasaurus, Patagosaurus, ...

Besides sauropods, some "classic" hadrosaurs like Lambeosaurus and Corythosaurus would be appreciated.


I think there's actually a pretty big downside risk for EoFauna to making a T. rex. It's the most intensively studied prehistoric animal, and lots of people have really strong opinions on what it looked like, opinions that vary in how defensible they are, but strongly held nevertheless. Did it have feathers, and if so, to what extent? Did it have lips, and if so, to what extent? (I want to make clear that I don't care about these arguments and I'm not trying to start a discussion about them. Save your breath.) The point is that I think a lot of people will be happier with the version they're dreaming EoFauna will make than they would be with whatever version EoFauna might eventually make. You don't have nearly the same entrenched factions with other, less overdone species.
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

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Quote from: Halichoeres on April 12, 2019, 04:48:37 PM
I think there's actually a pretty big downside risk for EoFauna to making a T. rex. It's the most intensively studied prehistoric animal, and lots of people have really strong opinions on what it looked like, opinions that vary in how defensible they are, but strongly held nevertheless. Did it have feathers, and if so, to what extent? Did it have lips, and if so, to what extent? (I want to make clear that I don't care about these arguments and I'm not trying to start a discussion about them. Save your breath.) The point is that I think a lot of people will be happier with the version they're dreaming EoFauna will make than they would be with whatever version EoFauna might eventually make. You don't have nearly the same entrenched factions with other, less overdone species.

As Thomas Holtz is fond of saying, "100% of paleoart is wrong; it's just a matter of to what degree." There are lots of people who still believe dromaeosaurs were featherless, and even lots who insist that the featherless restorations are superior to the feathered ones, but that doesn't mean that companies should stop producing feathered dromaeosaurs. Heck, a lot of the ones that have already been produced are still inaccurate in some way, yet they still help get the truth out a little bit more.

I'm sure that some people may not end up liking what an Eofauna T. rex turns out to be, but I just don't follow how that would be grounds for them to not do one at all. Bottom line: it would absolutely sell well regardless.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


I would like a decent Megalodon shark model to go with all the teeth I have on display.


I would like a Tyrannosaurus for sure, indeed, I did vote for it.However, I'd rather see some species that are very overdue of doing, such as Deinonychus, Utahraptor...

I think that a T.rex from them quite would be something (the Giganotosaurus is such a beauty), I think it potentially could be the best model of the species and that would be interesting.It would be a fantastic seller without a doubt though, but probably any dinosaur they release will be a good seller.


Quote from: Concavenator on April 12, 2019, 07:43:01 PM
I would like a Tyrannosaurus for sure, indeed, I did vote for it.However, I'd rather see some species that are very overdue of doing, such as Deinonychus, Utahraptor...

I think that a T.rex from them quite would be something (the Giganotosaurus is such a beauty), I think it potentially could be the best model of the species and that would be interesting.It would be a fantastic seller without a doubt though, but probably any dinosaur they release will be a good seller.

Agreed. Eofauna's first three products proved that they're a top notch company. Be it a T. rex or a Scelidosaurus or a Meiolania or a Machairodus, their next one will surely be superb.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


Eofaunas models remind me of the Invictas when they first came out when I was a kid, they were simple, well made, and as accurate as they could be, I think whatever they do they will do it to their best.


I think of them in a certain way as Carnegie's and Battat's succesor.They do have all the good qualities from both.When I saw the Giga, I thought: "That's like a Battat figure taken to a new level".

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